General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: Julia1996 on March 28, 2018, 10:33:15 PM Return to Full Version

Title: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Julia1996 on March 28, 2018, 10:33:15 PM
I really have to wonder what is going on with people being crazy nuts! Tristan came home from his shift tonight with his forearm bandaged. He had answered a call about a woman having chest pains and and she was laying on her couch. When Tristan started an IV on her she said that it had really hurt, called him a few curse words and took a letter opener that was on her side table and cut his arm with it!!! I don't mean she scratched him with it. She CUT him with it! He got 3 stitches! WTF??????? I asked him if she was crazy or mentally unbalanced and he said she hadn't seemed that way at all. He said she had seemed like a nice older lady that could have been someone's grandmother. Tristan was laughing about it when he was telling us about it. But I'm not laughing. Just a couple of months ago when my dad arrested a guy for beating the crap out of his wife the wife punched my dad in the mouth because he had aressted the guy!!!  WTF??  What's up with people being violent towards people who are trying to help them? It's just insane! I always worry about my dad when he's working and I guess I have to worry about Tristan too. Being a cop is a dangerous job but I hadn't thought being a paramedic was especially dangerous but apparently it can be as well. Ugh!! People just suck!
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Natsuki Kuga on March 28, 2018, 10:48:26 PM
Late March through late May, people get nutty. More erratic, more anxious, depressed, violent. Go figure. Spring Fever.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Cassi on March 28, 2018, 10:54:30 PM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 28, 2018, 10:33:15 PM
I really have to wonder what is going on with people being crazy nuts! Tristan came home from his shift tonight with his forearm bandaged. He had answered a call about a woman having chest pains and and she was laying on her couch. When Tristan started an IV on her she said that it had really hurt, called him a few curse words and took a letter opener that was on her side table and cut his arm with it!!! I don't mean she scratched him with it. She CUT him with it! He got 3 stitches! WTF??????? I asked him if she was crazy or mentally unbalanced and he said she hadn't seemed that way at all. He said she had seemed like a nice older lady that could have been someone's grandmother. Tristan was laughing about it when he was telling us about it. But I'm not laughing. Just a couple of months ago when my dad arrested a guy for beating the crap out of his wife the wife punched my dad in the mouth because he had aressted the guy!!!  WTF??  What's up with people being violent towards people who are trying to help them? It's just insane! I always worry about my dad when he's working and I guess I have to worry about Tristan too. Being a cop is a dangerous job but I hadn't thought being a paramedic was especially dangerous but apparently it can be as well. Ugh!! People just suck!

Almost a full moon, some loonies like to get a head start :)
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: V M on March 28, 2018, 11:04:07 PM
Definitely some of my neighbors have and always will be nuts but I've pretty much always considered most of the world to be
bat stuff crazy, and yeah we are on approach to a full moon and maybe there actually is something to this whole
"March Madness" thing  :icon_crazy:     
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Lady Sarah on March 28, 2018, 11:05:14 PM
Just wait until the summer heat. When the sun fries people's brains, they get relatively short fuses. Most of the road rage I have seen occurs during summer. It's especially bad when we get temperatures of over 100 for more than 30 days in a row.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Corrina on March 28, 2018, 11:18:38 PM
They are losing it more and more, day by day for reasons unknown. Bad drugs good drugs who knows. That's why I left California so I could come back to a small just as crazy community in Colorado. Just less people! But every bit as nutty!
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: ChrissyRyan on March 28, 2018, 11:21:41 PM
Quote from: Cassi on March 28, 2018, 10:54:30 PM
Almost a full moon, some loonies like to get a head start :)

Very strange behavior! 

Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Ryuichi13 on March 28, 2018, 11:50:41 PM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 28, 2018, 10:33:15 PM
I really have to wonder what is going on with people being crazy nuts! Tristan came home from his shift tonight with his forearm bandaged. He had answered a call about a woman having chest pains and and she was laying on her couch. When Tristan started an IV on her she said that it had really hurt, called him a few curse words and took a letter opener that was on her side table and cut his arm with it!!! I don't mean she scratched him with it. She CUT him with it! He got 3 stitches! WTF??????? I asked him if she was crazy or mentally unbalanced and he said she hadn't seemed that way at all. He said she had seemed like a nice older lady that could have been someone's grandmother. Tristan was laughing about it when he was telling us about it. But I'm not laughing. Just a couple of months ago when my dad arrested a guy for beating the crap out of his wife the wife punched my dad in the mouth because he had aressted the guy!!!  WTF??  What's up with people being violent towards people who are trying to help them? It's just insane! I always worry about my dad when he's working and I guess I have to worry about Tristan too. Being a cop is a dangerous job but I hadn't thought being a paramedic was especially dangerous but apparently it can be as well. Ugh!! People just suck!

As a (disabled) Paramedic myself, I can assure you, people CAN suck!  Especially when they'e sick or hurting!  But you take it all in stride.  I just need to remember that "I'm seeing this person on what could be their worst day." 

Laughing it off, Tristan has a great way of dealing with it, but I also hope that he got a tetanus shot and blood work to make sure she didn't give him any nasty diseases or anything.  Maybe even a penicillin shot as well.

Both cops and EMS workers all know that domestics are the most dangerous kinds of calls we go on.  If people that love each other are willing to hurt one another, what do you think they'll do to a perfect stranger?  Getting angry can only make the situation worse, but Tristan's got to be careful as well.  EMS workers CAN and DO get seriously hurt while on calls, if they're not careful!

Don't worry, chances are, she's going to have assault charges levied against her.  Hopefully she'll learn from that!

Good luck Tristan, and hello fellow Paramedic! (^_^)/

Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Julia1996 on March 29, 2018, 03:18:44 AM
Quote from: Ryuichi13 on March 28, 2018, 11:50:41 PM
As a (disabled) Paramedic myself, I can assure you, people CAN suck!  Especially when they'e sick or hurting!  But you take it all in stride.  I just need to remember that "I'm seeing this person on what could be their worst day." 

Laughing it off, Tristan has a great way of dealing with it, but I also hope that he got a tetanus shot and blood work to make sure she didn't give him any nasty diseases or anything.  Maybe even a penicillin shot as well.

Both cops and EMS workers all know that domestics are the most dangerous kinds of calls we go on.  If people that love each other are willing to hurt one another, what do you think they'll do to a perfect stranger?  Getting angry can only make the situation worse, but Tristan's got to be careful as well.  EMS workers CAN and DO get seriously hurt while on calls, if they're not careful!

Don't worry, chances are, she's going to have assault charges levied against her.  Hopefully she'll learn from that!

Good luck Tristan, and hello fellow Paramedic! (^_^)/


He was treated at the hospital so Im sure they gave him shots and everything. I hadn't really thought about Tristan's job being dangerous but thinking about it now I totally see how it can be. Sigh...between Tristan and my dad they would give me Grey hair if it wasn't already white! Sigh.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Cassi on March 29, 2018, 12:07:01 PM
Quote from: Julia1996 on March 29, 2018, 03:18:44 AM
He was treated at the hospital so Im sure they gave him shots and everything. I hadn't really thought about Tristan's job being dangerous but thinking about it now I totally see how it can be. Sigh...between Tristan and my dad they would give me Grey hair if it wasn't already white! Sigh.

All jobs pose an element of risk!
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Ryuichi13 on March 29, 2018, 08:11:45 PM
True.  For example, a cubicle side could fall on an office worker, or someone could shoot you while you try to park in the parking lot at your job.

Crazy is out there. (^_^);

Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Cassi on March 29, 2018, 08:15:47 PM
Quote from: Ryuichi13 on March 29, 2018, 08:11:45 PM
True.  For example, a cubicle side could fall on an office worker, or someone could shoot you while you try to park in the parking lot at your job.

Crazy is out there. (^_^);


What goes up must come down, right? What goes up: A bullet fired from a Kalashnikov rifle leaves the muzzle traveling faster than 1,500 miles (2414 kilometers) per hour. What comes down: If that bullet is shot straight into the air it would be traveling at about 150 miles per hour (241.4 kilometers per hour) as it falls to the ground -- you can thank air resistance for slowing it down -- and would hit the ground, or your head, with the same amount of energy as if you were struck by a brick (or an anvil) falling from about 4 feet (1.2 meters) above you [source: Matthews]. Bullets falling at 68 mph (109.4 kilometers per hour) easily penetrate the skin, and those that are traveling at least 136 mph (218.9 kilometers per hour) may penetrate bones, as well as cause internal injuries or death [source: Maugh]. The likelihood you'll suffer an accidental injury from a firearm discharge in your lifetime? Just shy of 1 out of 6,000 [source: National Center for Health Statistics].

Dodging bullets shouldn't be your only concern, though. Circumstances such as being struck by lightning (your odds are about 1 in 10,000 in a lifetime), being struck by a meteorite (those lifetime odds are about 1 in 700,000) and being injured by a vending machine (you may be surprised, but vending machines get about two or three of us every year) are also examples of freak accidents, as are events such as Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters [sources: NOAA, Plait]. Do you know your odds of being injured or killed at an amusement park? We do, and we'll roll out the numbers next, along with how the pros calculate those odds.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Lady Sarah on March 29, 2018, 08:21:00 PM
QuoteIf people that love each other are willing to hurt one another, what do you think they'll do to a perfect stranger?

I heard cops say the exact same thing when I was doing grand jury duty. So many times, they'll get called to a domestic dispute, just to have the apparent victim stab the responding officers with a kitchen knife, or worse. It's a mad mad mad mad world.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: V M on March 29, 2018, 08:32:59 PM
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Kylo on March 30, 2018, 08:25:04 AM
That reminds me. I was in for surgery three weeks ago and there was a male nurse there to take my drains out after. Lovely bloke, but I detected he was a bit nervous about doing it. I asked him why he was so nervous taking them out because it felt like nothing... and he said some patients literally flip and start screaming and attacking and having tantrums and it can end up taking half an hour (where it took ten seconds with me) and with blood going everywhere. I honestly don't envy him in that job.

Being a nurse or a doctor or a surgeon when meeting patients seems to be as much about keeping them at ease with the things you say and distracting them from IVs and drains and whatever else than the job you have to do. They loved me because I was cool as a cucumber through everything and I ended up telling them they had nothing to worry about with me. I can only imagine what sorts of patients they must get at other times.

I saw this vid on YT, an educational film for cops called "Surviving Edged Weapons"... yeah, I see now why cops can be cagey around arresting anyone and where the suspect has their hands at all times. Some of the real life anecdotes on there are gnarly.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Julia1996 on March 30, 2018, 09:18:28 AM
My dad said traffic stops are the most nerve wrecking. A cop never knows when someone might blow him away as he approaches the car. My dad has used his tazer before and his pepper spray but thankfully he's never had to shoot anyone or pull his gun.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Allison S on March 30, 2018, 09:48:35 AM
I called EMS, well 911, back in December when everything was really overwhelming for me to the I collapsed and was an anxious mess...I got called ma'am on the phone and felt kinda better lol they came and they were so confused they thought I was a female. Then they like didn't do anything and just told me I was probably dehydrated and to drink gatorade... I told them I'm on estradiol and spiro and if they're sure "it's not a blood clot?". They asked what those meds are for, and I told them I'm transitioning. They looked like they couldn't wait to get out of there any faster..

Sorry not related but just letting you know the other side of a very different situation. I think it's crazy she would stab him when he's trying to help her... I felt so desperate for any kind of help, it was sad.

Oh and I got blood work a month later with my doctor and luckily everything came back ok...

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Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Julia1996 on March 30, 2018, 10:04:38 AM
I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know about EMS workers but I know that the police were actually given a lecture on how to properly treat trans people. And because pretty much everyone knows my dad has a trans child a couple of other cops have asked him about how to gender trans people, etc. But unfortunately there are still ignorant people in all professions. Now Im wondering about what if any training EMS workers have regarding the treatment of trans people. I'll ask Tristan about that.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Allison S on March 30, 2018, 10:30:39 AM
Good idea! They really seemed under prepared. I know EMS have to deal with alot though and training isn't always available..

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: November Fox on April 05, 2018, 09:52:46 PM
There is no such thing as a clear dividing line between the "nuts" and the "healthy". Depending on the circumstances in your life, you could be in a position where you're not thinking clearly, or hostile, or breaking down in tears in the middle of the road.

I'm not saying that's an excuse for violent behavior. It never is. But people are complex creatures with complex minds - to cast yourself as someone who "couldn't possibly be like that" is wishful thinking. You don't know that. You haven't lived their lives.

I do not say this lightly - I have thirty years of experience with "crazy" and first hand experience with violent assault. I just wish more people would understand this. Then maybe it would be easier to have some sympathy for those who have "lost it". Even if it translates as pity.

You don't have to do that, of course. But sometimes it can be helpful not to think along the lines of "us and them" but think along the lines of human beings.
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Artesia on April 06, 2018, 09:12:28 AM
There is one person in this world that scares the crap out of me....and she's 104 years old, 4 foot 3 inches tall, and maybe 98 pounds.  She owned a bar, and did her own bouncing.  She has been known to lash out at people at the nursing home, and has even managed to puncture skin on the target, left several bruises on one person, and broke one persons finger.  She is very opinionated.  I want to let her loose in our governments buildings, including the white house.

She is entertaining to watch on the full moon, when she is at
Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Gertrude on April 06, 2018, 07:48:30 PM
Domestic violence calls can be the worst. What people don't realize is that it takes two and the person that's getting the beating is often as whacky as the per person giving it. It's twisted, but victims of it are often put on a pedestal as the victim. It's much more complicated than that. Cops should go in pairs on those calls.

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Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: Gertrude on April 06, 2018, 07:57:41 PM
Quote from: Cassi on March 29, 2018, 08:15:47 PM
What goes up must come down, right? What goes up: A bullet fired from a Kalashnikov rifle leaves the muzzle traveling faster than 1,500 miles (2414 kilometers) per hour. What comes down: If that bullet is shot straight into the air it would be traveling at about 150 miles per hour (241.4 kilometers per hour) as it falls to the ground -- you can thank air resistance for slowing it down -- and would hit the ground, or your head, with the same amount of energy as if you were struck by a brick (or an anvil) falling from about 4 feet (1.2 meters) above you [source: Matthews]. Bullets falling at 68 mph (109.4 kilometers per hour) easily penetrate the skin, and those that are traveling at least 136 mph (218.9 kilometers per hour) may penetrate bones, as well as cause internal injuries or death [source: Maugh]. The likelihood you'll suffer an accidental injury from a firearm discharge in your lifetime? Just shy of 1 out of 6,000 [source: National Center for Health Statistics].

Dodging bullets shouldn't be your only concern, though. Circumstances such as being struck by lightning (your odds are about 1 in 10,000 in a lifetime), being struck by a meteorite (those lifetime odds are about 1 in 700,000) and being injured by a vending machine (you may be surprised, but vending machines get about two or three of us every year) are also examples of freak accidents, as are events such as Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters [sources: NOAA, Plait]. Do you know your odds of being injured or killed at an amusement park? We do, and we'll roll out the numbers next, along with how the pros calculate those odds.
In order to penetrate the skin completely, a projectile must be traveling 230 feet per second. That's roughly 157 miles per hour. The standard unit for bullet velocity in the US is feet per second. Elsewhere its meters per second. Feet is a smaller subdivision than meters or miles, so it's more precise without having to us decimal points.

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Title: Re: There is a total epidemic of crazy goung around!
Post by: V M on April 06, 2018, 10:22:23 PM
Mama always said, "Crazy is as crazy does" LOL