General Discussions => Beauty => Topic started by: Lunarite on June 19, 2018, 03:39:19 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Hair growth + hair transplants + HRT: what order?
Post by: Lunarite on June 19, 2018, 03:39:19 PM
I'm full-on boy-mode right now. It'll be a good while before I get where I want to go. But when I get there, long hair is pretty much a must-have*. So growing it out ASAP seems a good idea.
But I have a little bit of hair loss at the sides of the forehead. Not a huge amount - as a man, it's not even enough to comment on, but a woman with it would stand out.
So hair transplants seem a good idea. Shouldn't be that awful, given the small amount, and honestly I could do with less hair at the back of my neck!
But I'm not on hormones. I don't know when I should aim to be yet (which I am sure I will enquire about another time). So if I had a hair transplant, I would continue to lose hair. Loss is very slow indeed, but it will happen in time.

Can anyone offer guidance on the order to do these things?

If I grow my hair first, then the transplanted bits will start from scratch while the rest is long-ish, and I may as well have started growing it all at once.
If I get hair transplants first, then there's the possibility I'll lose it unless I start hormones smart-ish, as below.
If I start hormones first, that sounds pretty great (and, like many, I'd love to get started on that) but it seems like I'd want to get facial hair removal + voice + hairline + FFS pretty much done by the time I have visible breasts, which are the main non-male giveaway. I know hormones take a while to have a serious effect, but I doubt I can rely on staying flat-chested for a year or two**.

Anyone been in a similar situation or can offer advice?
I'm aware there might not be a perfect solution, and that I might have to give up my fantasy of presenting male right up until I switch to presenting female*** but I'd appreciate any help.


* I actually think short hair is pretty cute, but I'll need all the gender cues I can get, plus the degree of masking it can provide. Also, I have very thick hair, which can be nice and very short, or nice and long (going by my mother's, who has much the same), and everything in between is a bushy mess.

** I'm pretty damn skinny, so I imagine I'd hardly grow that much in that area while my build remains the same. However, unless I suddenly take to wearing big puffy jackets all the time, any amount of change is probably going to be noticeable because I'm thin. Funny how usually it's about impatience for the hormones to work their magic (and I'll be in that boat too, I'm sure) and here's me hoping they take their sweet time.

*** I feel utterly terrified of the in-between phase. Realistically, even the end-point will be sort of in-between, I know. So I'm sort of clinging to the idea that somehow this stealth switch is a semi-reasonable proposition, if only to keep myself calm.
Title: Re: Hair growth + hair transplants + HRT: what order?
Post by: Dena on June 19, 2018, 05:15:53 PM
Until you get the T blocked either by HRT or drugs used to treat baldness, transplants may be a useless battle. The sooner you stop the current hair loss, the more likely what you just lost will regrow. I am not saying it will all regrow but some might. To me that means chemically addressing your hair loss should be a priority.

As for hair length, if you have a long face, it would be best to avoid long styles and stay with a shorter cut. A shorter style will help round your face out and make it appear much more feminine. If you already have somewhat of a round face, you have much more freedom in hair styles.

Facial hair removal and voice can both be done at the same time and can be done with HRT. Facial hair removal might be the slow one but nothing prevents you from receiving several hours a week of treatment. If you can do about three hours a week, you should be through most of it around the year point.

Everybody has a different plan of attack but there are ways to speed things up if that's your goal.
Title: Re: Hair growth + hair transplants + HRT: what order?
Post by: Lunarite on June 25, 2018, 03:45:53 PM
I'm putting off booking a consultation for fear of my needing to make the decision myself about whether to start or delay hormones. Sooner is most definitely better, but yeah, other things need to line up. I hate the idea of, it having been all this time, intentionally delaying, no matter how sound the reason (though here's me, essentially delaying now through inaction).
I suppose that's really the cause of my indecision/confusion. I keep telling myself that an appointment for a mere consultation obligates me to take no immediate action, and should be useful anyway, having had no actual professional contact yet. I'll see how long it takes me to pull myself together long enough to do it! I can get a good few things on the way in the waiting time + buildup to put myself in a better situation, I'm sure.

I've been through some laser - sixth and final session this weekend, then back to electro. 3 hours a week is probably at least triple what I can manage, sadly. I've had a couple of hour-long sessions, and my face is not recovered after a full week. On the plus side, I have comparatively little to get rid of, and the laser has done some work where it can, so I expect (/hope) to be at the lower end of the range. I'm impatient to get on with it. It's not pleasant, but waiting several weeks between laser is frustrating.