Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: AutumnLeaves on July 12, 2018, 10:36:06 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Precision Hair Removal For Body Work?
Post by: AutumnLeaves on July 12, 2018, 10:36:06 AM
Has anybody ever used Precision Hair Removal (the large volume electrolysis place connected to Dr. Zukowski's office) for body hair removal? My face has been done for ages, but though many years of HRT and an orchiectomy radically reduced my body hair, I still have too much "peach fuzz" type stuff on my torso as well as scattered coarser hairs on my tummy and legs. I'd like to get my bikini line done as well and clear up any leftover hair after my upcoming SRS. My hair isn't dark or very visible, but there is a lot of detail work and going 2 hours a week or something somewhere local is just not going to cut it. For whatever reason I also find body work, especially on my lower abdomen, to be a lot more painful than my face was. At Precision they can give you IV sedation and local anesthetic, then clear very large areas over a day or two that would take months at a conventional place. However, it seems there must be a limit as to how much local anesthetic you can be given at once, and I am wondering about the safety of treating, say, a whole torso over a two day session. I did talk to someone from there over the phone yesterday and she was super nice, but I'm waiting to hear back form the actual electrologist head. Any insights or experiences to share?