Community Conversation => Transitioning => Gender Correction Surgery => Topic started by: Hoku on August 24, 2018, 07:04:27 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Planning my SRS
Post by: Hoku on August 24, 2018, 07:04:27 AM
Hi All,

I've been transitioning for 2 years now, and I'm at this point looking to book out my SRS. I've had electrolysis, FFS, and I have a fully female voice; I feel very comfortable at this point with how I look. The only thing I'm not comfortable with the fact my SRS is not done yet. I found a surgeon I'm comfortable with (Dr. Rumer). She says she works with insurance, but I'm very worried that my insurance won't help me, or will deny me. I am 25 and will turn 26 on November 20th 2018. At that point, I will no longer be on my parent's insurance, and I will need to shop for my own. I'm wondering if anyone in the younger than 26 age group can comment on what it's like getting SRS right before your insurance is about to end, or if anyone has experience with Dr. Rumer.

Can I pay for the surgery and have it done later than my birthday? I don't really know. I've contacted my insurance now about 10 different times, and I have never been given a clear answer or help. I'm mostly making this thread looking for advice on what to do. My current provider is Unity/Quartz in Wisconsin, and the only part of my transition they've partially reimbursed so far are my hormones. Everything else has been out of pocket. 
