Community Conversation => Non-binary talk => Topic started by: LexieDragon on August 05, 2018, 08:38:12 PM Return to Full Version

Title: As the days go on since my acceptance...
Post by: LexieDragon on August 05, 2018, 08:38:12 PM
I am feeling less and less male as the days go on.

Now, I am not sure if that means I am entering a female period, but it does not feel that way. It feels more and more like I just should not be male again. Like labeling myself a bigendered is just an excuse or an attempt to avoid something. I expect myself to snap back to center anytime now, but it just does not happen...

Anyone else here experience anything like that?

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Title: Re: As the days go on since my acceptance...
Post by: Satinjoy on August 06, 2018, 01:09:07 AM
It would be a bery long post to answer you.  And tough on a cell phone at 220am...

Its not unusual in a nonbinary identity and i did a bit of that in the beginning before things settled down.

More later....
Title: Re: As the days go on since my acceptance...
Post by: ErinWDK on August 06, 2018, 07:40:03 AM

Welcome to the world between the binary.  I could say that I am male, and also that I am female.  Both are equally true and that means I am both and neither.  So both are also equally untrue.

Yes, how much I identify one way or the other changes over time.  I am about five years into the process of figuring out who I really am.  So far, for me, the process has not stabilized.  YMMV...

