Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: ABrandNewJacinta on June 09, 2018, 03:17:47 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Stuck in stealth mode
Post by: ABrandNewJacinta on June 09, 2018, 03:17:47 AM
Hey all I just wanted to voice out and get some stuff off my chest. So just to give you a quick run down, I've been transitioning slowly for 6 months now, been seeing a psychologist and slowly adjusting my body and fashion to fit how I feel which has been rather difficult seeing as I've come from a hypermasculine body to a more beautiful soft feminine one. I haven't started hormone therapy yet due to employment changes but I wasn't going to let that stop me and I've been fixing the things I'm my life to make me into a happier person.

My problem tho is that due to financial pressures I've had to move myself and my family into my parents house until we can get through our situation, hopefully not for too much longer but it is looking like a few months, and because of this I've had to regress and go into stealth mode because I don't believe my parents are ready for me to come out to them. But in doing this my disphoria has flared up fiercely and so has my depression and anxiety, it's bad enough that I'm living in a red neck country town but I feel like I'm losing my progress and happiness. I know things will be better once we're out of here I just feel I'm going in reverse.

So tonight my parents went away for the weekend so I seized the opportunity to be myself. It's short lived but I feel a little better being about to present how I feel rather than conforming to the expectations of my parents and this bigoted small town.

Thanks for listening guys
Title: Re: Stuck in stealth mode
Post by: Coffeedrew on June 20, 2018, 08:15:15 AM
I read your post.Here is the Advice I have based on what my step mom told me.She said to me remember who you are and you are still you on the inside.(they cannot take that away from you) All your changing the outside to match who you are on the inside. So long story short you be you.As far as the parents go even though I am closer to my dad I actually came out to my step mom who is more understanding and as a male wanting to transition to female I thought we could relate better. :) Side note I came out when I was 19 and didn't actually get to start till 26  .