Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: 120716 on April 27, 2018, 08:45:11 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Just a rant...
Post by: 120716 on April 27, 2018, 08:45:11 PM
It has been a poop week.... Had a hair cut last Saturday and it was 100% awful, looked like a prince valiant cut or TERF bangs, MR Spock etc... So from Saturday PM on was called sir, he, him etc had not happened in months. But one thing is I really detest hair and I grew it to look more female. So last night in a giant misgendered fueled fit of self loathing I shaved my head. I figured if I am going to get called he him sir mister etc wth why not.

So here is the part that has had me laughing all day, had 4 appointments for work and a lunch date with friends, I went sporting the Sinead O'Conner look... Never once did I get SIRED, He'ed Him etc... I did get some you poor dear my fill in the blank had Chemo and Radiation... I am not sure what is worse... I even had a two men pass me business cards and one said I find bald chicks hot! Oh my... And to think what I spent on hair restoration etc.... So amusing on so many levels. Well Happy Friday!
Title: Re: Just a rant...
Post by: Camouflage on April 27, 2018, 08:51:30 PM
I can totally relate because I think I'm more scared getting a bad haircut than nuclear war  :D. Anyway, kudos to you for channelling Sinead. I think there's no more definite proof that you pass than being gendered female with a shaved head, so congrats to you girl!
Title: Re: Just a rant...
Post by: 120716 on April 27, 2018, 09:04:33 PM
Quote from: Camouflage on April 27, 2018, 08:51:30 PM
I can totally relate because I think I'm more scared getting a bad haircut than nuclear war  :D. Anyway, kudos to you for channelling Sinead. I think there's no more definite proof that you pass than being gendered female with a shaved head, so congrats to you girl!
It was not a trying to pass thing it was a I am done trying, this is frustrating and F'it. However, it was very freeing and absolved my being of a lot of fears. You on the other hand have amazing looking hair! I did notice Post GCS my scalp hair getting thicker and not needing to shave body hair as it's mostly gone, the thunder stick has 80% of facial hair gone now.
Title: Re: Just a rant...
Post by: Bari Jo on April 28, 2018, 09:17:11 AM
I just had hairline restoration and part of it is they shaved my head.  When I got home I put on makeup and the picture got gendered correctly immediately.  I felt pretty good, then the hair started growing back in and I got sir'ed immediately. Yes, there is definitely a hair zone in the middle where you look more masculine.  I can't wait to get beyond this stage!

Bari Jo
Title: Re: Just a rant...
Post by: Harley Quinn on April 28, 2018, 09:40:32 AM
Yeah, I research my hair stylists like I research GRS surgeons. Then I interview... just so much can go wrong. Glad to hear you could turn it around! 😊