Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: SforaNymph on April 15, 2018, 03:32:23 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Gender Dysphoria Vs Body Image Disorder
Post by: SforaNymph on April 15, 2018, 03:32:23 PM
Hello Everyone,

So I wanted to ask and share something I've notice I been doing, and wondering if anyone of you have gone through the same thing, or is currently going through it. So when it comes to my body the only thing that truly bothers me is my nose cause to me it looks so masculine, and big, compared to females nose. Over the time before transitioning to now I have been becoming more depressed over it, and getting very OCD about scrubbing my face, putting on tons of different skin creams to get rid of flaws, and fine lines, as well as obsessing over nose surgery, and wanting to be model thin. I guess the reason for all of this is because I grew up in a home were beauty was a standard, and all my role models were female celebrities that were beautiful beyond anyone else. I have notice that when this kicks in so does my gender dysphoria, but my doctor tells me its not that but body image disorder that many trans girls face, and what not. I guess I am trying to find answers, and to see if anyone else has experience this sort of thing, because I fear that if this keeps up I am going to do more harm than good to my body on the outside, and the inside. Sorry for the rambling on here.


Transitioning now for a little over 2 years and has had two surgeries total.