Community Conversation => Support groups => Topic started by: PainKiller on November 05, 2018, 07:00:49 PM Return to Full Version

Title: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: PainKiller on November 05, 2018, 07:00:49 PM
>-bleeped-< has gotten worse at home, situation is completely out of control.
I really need a place to stay.
I tried contacting housing centers but I'm not considered "homeless" yet even though I don't have a job and no way to provide for myself if I were to move out.
I live in an abusive and religious household and I've been homeschooled.
I've been cut from the outside world that no one knows about my existence and I have no friends, teachers, or even counselors to speak to.
My entire family is >-bleeped-< and religious, grandparents are extreme too and want to marry me off even though i'm only 18 years old but they call that >-bleeped-< in the name of their stupid religion.
I need someone who lives in Florida that can take me in. I want to change, I want to be able to get a job, to transition, to do well in school.
I can't do anything in this situation, i'm not allowed to get a job, or to even step outside my front door.
I'm not a transgender guy who's living in denial and always whining. I really DO WANT TO KEEP THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE ON MY OWN, be independent, and make a living.
I hate when people are given this opportunity but they ignore it.
I've met an online gaming friend who has a brother and he was offered to go to college, dorm, a car, etc.. so he could be able to start his own life but he turned around and starting hanging out wtih his friends on the streets and staying out late at night.
I feel envious that I can't have the same opportunity but I want to be able to get that opportunity. So I'm asking for help. Please.
Title: Re: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: Dani on November 05, 2018, 07:28:08 PM
If you are 18 years old, there is nothing stopping you.

If you are under 18 years, then you might consider filing legal papers to become an emancipated minor.

I was 17 when I left home, but that was a long time ago. My parents were more than happy to sign papers to get me out of their house. I never regretted it.

I recommend that you take control of your own life and find some way to live out on your own. Personal freedom is extremely empowering.
Title: Re: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: gracefulhat on November 05, 2018, 07:32:55 PM
If you are 18 and are being abused, then you should run out of there. Period. It won't get better.
Title: Re: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: Devlyn on November 06, 2018, 01:58:00 AM
Join the military?
Title: Re: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: PainKiller on November 06, 2018, 08:17:08 AM
I'm trying my best to move out but none of the LGBT centers near me offer housing and the few that do won't accept me since i'm not "homeless" yet.

I really tried a lot. I just want to pack up my stuff and know that someone is expecting me.

And I can't really join the military... have you even seen me. I'm 4'11'' 94 lbs. Under weight, no muscles, skinny, breathing and heart problems.

Title: Re: I need someone to help me move out in Florida
Post by: Kendra on November 06, 2018, 08:57:09 AM
Short term I can understand your frustration.  But please also think about the long term.  If you can do tangible things for your future, that will help get you through each day.

Get the best possible education and do not let anyone stop you from that.  If you haven't already, start studying for college test programs - core materials to study for those are around $35 USD.  If you still have time, focus on remaining grades.

College can be expensive but community colleges cost quite a bit less, have simpler admission requirements and in some cases can land an automatic transfer to a 4-year college or university.  Before you move out of state, consider many states including Florida automatically discount state & community college tuition for in-state residents by more than half.  And Florida has the Excelsior Scholarship based on family income level that can cover up to 100% of tuition. 

These programs aren't free money... it's an investment in a future taxpayer.  ;)  But seriously, education can open a lot of doors.  Some industries are very accommodating to transgender individuals and in some cases seek us out as the sharpest businesses want a more diverse talent pool.