Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: Veronica J on October 12, 2018, 02:00:46 AM Return to Full Version

Title: this could of, but really too many sub topics here..
Post by: Veronica J on October 12, 2018, 02:00:46 AM

soo many parts of these could of gone in the child boards.. but meh i am way way too lazy... yaawwwwnn.. on holiday and all..lots lots of chilaxing and snoozing..  on a serious note i can split this up if you want.. just like been away for ages....any help be appreciated..

ok down to business.

first off i have great news. i was able to ask my doc if i can increase my spiro intake .. and yes the endo agreed. see i didn't want finasteride, i have blood factor v leiden and the risk factors would of been too high. and since my body is way to effective and healing and doing its thing (essentially hyperactive immune system, healing and exceptionally healthy strong liver - surprised my endo on the tests in a good way). This should help with my hair thinning and hopefully bring it to a crawl or a stop. and it just be a strand or two. i still have a full head of hair, its just thinning in random spots. should also make e more effective (i hope.) my question is this. should i take both at once or one in the morning and one in the evening? i dont see how the later will make much of a difference as the levels in the body will stabilise either way to a new level and the gains long term will be minimal from splitting the dosage.

how essential is facial hair removel before FFS? while i am going to a new skin speciallists with medical grade lasers where i have to use specially made lignocaine ointment for pain management. i start this next month (the cheaper places were very inneffective) and have a max of 6 sessions and the remainder killed with electrolysis. will test this ointment on my arm skin first to see if i have any reactions to the medication (dont want to damage the face). the reason i am asking is i am thinking of paying for and scheduling my FFS surgery sometime in july - august next year and wondered if total hair removal is a must before ffs ?

Lastly at present my HR, CEO and COO all know about my transgender status and my plans to transition at work eventually and all fully support me. so the next step is to inform my General Manager and direct manager, this will be happening first week of november (both support me being part of the LGBTQ community, they just dont know which part). i decided to speak to my  HR and CEO first and then we told the COO. once my gm and manager know we will get a person from the in to talk to me and the rest of the board of directors and to give them guidance and understanding of what i am going thru. at this stage i have no plans to be present when the board is told, as i dont want to be placed in the direct spotlight and flounder at the million questions that will come. and i thought someone who is better equipped and educating and answering all the questions is best for this. i have a post regarding my coming out at work. once all is said and done, i wil lthen send my letter to my parents and then bare the oncoming storm from them. oh and no idea what to tell my direct work collegues or even when to tell them? any ideas on this people?

do i care about pronouns yes i do, but not right now.. why do i say this? well at the moment i am mostly male and i am in the inbetween stages. so really not fused,does it hurt when wrong pronouns used and my old name. you bet yeah, can i blame them no not at all. will however be once i transition and have my name changed then yes i want my name, or my nickname (V) to be used with the right pronouns.

oh lastly i have a makeover scheduled with a makeup artist for 11 December, gives me time to buy my wig and all the good stuff. cant wait1! finally get to post in the before and after. will also ask about the makeup lessons.. woot woot.

till next time people :)
Title: Re: this could of, but really too many sub topics here..
Post by: KathyLauren on October 12, 2018, 07:20:02 AM
Great news, Veronica!  That sounds like major progress on several fronts.
Title: Re: this could of, but really too many sub topics here..
Post by: Veronica J on October 12, 2018, 03:18:01 PM
Quote from: KathyLauren on October 12, 2018, 07:20:02 AM
Great news, Veronica!  That sounds like major progress on several fronts.

thanks for that..