General Discussions => General discussions => Topic started by: Hazumu on February 13, 2006, 03:32:42 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Change of internet domain. >FlashOfInsight<
Post by: Hazumu on February 13, 2006, 03:32:42 PM
Hi, Hazumu here--

It's official, I've changed the primary domain for my websites and e-mail boxes to (that's >Flash of Insight< without the spaces.  I have other domains that point to the website, but I'm not going to renew them.

Why Flash of Insight?  I started noticing several years ago that the really good stuff I learned or figured out or discovered or created would occur after a period of asking questions, researching, gathering information and thinking about the thing that was bugging me from as many different points of view as I could think of. 

One example was trying to comprehend how a Color Video signal works (I really needed to know for my job.)  I bought books (several,) and asked video engineers an endless string of questions.  Each book and each answer I got held pieces of the puzzle, but I couldn't put it all together.  One day, I was working the formulas for the NTSC video signal on a calculator, converting from one number to another and trying to see how they related, and...


I suddenly understood!  I could clearly see how it worked, and why it worked.

Since then, I've tried to cultivate and cherish those flashes of insight for learning and solving creative problems.

Most recently, the same process (question/research/THINK/(repeat)) led me to my epiphany and my decision that I must transition, so there's another meaning in the name Flash of Insight.

Anyway, update your e-mail addresses.  Any old links to pictures should be good for another year or so...
