Community Conversation => Transitioning => Real-Life Experience => Topic started by: Marcieelizabeth on July 22, 2018, 12:45:24 PM Return to Full Version

Title: describing how i feel...
Post by: Marcieelizabeth on July 22, 2018, 12:45:24 PM
Hi all,

I recently was asked how I feel, and I answered emotionally that I felt worn out, scared, but so happy to be me finally, and that is how i feel - emotionally.

But the truth is this is how i am:

I feel like a 12 yr old girl - geeky, almost a woman but a woman in waiting, short tempered sometimes, crying over everything sometimes, wanting to be whole, but not there yet, trying out makeup and clothes and looks to look like I want to (Please do not attack me about us not being a pre-menstral teenage girls, I get that!)

but at the same time I think of myself as fully a female, wise as my age, afraid of the world, but able to weather the storm and continue, feeling so fulfilled but at times wishing this was not my way, rarely but truly at times feeling it is a burden that is so wonderful and sad at the same time. 

Ocassionally missing the man I was at times, but loving the woman I am becoming.

And then the world's good and bad sides impose and feelings matter less, than passing and not being noticed and...Its a lot.  But that is  how I feel right now sort of a teenage girl meets me. 

How are you all feeling today!  BE HONEST!

Love and Hugs, Marcie