Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: Jailyn on April 18, 2018, 03:20:04 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Happy transition news!!!
Post by: Jailyn on April 18, 2018, 03:20:04 AM
After debating and wrangling the strength, cause I am bit of a chicken when it comes to this. I filled out my papers and sent in insurance information to a surgeon!! I just got the e-mail back confirming my date for my consult with Dr. Satterwhite of Brownstein and Crane surgery center. It's not till September, but I am so excited this a positive step to help with my body image and what I desire. I am planning on top and bottom surgery as long as insurance covers a good portion. So what is everyone's opinions on these surgeons. I heard from friends they are good!