Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: laya_lumbee on November 30, 2018, 10:46:22 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 7 Months Post-Op/Minimum Dilation
Post by: laya_lumbee on November 30, 2018, 10:46:22 AM
So I just want to get this across the best way I can with you understanding all the details. I had surgery 7 months and 2 weeks ago. I was given the blue, green, and orange dilator the day I had my catheter taken out. Since then I stuck to the dilation schedule moving up in size to the biggest and most horrific, ORANGE. I stopped using orange after the first month of trying to get use to it. My surgeon told me that some girls can't even get the blue one in. Luckily during my operation my vag!na surpassed the orange dilator size due to my stretchy skin. I was told I had between 10-11in of depth. Fast-forward to now/today, things are just blue and green for me. I went from dilating 3 times a day for 50 mins with using each color to now only dilating once every 5 days for 50 mins. Which has not bothered me at all. Dilation is still the same as far as the process. No pain. Easy to put in and out. No more struggling to get it to where it needs to be. Haven't lost depth. Orgasams are there like before. Everything is fine and this has been going on for a while lol. (With all things considered I have still not had intercourse due to my choosing)

My question to you is..
How is/has dilation for you going, say, 5 months post op? Is this normal? Are there things I need to be concerned about in the long run with my current dilation schedule? I'm just curious.

Thank you Ladies 🥰
Title: Re: 7 Months Post-Op/Minimum Dilation
Post by: Michelle_P on November 30, 2018, 12:32:46 PM
Different surgical teams have different dilation schedules, and we will each have individual limitations and variables from our individual anatomy and surgical results.

In my particular case I advanced to the last dilator, the Soulsource Orange one, at about the 5 month point.  I used the next largest dilator for a few minutes, and then moved to the orange one for a full 15 minutes as my surgical team specified for the first two weeks, and then just went right to the orange dilator.

With the smaller dilators besides simply inserting them I also moved them side to side a bit once at depth, which helped loosen the muscles at the entry and made it easier to move to the next larger dilator.

My particular schedule had me using the orange dilator twice a day until one yer post-op, and then once daily, which is the schedule I am now on.  I can occasionally miss a day without any issues, as when traveling.