Community Conversation => Transitioning => Legal Matters => Topic started by: Dolly on October 12, 2018, 01:32:48 PM Return to Full Version

Title: TSA Employment Background Check; what to anticipate
Post by: Dolly on October 12, 2018, 01:32:48 PM
Completed necessary steps thus far for a Screener's position. No concern over credit-criminal background stuff. But I wonder about my gender dysphoria diagnosis and HRT treatment. As a MTF trust me when i say, I'm not even close to passing although the twins are becoming somewhat difficult to hide. I feel non-discloser in the medical section will be an automatic rejection. Looking for advice on how to approach this truthfully without being past over or deemed unsuitable for the position. thanks
Title: Re: TSA Employment Background Check; what to anticipate
Post by: Kendra on October 12, 2018, 03:25:14 PM
In the past, transgender individuals were diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder using WPATH guidelines.  A GID diagnosis was a determination of mental illness. 

In 2013 Gender Identity Disorder was redefined as Gender Dysphoria.   GD is not a mental illness.

If you have Gender Dysphoria and have an HRT prescription that simply means you are taking care of a medical condition.  This shouldn't impact your job application status at any well-run workplace. 
Title: Re: TSA Employment Background Check; what to anticipate
Post by: Dolly on November 09, 2018, 09:17:17 AM
Update; the medical screening questioner was very detailed with the information it wanted. I fully disclosed "everything" with the exception of my spouse, counselor and practitioner Ive never shared any information about me with anyone.  The physical exam was dehumanizing. After turning in my completed health questioner I went from being addressed by my real name to 'Honey', not an issue for me.  When it was time to pee in the cup the male nurse raised the toilet seat using his shoe, i found this somewhat upsetting. After completing the required battery of testing he escorted me to an exam room and stated the doctor will be in. After 55, minutes I opened the door and gave him the look of well, he again said the doctor would be right in. Yes, within 2 minutes she was in the room and the exam was completed, her body language and tone of voice was rude if not hostile. Then at the end of the exam without any prior dialog concerning my medication she directs me verbally to "lift up your shirt", I was like 'excuse me' and she repeated the request and I complied but it really bothers me. What I find to be amusing is everyday since the exam I receive an email stating "medical under review, additional information may be requested".  hmm, but I already told you everything! My suspicion is the background investigator is now looking for something to 'gig me on'.  Really want to post the Doctors name but have a funny feeling its in the rules not to.
Title: Re: TSA Employment Background Check; what to anticipate
Post by: deanna7506 on November 23, 2018, 10:43:25 PM
Sorry about your experience. Did the exam take place at a contract facility? I suspect it was. Sadly, they are not completing the exam for your "best" interest. They are looking for any liabilities and any pre-condition is of interest. You are right about one thing, if you lie on the forms, more than likely the application process would stop. In the past I talked with a recruiter for a federal agency about how they handle the trans issue during the hiring process, it is tough for them because of deciding which standards to use, etc, they preferred the person to have finished transitioning so they could use the sex identified on their legal documents. The good news was that most agencies are hurting to find new hirers that can pass a background check. So hopefully you will pass the medical process. Best of luck.
