Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 11:19:29 AM Return to Full Version

Title: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 11:19:29 AM
Hello Everyone
I have only been on HRT for a month and I know it seems a little early but I can't deny what I'm feeling is real.
I started off on Estradiol patches and . Spiro on July 5th and just started feeling something about a week ago but it's been growing in intensity every day.  And l sense that I'm on the  beginning of a whole new life. And plan to use this as a pivot point for new Healthy Future.
I woke up this morning after 7 hours of continuous sleep which is something I averaged in about a week and feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and have tons of energy something I haven't felt in decades.
  And also for the first time when I close my eyes I don't feel the grinding going on and feel very comfortable in my new smoother skin.
It's like my body's been jonesing for this stuff for decades and now it's getting it. And it feels like my entire negative past is now being focused and concentrated to my positive future.
The euphoric feeling is wonderful, no wonder you're all so happy out  I go to bed with it, wake up with it and am happy all day now with a tune in my head constantly going and a
s**t grin plastered on my face all day. It's such a strong feeling even at this early stage I really have no desire for alcohol or whatever it would just bring me down from this and is unneeded.
I also know that the massive amounts of sleep meds that my psychiatrist has been throwing at me for the last 10 years will slowly Fade Out of existence.
   It's almost becoming uncontainable and will be if it continues at the same rate.
I know everyone's reactions to HRT is different but I never knew it was possible at this early stage or do you think it's still psychology working on me a little or possibly a combination of the two.

I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about this and how they reacted under their first Sensations.
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 06, 2018, 11:37:29 AM
Quote from: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 11:19:29 AM
Hello Everyone
I have only been on HRT for a month and I know it seems a little early but I can't deny what I'm feeling is real.
I started off on Estradiol patches and . Spiro on July 5th and just started feeling something about a week ago but it's been growing in intensity every day.  And l sense that I'm on the  beginning of a whole new life. And plan to use this as a pivot point for new Healthy Future.
I woke up this morning after 7 hours of continuous sleep which is something I averaged in about a week and feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and have tons of energy something I haven't felt in decades.
  And also for the first time when I close my eyes I don't feel the grinding going on and feel very comfortable in my new smoother skin.
It's like my body's been jonesing for this stuff for decades and now it's getting it. And it feels like my entire negative past is now being focused and concentrated to my positive future.
The euphoric feeling is wonderful, no wonder you're all so happy out  I go to bed with it, wake up with it and am happy all day now with a tune in my head constantly going and a
s**t grin plastered on my face all day. It's such a strong feeling even at this early stage I really have no desire for alcohol or whatever it would just bring me down from this and is unneeded.
I also know that the massive amounts of sleep meds that my psychiatrist has been throwing at me for the last 10 years will slowly Fade Out of existence.
   It's almost becoming uncontainable and will be if it continues at the same rate.
I know everyone's reactions to HRT is different but I never knew it was possible at this early stage or do you think it's still psychology working on me a little or possibly a combination of the two.

I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about this and how they reacted under their first Sensations.

@Tatiana 79
Dear Tatiana:
It was a happy moment for me to see your ONE MONTH HRT update....  I have kinda been wondering how things have been progressing for you.

So far your reported facts and what you described that you are feeling and experiencing in your body and your mind sound very good, and is in line with other transitionsers reports of their own HRT experiences.

You could perhaps take some search-time and look at some of the other member's personal threads to read about their early-on HRT experiences and progress....   
and as you correctly stated, "everyone's reactions to HRT is different" .... 

So,  enjoy the successes you have that we will rejoice with you and when frustrations and disappointments come we will support you with our thoughts and words.

That is very good news about getting more sleep now, likewise I have been doing better with my sleep patterns as well......   
           uninterrupted sleep is good medicine for sure.   
It would be good for you to get off of the prescription sleep pills too.   I was never on them mainly because of all the bad news I heard about them and my doctor was very hesitant to start me on them so we tried everything else that was non-prescription.

Again Tatiana, thank you for your brand new post and update on your ONE MONTH HRT anniversary.   Might I suggest that you keep this thread open and use it as YOUR personal HRT UPDATE thread that all of your followers can read, like myself, and can read and check up on you.... or if you have another thread that you want to do that on, obviously that is OK also.

Hugs and well wishes as always....
....from one isolated small-town girl to another isolated small-town girl.....
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 12:45:27 PM
Wow Danielle
Thank you so very much for your kind words, I definitely will do some search time because I am interested in other peoples reaction.
Know that if it wasn't for you sweetheart with your personal touch helping me especially at first, I don't believe I would have made it to this point. I can't thank you enough dear there is no words that I can use to express this.
And yes I definitely plan on weaning off my sleep meds but it really wasn't my choice to get started on them. I trusted the doctors decision. All I knew is that I had to sleep to go to work the next day.
I was so messed up at one point that even taking Ambien, Klonopin and trazodone I would just lay there in bed and maybe feel a little something and then think that's all you got,  and toss and turn with another sleepless night.
But that was me at my worst and now I'm much better and only took a half a Klonopin yesterday and will slowly wean off this but I've been on it for 10 years so I'm going to do it slowly.
And most definitely uninterrupted sleep is the best medicine and I can't even imagine how good I'm going to feel after I rack up several weeks and months of it consecutively. I see why sleep deprivation was used for torture because it truly is.
And thank you so much Danielle know that you've been instrumental in my existence here at Susan's and I know you are a tremendous asset for everyone else to draw from your spirit.

Happiness and love to you my friend.  Tatiana
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 06, 2018, 01:01:36 PM
@Tatiana 79
Dear Tatiana:
Thank you for your quick reply.... as I stated in my previous reply on this thread, I am so glad to hear of your positive experiences so far.

Per my previous mention if you would like to make this thread your personal transition thread, we can put in a thread subject line change to reflect that for you.   If so you might want to think of an appropriate subject title....
    i.e. Tatiana's HRT journey         or  i.e.  The Transition Adventure of Tatiana   
or whatever you would want...   
... just a thought.   
Just let me know and I can assist you with that but only if you wish to.

Again Tatiana, I am so very happy for you.
Hugs, and more hugs,
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 01:28:06 PM
Thanks Danielle
I'll definitely will think about it, thanks  again for your assistance.
As I think I mentioned to you at one point my main priority was to regain sleep and Health First, which seems inevitable at this point.
As this is established which really seems just around the corner for me I definitely will consider your recommendation, I really wasn't into writing on going epic sagas but that was the old dysphoric me.
But now it seems like it's a whole new world for me and the sky's the limit with unlimited possibilities.
I very much appreciate you being there for me and I will keep you in the loop if I need any assistance which I probably will.

Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: DawnOday on August 06, 2018, 01:33:52 PM
So glad to hear your positive results. Yeah, It does not take long to start feeling the effects unfortunately it takes a long time to see the full results. You have described my experience to a T or in our case E. I have that same grin on my face as I realize I am who I was always meant to be. As I enter my third year, I wonder if I could have survived without it. The great part is I am making friends again. On top of that, I am falling in love with my wife all over again because the anger and guilt are not there anymore and we realize that we are actually great friends.
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 02:02:02 PM
Thank you Dawn  so very much
After getting to know you a little I realize we're pretty similar, so I'm not too surprised our first Sensations are similar also.
I also felt this the other day when you replied to Pamela's thread.
I also feel I was touched by DES
I know that we're both big girls I'm around 6 2 and 1/2, 170 lbs. with size 13 feet,  pretty hard finding shoes isn't it, I think I might have remembered you mentioning once you had size 15 feet.
I also am feeling closer to my wife to, mine wanted me to start sooner but better late than never.

All the very best to you and yours love Tatiana
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Arianna Valentine on August 06, 2018, 02:06:39 PM
So glad your feeling so good.  Just remember enjoy the journey keep your eyes on the destination and never doubt yourself.

Sent from my SM-S337TL using Tapatalk

Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: itsApril on August 06, 2018, 02:12:00 PM
Quote from: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 11:19:29 AM

I know everyone's reactions to HRT is different but I never knew it was possible at this early stage or do you think it's still psychology working on me a little or possibly a combination of the two.

Enjoy the ride!  Sure, lots of the euphoria at the beginning comes from the sense that you've finally taken this step forward.  Don't discount it for that reason.  You're entitled to feel good about what you're doing, so enjoy it to the fullest.

HRT is slow and steady.  Changes, both physical and emotional, creep up on you little by little, and you will be suddenly surprised to notice them.

Looking backwards, one of the things that stands out in my past is how emotionally "locked down" I had been all my life, as if I had been gritting my teeth with the effort to fit into guy mode.  Lots of my emotions had been repressed and squeezed down into a very narrow range.  Under the influence of HRT, my emotions began to broaden, open up, and grow in power.  Warning: You are likely to find yourself crying at sappy movies!  But the good part is: you're going to love it when it happens!

Pre-transition, I had a sort of knot of anger at the center of my personality.  I think it was anger at being "forced" to be someone that I wasn't.  In transition under HRT, that knot of anger gradually loosened up and began to dissipate.  Transition is complicated and brings lots of chaos and some real problems.  But you're going to like your interior landscape a whole lot better!

It sounds like your body is telling you that you've made the right decision and that you're on the right path.  Buckle up and love the ride!
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 06, 2018, 02:33:15 PM
Thanks GF
It's just wonderful knowing I got you in the contacts of my phone and I know you'll always be there for me and I will for you.

And to April
I know exactly what you mean about gritting your teeth faking it in the guy mode. To me it was more like a grinding going on in my head between my brain and my body but now for the very first time ever When I close my eyes I feel nothing, no grinding it's absolutely wonderful.
I already have been crying at sappy movies pretty much my whole life I'm sure it's going to be a waterfall now. lol
And yes absolutely I feel my body's telling me something positive I already feel much better in it especially feeling the smoother skin is also wonderful.
I feel like I'm about ready for lift off now !
Love you both very much thanks being there for me.
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: pamelatransuk on August 07, 2018, 07:15:13 AM
Hello GF

It is so wonderful to read of your first month on HRT and also of your significantly improved sleeping pattern.

As you know I am 6 months HRT tomorrow and after my Blood Test results, I will give a 6 month update.

However I can confirm that shortly after starting HRT, my first feelings were softer skin - indeed so soft within 2 weeks, I could hardly believe it - a sense of calm and peace and feeling that the HRT was the right medicine for me. By 2 months I knew I was on the "right fuel" and knew I would remain on HRT for life.

I am so happy you are already seeing both physical and emotional benefits and I'm sure it is not just because you have "taken the plunge" but that they are true feelings as they bring you gradually to your true self as a woman. Isn't it wonderful to wish to get up out of bed and have enthusiasm for life instead of just existing? Isn't it wonderful to be able to laugh and also to cry?

I am so happy for you, dearest Tatiana.

Plenty of Hugs to celebrate

Pamela xxxx

Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 09, 2018, 04:42:59 PM
Thanks GF
For the flood of emotion and teary eyes that are absolutely real.
The difference is so profound for me so right I know at this early point that I also will be on this for life, as my Young trans friendly GP also told me.
I noticed something else to for the very first time when I close my eyes and stare into the Blackness I used to see like a swirling cloud that had a staticky, grinding  sensation.
But now when I close my eyes it just seamlessly goes to nothingness just black no static no grinding no nothing but just wonderful feelings.
It's no wonder my sleep has improved and I'm getting stronger and better everyday.

This is exactly what my doctor told me was going to happen, first the smoother skin, she said and then it's going to be mental for a while and it's going to be powerful. Out of all the doctors I seen she has the absolute perfect demeanor completely unimposing always a smile on her face and when she's telling me that she's going to raise my E. ten times  from my very first blood test level.
Then I tell her doctor that's tenfold greater it seems like an awful lot, with my jaw dropped open.
Then her reply is with a bigger smile that's kind of scary, exciting and fulfilling at the same time, yes she says you'll love it, it's so right for you.
  And yes Pamela, waking up after continuous sleep with a new sense of purpose, a new life which I am standing on mere beginning of but have unbridled optimism and hope now for the future where I never had before.
Before I was merely clinging to existence Faking It, and hoping for the end so I could finally get to sleep.

  And I know as you, GF we both would have wanted to change ourselves at first perception, but this just wasn't done then.
I know it certainly inhibited my development to the Working World because I never wanted to be an engineer or football player or scientist or whatever I merely wanted to be female in any form would have been just fine.

And you're very right GF, it was wonderful to cry reading your very inspirational words.

All my love and prayers to you dearest.
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Northern Star Girl on August 09, 2018, 04:56:49 PM
@Tatiana 79
Dear Tatiana:
At the risk of me not remembering if I had told you about what to expect with HRT, I am sending information for you  again, just in case... this is important stuff for you and any new members that are at the beginning their HRT journey.

Regarding your future progress now you finally started your HRT recently... are some of my thoughts as it may relate to what you may expect.

As has been stated over and over here on the Forums... and by me in many of my comments on various posts, HRT will work uniquely in your own unique body.
What you read about other transitioning members experiences with HRT most likely will not be identical to your own experiences.
Some will experience more significant changes more quickly and then some will experience less significant changes more slowly....   it is all up to your genes and how your body reacts to the HRT.   Your doctor will  undoubtedly be looking at your frequent blood test results during your journey to determine if any alterations in the HRT regimen are needed.

The adage that you have probably already heard regarding HRT and how it may work for various individuals  is "YMMV"  meaning that Your Mileage May Vary.
PATIENCE is definitely required.... usually not much happens very quickly with HRT... but changes will happen.  Do some reading of other transitioners posts and look at many of the posted HRT timelines and the before and after pictures. ....  they can give you a rough idea of what you MIGHT expect.

Without a doubt this can be very "EXCITING and SCARY all at the same time."   Continue to hang on for an amazing ride.  Some of my best and most appreciated body changes happened at the start of year #2.

We are here to rejoice with you in the good times and to support you in the not so good times.
One more time.... PATIENCE is required.   The attitude of many people today is "I want it all and I want it now" ... that will not apply to HRT.

Hugs and well wishes... we will be looking for your updates as you feel free to post them.
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 09, 2018, 05:24:31 PM
Thanks Danielle
Gosh I think you could have made a mint as a motivational speaker, but I'm so glad you're here with all of us to spread your special Magic with your nich of special motivation that somehow you pull from within.
And I know that you live by the idea of,  the joy is all in the giving.

I think I'm off my knee-jerk like reaction the other day I'm merely having a extremely good day not completely awesome day but it's a lot better swing than what I've been used to, hope it lasts.
I have been disappointed over doctors in the past but now I know for sure we're definitely barking up the right tree, with the treatment that I am on.

Know that your loving touch Danielle will always command the greatest respect from me.
All of my very best dearest up in the cold North, I hope the bugs are getting less and less as they are here.

   love ya,  Tatiana
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Jessica on August 10, 2018, 12:58:27 AM
Hi Tatiana, Danielle is so correct that everyone has a unique experience base on your genes.  One month is the time I really recognized that changes were happening.  Scared the snot out of me.  I realized that the changes that were a possibility was more than a possibility!  That sent my newly feminized brain into a tizzy that settled down after acknowledging that I needed this.  Slowly but surely I was able to become comfortable with my new emotions (that were vibrant and excessive at times) and adapt my life to being who I am.
Who I am, is as individual as the sands on a beach, why I am, is the reason I'm on this road. Each step takes you to your future.  There is never any moment that traces you back.  Time is always forward. 

Expect new experiences in body, mind and soul, Jessica
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Tatiana 79 on August 10, 2018, 10:13:58 AM
Hello Jessica
I Definitely know what you meant about going into a tizzy.
Several days ago I felt like I was bouncing off the walls and was ready for lift off, but it has leveled off a little and thank God because it couldn't be sustainable at that level I wouldn't be able to take it. lol
The Deep satisfaction of obtaining something that I thought was always beond my grasp is quite overwhelming and now I am definitely looking forward to my new future instead of merely existing.

Thank you so much dear with your wise words to me in the past and now, know that they are always very well received.

Health happiness and love to you my friend, Tatiana
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: krobinson103 on August 10, 2018, 10:54:13 PM
Quote from: itsApril on August 06, 2018, 02:12:00 PM
Enjoy the ride!  Sure, lots of the euphoria at the beginning comes from the sense that you've finally taken this step forward.  Don't discount it for that reason.  You're entitled to feel good about what you're doing, so enjoy it to the fullest.

HRT is slow and steady.  Changes, both physical and emotional, creep up on you little by little, and you will be suddenly surprised to notice them.

Looking backwards, one of the things that stands out in my past is how emotionally "locked down" I had been all my life, as if I had been gritting my teeth with the effort to fit into guy mode.  Lots of my emotions had been repressed and squeezed down into a very narrow range.  Under the influence of HRT, my emotions began to broaden, open up, and grow in power.  Warning: You are likely to find yourself crying at sappy movies!  But the good part is: you're going to love it when it happens!

Pre-transition, I had a sort of knot of anger at the center of my personality.  I think it was anger at being "forced" to be someone that I wasn't.  In transition under HRT, that knot of anger gradually loosened up and began to dissipate.  Transition is complicated and brings lots of chaos and some real problems.  But you're going to like your interior landscape a whole lot better!

It sounds like your body is telling you that you've made the right decision and that you're on the right path.  Buckle up and love the ride!

The emotional changes you describe mirror my experience exactly. The physical stuff catches up in time but its worth it just for that. :)
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Eryn T on August 11, 2018, 01:56:28 AM
Thank you for sharing, Tatiana! I'm glad I finally found this thread!

It's absolutely wonderful to hear the many, many positives that HRT is having for you already! I know it's what you've been needing all this time, and I'm so happy that it's already beginning to save you from a hellish sleep schedule. 

I'm really grateful that you have such a wonderful doctor assisting you with everything, too!

I don't really know what else to say, I hope I have even a fraction of your reaction on HRT, but I'm really glad your finally getting what you've needed for yourself for so, so long...

Stay good to yourself, and your wife, hun! Love ya both!  :-*
Title: Re: First sensations of HRT absolutely WONDERFUL
Post by: Margaret (Chin-Sun) on August 30, 2018, 03:50:32 PM
After the first month of HRT, I began to notice real changes in the matter of facial hair and chest. After 7 months the breasts have grown to A size, the hips are rounded, but not quite the right way. An obvious feeling of happiness like never before.

In addition, despite lowering libido, a greater need for contacts with men, including the most intimate ones. Also happiness because of this, but temporary lack of possibility, for approximation.

The feeling that everything is going in the right direction.