General Discussions => Health => Topic started by: SallyChoasAura on July 26, 2018, 03:25:23 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Sleep Advice...
Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 26, 2018, 03:25:23 PM
So I've been having trouble sleeping because I always stay up late in the summer and I want to get back in my school sleeping schedule before high school starts up. But because I would stay up late my body won't let me sleep when I want to and when I finally do pass out I end up sleeping in till noon or later. This ends up starting the whole cycle again and I'm really starting to be wearied down...
Plz send help.
Title: Re: Sleep Advice...
Post by: Dena on July 26, 2018, 06:01:18 PM
The solution is to move bed time about an hour earlier each night. The body can only shift it's biological clock about an hour a day so when you need to shift it, it's best to do it over time. When I know I am going to travel and cross time zones, I will shift to the new time zone a few days before I travel. Often it works out better for me to do it before I travel rather than deal with it after I make the trip.
Title: Re: Sleep Advice...
Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 26, 2018, 09:47:28 PM
Thank you~😄
Title: Re: Sleep Advice...
Post by: LexieDragon on July 26, 2018, 11:46:10 PM
If that does not work, a nice relaxing herbal tea can help sometimes.

Also, if you are like me at all, putting the phone/tablet down or at least on to nightshift can help a lot.

Ironically, despite that I am not in school for...cough...a while ;P ...I am in a similar boat to you at the moment. After having been laid off at the beginning of June I have been taking my first "Summer Vacation" in...all the years.. But now its time to get serious, I can not be a night I sit on here at nearly 1 in the morning.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Sleep Advice...
Post by: SallyChoasAura on July 26, 2018, 11:55:40 PM
Yeah same... Thanks for the advice!