Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => Testosterone => Topic started by: ehrhyse on October 07, 2018, 02:57:02 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: ehrhyse on October 07, 2018, 02:57:02 PM
In a few days I'll be 10 months on T but I feel like I don't really have anything to show for it. My voice has barely changed. I only have some facial hair because I've been using minoxidil. I don't have any more body hair than I did before I started hormones. It's really getting me down. The only real change I've had is shark week has gone away.

I know it's all probably because my dose was way too low for 6-7 months, and I've only been on an increased dose for about 3 months but still, I wish I had more progress. People that have been on hormones for half as long as me have had more changes and I know I shouldn't compare my transition to others but it's hard not to.

Has anyone else gone through the same thing, and if you have did/when did you start noticing more changes after your dose increase?
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: Kylo on October 07, 2018, 05:05:54 PM
Patience is the name of the game. This thing is for life, and puberty takes years.
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: invisiblemonsters on October 07, 2018, 08:19:35 PM
has your doctor checked your T levels and adjusted your dosage accordingly? if not and it's still too low, i can see how that can be frustrating. sometimes people just don't see the same changes as others do so early on. i know some people had facial hair 6 months in, but i didn't, etc. you gotta just be patient.
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: Ryuichi13 on October 07, 2018, 10:22:03 PM
If you're on low dose T, change will be a lot slower than if you were on a full dose.  If you've just recently upped your dose, it'll still be a while before things start visibly changing.  But changing they are, trust me! 

Patience, young Jedi, is the name of the game.

Good luck bro!

Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: ehrhyse on October 09, 2018, 03:08:43 PM
Quote from: invisiblemonsters on October 07, 2018, 08:19:35 PM
has your doctor checked your T levels and adjusted your dosage accordingly? if not and it's still too low, i can see how that can be frustrating. sometimes people just don't see the same changes as others do so early on. i know some people had facial hair 6 months in, but i didn't, etc. you gotta just be patient.

My levels were checked at the beginning of July, and they were very low. So my endo basically doubled my dose and that's what I've been on since then. My next endo appointment isn't until January, so we'll see then if the doasge adjustment is a right fit or not.
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: ehrhyse on October 09, 2018, 03:10:23 PM
Quote from: Ryuichi13 on October 07, 2018, 10:22:03 PM
If you're on low dose T, change will be a lot slower than if you were on a full dose.  If you've just recently upped your dose, it'll still be a while before things start visibly changing.  But changing they are, trust me! 

Patience, young Jedi, is the name of the game.

Good luck bro!


I started on what would be considered a full dose in early July, but up until then my dose was pretty low. I know it's a waiting game but I'm impatient lol. And thank you!
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: Northern Star Girl on October 09, 2018, 03:55:33 PM
Dear Ehrhyse:
I am aware that as an MTF, I am out of my realm here on your thread, but I do advise all of my less experienced MTF friends with exactly the same advice that @Ryuichi13  @invisiblemonsters  and @Kylo are telling you.
          PATIENCE !!!!
Nothing happens very quickly with hormone therapy.  Depending on your own unique body and your genes, your results will not be the same as others that you read about.
For some, they will obtain more significant results more quickly, and for others they will experience less significant changes more slowly.   BUT rest assured that changes will happen.   
The motto around Susan's Place is "YMMV" ... Your Mileage May Vary,  meaning of course that your results will be your very own and not exactly like anyone else.

Patience is definitely required but of course in this "instant" world that we live in, the adage that we hear from people is that "I want it ALL and I want it NOW!"
This does not apply to hormone therapy for transgenders....   you have no other choice but to have PATIENCE.

I will stop interjecting my thoughts here and go back to the MTF threads of which I am more adept.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: smithers 70 on November 17, 2018, 06:11:19 AM
Ah I know it's frustrating but puberty takes years. Hang in there.

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Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: mr_marc91 on December 14, 2018, 07:38:19 AM
You might not notice any changes but other people probably have.
Bare in mind, you're with you 24/7 so you're not going to notice much right away.

Some times it takes longer for people to have changes too, I barely grew any facial hair for the first two years till they swapped my medication around lol.

It'll be worth the wait though!
These things just take time, like a couple of people have said.
Puberty doesn't happen over night xD
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: Maid Marion on December 14, 2018, 07:55:00 AM
Are you doing other things to keep busy?  There are a lot of things involved in transitioning besides changes to your body.  Now might be a good time to learn men's fashion and figuring out a style that works for your body shape and height.  While men's sizing is simpler than women's, it can be a challenge if you are smaller than the average man.
Title: Re: Almost 10 months on T and feeling left behind
Post by: Holden on January 07, 2019, 04:59:26 AM
I can understand your frustration. It really depends on a person's individual genetics as to how quickly they have obvious changes. For example, some people have facial hair in a few months, and for some people it takes years. Don't feel too discouraged, and focus on other things besides your transition. :) Like the others said, patience is the name of the game.