Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: LilyRobinson241092 on April 30, 2018, 10:55:26 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Individual Funding Request for Facial Feminisation Surgery
Post by: LilyRobinson241092 on April 30, 2018, 10:55:26 AM
So in early April I asked to be re-referred to Porterbrook GIC to see if they can put in an Individual Funding Request for Facial Feminisation Surgery. Yesterday I ended up having a mental breakdown and today feeling a little better than I did yesterday decided to ring Porterbrook to see if they had made any progress on this referral. They informed me they can't accept the re-referral due to the NHS not funding FFS.

Anyway, yesterday in my awful mental state I was scouring sites to find information regarding stuff such as FFS in England and an NHS England guide regarding transgender treatments said that the request has to be put through via a GIC, however admittedly this might apply to people still in the GIC's care. So she was very helpful and has said she'll chase it up on her end and meanwhile I should chase it up with my GP. She said what they can do, is in supporting evidence provide all the medical reports regarding my gender dysphoria if need me and how this has impacted me so that is fantastic.

So basically on Thursday I'm gonna talk to my GP about 1. My mental breakdown which as been a direct result of this issue and 2. Ask if he can put through the IFR.

I realise it is a fight given the CCG's and these types of procedures but do you think it will be difficult to get my GP to put through this request?

Yesterday I did do a lot of research on the matter though and I do have a very very masculine facial shape including a very prominent brow ridge (and yes I have tried covering it with a fringe). Pretty much only my friends see me as female, random strangers in the street and the rest of the world, sometimes one off colleagues who I have to work with continue to gender me as male and it is becoming quite difficult for me to cope with.