General Discussions => General discussions => ARGHHH! => Topic started by: MeTony on September 09, 2018, 05:18:09 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Cancer and death
Post by: MeTony on September 09, 2018, 05:18:09 AM
Just need to vent.

A friend of mine was rushed to hospital in an ambulance earlier this week. They found cancer in her ovaries and uterus. Have not heared any prognose but I guess it is bad because it has spread. She is in middle of life with children. I feel so much sorrow for her and her family.

Life is so fragile. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Don't take anyone for granted or one day you will end up with regrets.

This made me think about death. How do I want to die? I want to die and be buried as the man I am. I feel even stronger now to be true to myself. I've lived a lie for so many years it hurts inside.

I have my first appointment with the gender-team on Tuesday morning. I had thought about telling her about how I was as a kid and teenager and up to now. But those things aren't important now. They don't feel important. The important thing now is how I want to be remembered when I die.

Life is fragile. Take care of yourselves.

Title: Cancer and death
Post by: FOoly CoOly on September 09, 2018, 06:40:49 AM
I try so hard to look away from things like this but.. sometimes we just have to look and realize our own mortality. I am so sorry about your friend, i wish them the absolute best. This world is a crazy place. Its ok to realize our own inevitability, so we can better help our loved ones after we pass.

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Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Faith on September 09, 2018, 06:47:41 AM
No death is good, their might be 'better ways to die' but it's never good. Cancer can be unforgiving and relentless.

I lost my two eldest siblings to cancer. My oldest sister fought breast cancer for years before succumbing. My eldest brother was diagnosed (I forget what they called it, I'll not dig up the paper that it's written on) and given a month, he passed in 3 weeks. They were both in their 50's.

They were both in the hospital at the same time. My brother in New York, my sister here in Florida. Neither knew the other was in the hospital. My brother was talking to my Mom and stated that he was tired of fighting. She told him to relax and that if he felt it was time, just let go .. so he did.

11 hours later my sister stated that XXX (my brother) was there and wanted her to go with him. She was told that if she wanted to go with him to go ahead. So she did.

They were born 11 months apart and passed 11 hours apart.

Cherish your loved ones, you never know when the time will come.
Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Gertrude on September 09, 2018, 07:58:15 AM
I'm sorry to hear this. I go back and forth between stuff isn't fair to it is what it is. Life is too short and we have control over very little. As I age I've come to the conclusion that love and compassion matter the most in terms of behavior and family in terms of people. We waste too much time on what others think of us too. Try to be happy. The alternatives don't pay well and don't do anything for us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: MeTony on September 30, 2018, 11:47:10 PM
She did not make it. She passed away yesterday. I feel so sad, she was so active and doing 1 million things at the same time. I can't believe she is gone. Now she is not doing anything.

Please live for today, tomorrow can be too late. Live now. Give your kids your time today. And your partner. And your parents. You never know what will happen tomorrow.
Tomorrow can be too late.

Cancer gets anyone of any age.

It's so unreal.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Laurie on October 01, 2018, 12:48:17 AM

   My condolences for you and your friend's family. You are right about cancer being an unforgiving disease and can get to anyone.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Cindy on October 01, 2018, 01:04:45 AM
My condolences Tony.

We never know when death is going to come, so live everyday as if you are going to die.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Faith on October 01, 2018, 06:02:14 AM
Tony, it is very sad news indeed. Our thoughts are with you, her friends, and her family.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: KathyLauren on October 01, 2018, 09:21:28 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your friend's passing, Tony.  My condolences.
Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on October 01, 2018, 10:05:26 AM
Thank you for letting us know this news.  I'm sorry to hear of your loss.  You're right to focus on living and your family.  Give your children a hug. Take care.
Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Jessica on October 01, 2018, 11:00:33 AM
Tony, I am so sorry you have lost your friend. 
Remember her as who she was, death does not stop that.
Those thoughts are what keeps her life from fading into oblivion.

Hugs, Jess
Title: Cancer and death
Post by: MeTony on October 01, 2018, 11:33:44 PM
Thank you people.

I will remember her. She had a dog, that I will take care of from today on. It is a german shephard that is 7 years old.

I still miss my old dog that died in the spring this year, and the long walks. Now I have a chance to start walking again. It's not fun to walk 7 km alone. This dog can't replace my old dog, but will have a new space in my heart.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Laurie on October 01, 2018, 11:39:11 PM
Quote from: MeTony on October 01, 2018, 11:33:44 PM
Thank you people.

I will remember her. She had a dog, that I will take care of from today on. It is a german shephard that is 7 years old.

I still miss my old dog that died in the spring this year, and the long walks. Now I have a chance to start walking again. It's not fun to walk 7 km alone. This dog can't replace my old dog, but will have a new space in my heart.


That's great Tony. What a good way to remember her. Not only that you will have her dog to fill the void in your heart from the loss of yours and you will get some good exercise too. Sounds like a win win to me. Everyone benefits from your compassion.

Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: Jessica on October 01, 2018, 11:41:12 PM
Quote from: MeTony on October 01, 2018, 11:33:44 PM
Thank you people.

I will remember her. She had a dog, that I will take care of from today on. It is a german shephard that is 7 years old.

I still miss my old dog that died in the spring this year, and the long walks. Now I have a chance to start walking again. It's not fun to walk 7 km alone. This dog can't replace my old dog, but will have a new space in my heart.


I'm happy you have found a joy to replace your sorrow.

Sweet hugs, Jess
Title: Re: Cancer and death
Post by: epvanbeveren on October 02, 2018, 02:03:23 AM
I am so sorry to hear this Tony. My sincere condolences to you and your loved ones.