Community Conversation => Youth talk => Topic started by: jazzhands on May 25, 2018, 09:14:23 PM Return to Full Version

Post by: jazzhands on May 25, 2018, 09:14:23 PM
Hi. I am 16, born "female", and I think I might be transgender? I need help figuring it out because it would change practically my entire life.

So, let me start with this : I've been debating this for about 2 ish years(?) but I have been kind of off or different for my entire life. As a kid, I did play with barbies and dolls and stuffed animals, but I also had a major interest in superheroes, action figures and toy race cars. While I know that this is not what defines gender as a whole, it's something I hear about a lot in the trans community and thought I'd mention it.

I mainly wear boys clothes, in fact I usually go straight to the male clothing section when forced to go shopping (usually I shop online with my mom). However, I love dresses and heels, and don't mind a bit of makeup. This is definitely something that's confused me, because I read that a lot of FTM people hate those two items of clothing. I just wish my boy clothes would fit "right", and my chest wouldn't get in the way. That's the other thing, I hate the word "boobs" or acknowledging that that's what they are. I have to call it my chest, otherwise I get depressed.

As far as my hair and body go, I HATE my chest, but don't mind my genitals. As a kid, I don't remember ever hating my chest, at least not until I got into high school. I've talked to my mom (we're very close) about my dysphoria and she was shocked to hear that I would go so far as surgery for my chest. She compares it to plastic surgery, and disproves slightly, but is totally open to LGBT+ concepts, so it isn't that she doesn't accept me, it's just that she doesn't understand. Ever since I found out about top surgery, I've wanted it, and I've wanted a flat chest, and I've wanted to go shirtless at the beach and not have my period ever ever again.

This is where it gets tricky.

I should say that one of my favorite bands is My Chemical Romance (this is relevant, please keep reading). The reason I mention this is because the lead singer, Gerard Way, is a major influence to me and my style, along with Frank Iero, and Twenty One Pilots' Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun. I have my hair cut similarly to Gerard's and draw major inspiration in the fact that these boys don't have to be hyper-masculine to be boys, y'know? It has only been recently (the past couple years or so) that I came to realize that I didn't want to marry any of them, or have crushes on boys like the other girls did, in fact when I thought about it I wanted to DATE girls (I have since come out as bisexual to my parents, who are very supportive) and I realized that I want to look like these men. These bands and their band members are not an obsession, and I don't want to look JUST like them, I just want to be able to have tattoos like they do, take off my shirt like they do, and look like they do with their hair and bodies.

I discovered FTM people in 8th grade and the idea of it has been bothering me ever since. Am I one? What do I do if I am? I want to cut my hair short, but I am terrified that I will look bad or ugly or that my feminine features will be enhanced. I am Asian-American, making it very hard for me to find people to look up to in media or otherwise, especially in the transgender community. I usually don't shave my legs and armpits, however I have recently continued  due to a lot of peer pressure and just generally feeling self conscious.

I am lucky enough to attend a very open arts school, where LGBT+ is common knowledge. In fact, nearly everyone I know is LGBQ, and I know at least three transgender (FTM) people my age. That said, while I know my transition would be accepted at school, I am terrified how it will affect my home life if I do discover that I am transgender.

I'm sorry, I know this is a lot, but I have some more information that's affecting my decision and identity.

So, my family cannot afford a therapist of any sort. I have consulted with my parents, and it's just not an option. My school counselor isn't very open to LGBT concepts, crossing her out as well. My gender identity has been a longtime influence of severe depression, dysphoria and anxiety.

After a lot of research, I identified (and currently identify) as Androgynous at school, but that title just doesn't quite feel right, along with other titles like "Genderqueer", "Genderfluid", "Demi-Boy", etc. I have always loved small things like playing a video game as a male character, going out on Halloween as a male character (ie. Kylo Ren, zombies, etc), and reading books with male main characters where I can just lose myself in that world and other people see me as male. Male facial structures are the only thing I draw, and drawing females just feels awkward and makes me self conscious. When I draw males, I feel like I'm drawing someone that represents me, and when I draw women, it's more of a love interest character.

My friends are mostly male, with only two or three very close female friends, one of which is a girl that I consider my sister who has known me for years, and the rest being six or seven close male friends.

I am terrified that I am transgender. Would it mean that I can no longer wear the dresses that I love? Would my personality change after T? Will I regret transitioning if I choose to transition? Would my friends look at me differently?  Would I realize after transitioning that I was wrong? These questions and more have put me in a severe disconnect from reality, depression, and lead me to things like self harm.

I can't see a future for myself and I don't know what to do.


Thank you. Sorry if this was dramatic or long.
Post by: Dena on May 25, 2018, 09:55:47 PM
Welcome to Susan's Place. Are you transgender? I would say yes because transgender is a very broad description and in includes a large number of things. What you describe might put you in the non binary which means you don't fit in the male or female category but somewhere in between with a mix of both. Is a transition in your future? That is entirely up to you. We don't know what you feel and what you require to feel comfortable with yourself. I have two links you should look at as they may provide a starting point for you. The first is our WIKI  ( where you can explore just what it means to be transgender. The second link is  "the transition channel"  ( where you can explore your feelings.

Therapy isn't always expensive. Some doctors bill on a sliding scale where you pay only what you can afford. Sometimes therapy may be available through school or public services and last, sometimes insurance will pay for treatment. You can explore those options a little latter if you want.

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Post by: Beckett02 on May 27, 2018, 12:16:38 AM
Hey! So...this actually sounds a lot like my own realization of how I realized I was trans. I myself was born female, but never quite felt it was right. Like you, there were some feminine things that I liked. I liked the idea of makeup, and I actually wear it now, despite the fact that I now identify as more masculine.

I don't have a problem with my...downstairs. But my  chest? Yeah, if I could, I'd rip my breasts right off. (Something my parents never have, and probably never will, understand.). Despite being fairly neutral about my genitals, I think of myself as a guy, for the most part.

I guess something to ask yourself is if whether you'd be more comfortable being more masculine, feminine, or neither. And it's never an instant process. I personally spent fourth grade to ninth grade asking this to myself; it's actually only been in the past year and a half that I've really known that I'm more comfortable as a guy. (So I'm not sure if I'm really the best person to answer this question.).

And honestly, if you want to wear dresses, wear dresses! Even if it turns out you're FTM! Wear what you want! Do whatever you want, (as long as you don't hurt yourself or others!), whether it's feminine or masculine or neither or both or whatever!

As far as T goes, if you're really serious about things, I'd say try it. If all else fails, there are ways you can reverse most of the changes. But for now, maybe look into a chest binder? (It'll flatten your chest, maybe helping your chest issues?)