Community Conversation => Transitioning => Facial feminization surgery => Topic started by: Stevie on June 01, 2018, 08:08:59 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Septorhinoplasty recovery time
Post by: Stevie on June 01, 2018, 08:08:59 PM
   My nose was severely damaged when I was  kicked in the face when I beaten up when I was younger. The first surgeon I saw said it  was beyond his ability and referred me to a reconstructive surgeon who also does facial feminization surgery. I had septorhinoplasty performed on March 1st, the surgeon also feminized my nose during the procedure. I really love the way it looks now, and I am no longer reminded of the trauma I suffered when I was young every time I look in the mirror. My septum is still numb 3 months after the procedure, I've read it can take several months to  years to recover, any one have any personal  experience with this? 
Title: Re: Septorhinoplasty recovery time
Post by: Dena on June 01, 2018, 08:41:39 PM
Yes to a year or at least that's how long mine took. Not only that but if your nose looks good now, wait a few months and I think you will like it even more. It take a while for the last of the swelling to leave and as it does, even more of the detail will come out.