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Title: What a weekend
Post by: DawnOday on August 14, 2018, 02:52:29 AM
First off. I was going to meet my friend Dee in Vegas. It's been two years since I visited last, just after I started HRT. So I got to the airport the usual two hours early. We loaded up the plane and everything was fine. We backed away from the terminal and headed to the tarmac and the taxiway. Then Air Traffic Control told us to pull over to the side as some fool had just hijacked a Horizan turboprop plane and was doing loopty loops over the airport. An hour and a half later we got word that he had crashed down the road in Tacoma and we were on our way. Then on saturday night we had a massive wind and thunder storm but I was so tired from the night before that I didn't hear it. We didn't have a haboob like Phoenix but I guess according to Dee her backyard was a mess. Now Dee is OCD to the max so anything out of place sets her off. I had to sit and listen while she explained the neighbor dogs were craping on her lawn. Come to find out it was the neighbors cat.
But we were still able to go on a shopping spree at the outlet mall. I got some shorts, a pair of jeans and some jean leggings. A white blouse and a few other odds and ends. Then she took me to my hotel room where she spent two hours putting on my makeup, and took pictures of me.
Then Monday night we were ready to come home and I'll be damed if that flight was not delayed for an hour and a half due to thunder storms in Seattle. By the time I got home my butt was so sore.
Oh well tomorrow I go see Nanci for a torture session. I don't have too many more appointments as we are nearly 3/4 done. Just got my lip and my neck left to do.
Oh, and it was only 107 degrees. Oh and one other odd thing. I was one of three transwoman on the plane ride home. Last time I flew to LA Evie Dickinson and her Wife also a transwoman were on the flight with me and Joann. Evie is the girl who gave me a big hug at one of my first support meetings last year. It was like a big warm welcome and she also got me tickets for Gender Odyssey last year. I have been so blessed to meet and communicate with so many wonderful people.
Title: Re: What a weekend
Post by: Sonja on August 14, 2018, 04:41:00 AM

Wow Dawn - Sounds like a real whirlwind tour of fun and larks!! Saw that plonky pilot article on the news - wth was he thinking?? Thats so cool that you spotted some other transgirls on the plane, does it give you a confidence boost to know there are others sharing/crossing lifes path with you even momentarily? I think its awesome.

Oh - are we going to be seeing the photos of the makeup Dee did for you?..

Take care, Big Hug X
