Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: jade_d on November 06, 2018, 10:10:02 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Four weeks post op, questions and concerns.
Post by: jade_d on November 06, 2018, 10:10:02 AM
Hey there, recently had GRS 4 weeks ago and have had 0 bleeding since about a week and a half ago, however, i am having this new brownish stuff replacing the blood from dilating since about a week, is this normal? Im thinking its just old blood, since my doctor told me not to use a dousche until its healed so my body can develop its own ph level, etc etc. Anyone else have this experience? Also, i really didnt have any pain dilating until recently. Now tho when i hit the back i get this stinging sensation that radiates. Im thinking its just the nerves waking up, but still, was wondering if anyone else had these experiences. The depth is only about 4.5 inches, but im absolutely TERRIFIED of the thought of having a vaginal rectal fissure or something like that. I dont think its possible with that depth, but still....

Also, I have literally been on antibiotics for like a month now, is it normal to have kinda really soft stool after that and bloating? Sorry if this is all gross , but yeah, just wondering.
Title: Re: Four weeks post op, questions and concerns.
Post by: Kendra on November 07, 2018, 12:36:39 PM
The pain you're describing sounds similar to granulation - which isn't great but is quite common during the healing process.  To be certain it's best if you get an exam from your surgeon's office or a qualified local health care provider if your surgeon isn't local.  For this type of exam they will use a speculum, you may want to take an over-the-counter pain reliever (ibuprofen) beforehand. 

Granulation tissue can be treated by a nurse using silver nitrate sticks activated with distilled water - looks like a long wooden match.  If untreated, the pain from granulation can block adequate dilation and over time that can cause additional loss of depth.
Title: Re: Four weeks post op, questions and concerns.
Post by: jade_d on November 08, 2018, 11:47:06 AM
Its really only in one spot, its gotten better, it was there all of two or three days. I have an appointment in 2 weeks with the surgeons who did the surgery anywho, so im not too worried. And the brown stuff , which im pretty sure was dead blood, has ceased, replaced with whitish stuff, which i have been assured is totally and completely normal. Fibrous material they said. My depth isnt too wonderful in the first place because the method they use here is standardized across germany. A whole 4,5 inches. But yeah, feels a lot better.

On a lighter note, i sneezed while dilating yesterday. And that is the true definition of a crotch rocket. lol.