Community Conversation => Transgender talk => Topic started by: PainKiller on October 08, 2018, 04:22:37 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Dysphoria, losing my self confidence, and i'm suicidal
Post by: PainKiller on October 08, 2018, 04:22:37 PM
I completely lost my confidence and self esteem. I would't mind throwing away my current life. More than anything I would want to be reborn again. I feel like I have made so many mistakes and they're all burdening. I still haven't heard back from the LGBT housing center and i'm still in my abusive household.
I feel completely empty.
Title: Re: Dysphoria, losing my self confidence, and i'm suicidal
Post by: Alice V on October 08, 2018, 05:04:41 PM
Hey, we're humans, it's ok for us to making mistakes. What you need to learn is how to forgive yourself for all that >-bleeped-< and keep moving. You know, I like determinism theory, which shortly means some kind of destiny. You really have no choice, every your desire dictated by your state, state of your system. So you just have to forgive yourself and think how to move forth withouth this mistakes. I mean, you still have no choice but you gained experience and it shapes your next move :)

I'm bad advisor, honestly, put aside I'm not well awared about your situation. And I won't stop you from anything. Just one thing: if you can survive this, you may change something drastically or something may change even without your involvement; kill yourself and you'll just die. You have to decide if you can bear this life or not. I mean, try to be rational. Objectively, can you fulfill your physical need such hunger or thirst or roof above your head? In same way, objectively, can you cope mental pressure with something? What can you do to fix things you can't sustain? Try to keep your emotions at bay for some time and make a strategy. If you'll see that you won't win anything - well, it sucks. But If you'll find your way to survive, you can overcome this.

For me, defensive mechanism was anger and indifference. I learned how to ignor annoying factors or how to stand against it if I'll fail to ignore. For you it can be something completely different. Try to find your ground. Think about what can give you strength. Be smart.
Title: Re: Dysphoria, losing my self confidence, and i'm suicidal
Post by: Dena on October 08, 2018, 09:09:45 PM
I know your problems look like they are impossible to solve however given time the problems will fade into the past and your life will get better. Like you my life hasn't always been easy. I faced difficulty obtaining treatment and the loss of several jobs, some due to the fact that I was transsexual. Some problems took a long time to resolve and sometimes things got worst before they got better but with determination, I was able to deal with all of them. Look for what comfort you can find. If it means spending more time here or preforming some other activity, do it and take your mind off your current problems. Hopefully in a few months you will be able to look back and see how your life improved.