Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: SpiralCream on November 26, 2018, 08:59:28 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: SpiralCream on November 26, 2018, 08:59:28 PM
For anyone that has had breast augmentation (BA), did you regret the size of your implants after the surgery?  It's been about 4 weeks since my BA, and I have been having second thoughts about the size of my implants for the last 2 weeks.

I started out as a 34A bra size (actually I couldn't quite fill out that bra size, but I wasn't completely flat either), and I wanted to be a C cup.  I went with 375 cc high profile silicone round implants, placed under the muscle. 

I have a slim body frame (my BMI is 19.6), and I feel like my breasts are too big for my body now.  I look in the mirror and feel like I look top heavy. My body seems out of proportion.  I am really, really hoping that they will appear smaller as I continue to heal, but I don't know.

Did anyone else have size regrets?  If so, how did you feel about it and did you eventually end up getting a surgical revision?
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Michelle_P on November 26, 2018, 09:15:10 PM
The change in our bodies feels odd and takes a while to really get used to, several months to a year for most of us.  What feels too big and awkward now may feel right and proper in a year.

The numbers sound roughly right to get you the results you wanted.  The under-muscle implant will take a while to settle down, literally down, and the current look will change over the next several months.

You will find that the types of bra needed to get the desired look may be considerably different than what others might use, and certainly compared to what you used before surgery.

For now try to be patient and heal, then get properly fitted for the desired look with your new breasts.  You will likely not feel 'too big' once things settle down and your lingerie is properly fitted.
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Maid Marion on November 26, 2018, 09:19:40 PM
Many TGs will look top heavy because most of us don't have big enough butts to balance things out.  Even without implants!

I'd suggest studying fashion basics and learn to choose clothes that will flatter your new body shape.  You should notice that women come in all shapes and sizes.
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: WishnHopeN on March 27, 2019, 08:30:45 PM
I have 560cc implants and want to go bigger.  I'm not sure I "regret" it but I am having revision surgery. 
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Jessica_Rose on March 27, 2019, 08:44:10 PM
I just had a BA with 425CC implants on 21 Feb. I am 6" 1' and weigh 170lbs. After about a month my doctor said the swelling was mostly gone and that although they would still change shape as they settle into place, my size would not change much. I went from a padded 36B which I didn't quite fill to a 38D! My bust measurement is now almost an exact match to my hip measurement, and I am extremely happy with my current size.

I agree with @Michelle_P , give it more time. The implants are still settling, and you need more time to heal. I have heard that it usually takes 150cc - 200cc to add a cup size, so the implants you received seem to be in the correct range.
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: HollyKay on May 08, 2019, 07:17:31 PM
I just got my BA three weeks ago. My initial reaction was laughter and saying holy cow, HAHAH  what did she (surgeon) give me!?!. After things are starting to settle, I'm adjusting well to my new rack. I look like I've always had them. Some tops really make them pop. I love how they look when I am topless, which was a major source of dysphoric feelings. I now feel happy and confident with myself with and without clothes on.  For those of us who are unlucky to experience dysphoria with our chests, but are lucky enough to have breast augmentation, I always just try to feel grateful instead of any other feelings like regret. You're likely in a way better place emotionally than you were before, and there is no greater reward IMO.  I was super nervous, but I turn that into excitement.  Now I giggle when I see my boobs. Literally.  Congrats to everyone who takes steps to self improvement and self acceptance.

Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Canerfice on May 08, 2019, 11:07:09 PM
Quote from: WishnHopeN on March 27, 2019, 08:30:45 PM
I have 560cc implants and want to go bigger.  I'm not sure I "regret" it but I am having revision surgery.

When I have my BA I also want to go big. I have a few sets of false silicone breast forms and I absolutely fell in love with the largest size.
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Rachel_Christina on May 09, 2019, 01:50:49 AM
I'm aiming for 280cc for myself though, I think it should be pretty natural looking!
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: Charlie Nicki on May 09, 2019, 09:58:05 AM
I went with 480cc and I think they look perfect for me. I went from an A cup to a B cup, I'm a 36B now; my height is 174cm and my weight is 67kg.
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: mm on May 09, 2019, 10:45:15 AM
HollyKay, I expect it is a shock when you first see and feel them on your chest, for you got them all at once.  For cis girls it takes a few years to get them and they get use to them gradually.  Glad you all getting use to them being there all the time and like the size.  Have you gotten use having them in front of you all the time and being in the way sometimes in seeing and doing things, also did you have to adjust how you walk with the change in your balance?
Title: Re: Breast implants: size regrets?
Post by: HollyKay on May 10, 2019, 11:25:52 PM
@mm,  I have found that carrying stuff like boxes have been a pretty big challenge. I've found that they open a lot of doors that aren't the kind with a sensor like the grocery store though, so it's a fair tradeoff. ☺  I don't feel like I lose my balance, or walk with a forward lean, mostly because I focus on my posture, and keep a healthy lower back arch. They don't really feel heavier either, though they added about three pounds to my chest. I have yet to run with them though. No matter how in shape you are, running with big boobs will likely serve as a great equalizer.