Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: GordonG on December 18, 2018, 08:14:54 PM Return to Full Version

Title: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on December 18, 2018, 08:14:54 PM
I don't post very darn often, but I'm here reading almost every day. Thought I'd start this thread so I could post updates.

I've been on Spiro since July 16th 2018, and Estradiol since October 5th 2018.

I started to notice breast "tingling" sensations in November, but never really felt any lumps of anything else going on. Around the end of November I did notice some small lumps and tenderness. I thought, oh here we go.

At the start of all this my main goal wasn't to transition, and now it still isn't. I was after a release from Testosterone Poisoning. The Spiro did that, but I didn't like the side effects of foggy brain that I got with it. So I thought that I needed to stop this foolishness. I did a whole ton of reading on the web about anything I could find about Spiro and it's possible effects. I read somewhere, that a little bit of E can help with those symptoms. But I wasn't too sure about the boobs.

So that is what I did, started taking a small dose of E. (Gee I sure wished we could discuss dose's.) And sure enough it helped. I have since noted that my body hair growth has slowed down a lot. And I thought that I'd like to see what the E does with my mind, and general feelings. I liked what it was doing in that department, and thought that if breasts started growing I could always stop.

So here it is December 18th and I definitely have some boobage going on. My bust measurement is about 2 inches bigger than when I started in July. My semi-regular measurements bounce around an inch or so. So that doesn't mean that I have B cups.

In all my reading I noted that not many MFT's get more than a B cup, and the older you start the less you're going to get. (Yes I know, YMMV!) So, I've decided to continue on with this course of HRT. Besides, I'm liking them!  :icon_smile:
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Northern Star Girl on December 18, 2018, 09:27:06 PM
I am so very happy that you started your own HRT Journey thread.  It will certainly be nice for you and good for your readers and followers... so we can all keep up to date with what is going on with you.

Actually, your own thread is your own journal that you can share your successes and also your disappointments... writing out these things is actually very good personal therapy and will help you to develop positive solutions to any issues that you are experiencing.....  plus your readers and followers will be able to contribute their thoughts and comments that you might even find helpful.

In addition we are there for you to rejoice with you when you report good news, and when your news is not so good, we are here to support you with a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.

It is interesting that you stated that your initial goal of HRT was not to transition and/or grow boobs.... and now I read that you may be changing your tune with your last sentence:
"So, I've decided to continue on with this course of HRT. Besides, I'm liking them!  :icon_smile:"

Again, it is terrific that you now have your own thread.... you will find it personally beneficial for sure.
Thank you for sharing.  I will be eagerly looking for and following your updates.

Hugs and well wishes,
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on December 19, 2018, 08:22:03 AM
Thank you Danielle , you are so nice and a great asset to this forum.

I'm going to start watching what I eat better and get more exercise to lose more weight.  I'm down 30 lbs from my all time high about 2 years ago. I could stand to loose another 35 to 50. 50 would put me at my weight 45 years ago.
Thanks again.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on December 19, 2018, 08:30:54 AM

Congratulations on starting HRT on July 16th and October 5th.

I am glad that you have subsequently witnessed both physical and emotional benefits. I hope the brain fog which your HRT should counteract, results in your brain functioning clearer.

I wish you every happiness on your HRT journey (whichever route you decide in future to take).


Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: NatalieRene on December 19, 2018, 09:10:19 AM
Quote from: GordonG on December 19, 2018, 08:22:03 AM
Thank you Danielle , you are so nice and a great asset to this forum.

I'm going to start watching what I eat better and get more exercise to lose more weight.  I'm down 30 lbs from my all time high about 2 years ago. I could stand to loose another 35 to 50. 50 would put me at my weight 45 years ago.
Thanks again.

That is great to hear. I've been working to lose weight too. I have a topic located at,243318.20.html (,243318.20.html). Feel free to post there or start another thread. We can keep each other motivated. Best of luck.  ;D
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on December 19, 2018, 09:49:11 AM
Quote from: pamelatransuk on December 19, 2018, 08:30:54 AM

Congratulations on starting HRT on July 16th and October 5th.

I am glad that you have subsequently witnessed both physical and emotional benefits. I hope the brain fog which your HRT should counteract, results in your brain functioning clearer.

I wish you every happiness on your HRT journey (whichever route you decide in future to take).



Thanks Pamela! So far so good.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on December 19, 2018, 09:49:59 AM
Quote from: NatalieRene on December 19, 2018, 09:10:19 AM
That is great to hear. I've been working to lose weight too. I have a topic located at,243318.20.html (,243318.20.html). Feel free to post there or start another thread. We can keep each other motivated. Best of luck.  ;D

I'll be sure to take a look at it.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 03, 2019, 07:40:44 PM
I'm so happy.  ;D

Today I had an appointment with the urologist that was referred to me by my hrt prescribing doctor. We talked about all the pros and cons for an orchiectomy. All systems are a go. I can call and schedule a surgery day anytime I want to. But I need to hold off a little while for some other things that are going on in my life. But I hope to have it done by March.

Whoopee, :icon_dance: then I can go off the spiro.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 03, 2019, 08:04:40 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 03, 2019, 07:40:44 PM
I'm so happy.  ;D

Today I had an appointment with the urologist that was referred to me by my hrt prescribing doctor. We talked about all the pros and cons for an orchiectomy. All systems are a go. I can call and schedule a surgery day anytime I want to. But I need to hold off a little while for some other things that are going on in my life. But I hope to have it done by March.

Whoopee, :icon_dance: then I can go off the spiro.

Wow, this is exciting news for you....   when you finally get a consultation date and a proposed surgery date please keep us all informed so we can start a countdown on your thread....   

Again, very exciting news.
Thank you for sharing and posting.

Hugs, and well wishes,
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 03, 2019, 08:13:49 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on January 03, 2019, 08:04:40 PM
Wow, this is exciting news for you....   when you finally get a consultation date and a proposed surgery date please keep us all informed so we can start a countdown on your thread....   

Again, very exciting news.
Thank you for sharing and posting.

Hugs, and well wishes,

Thank you Danielle.
Today was the consultation date. He put the gloves on to check out the equipment. Scheduling the surgery date is the next step.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: MikeP on January 03, 2019, 09:38:41 PM
This all sounds great!  I just started spiro and the clinic I am connected with is very pro orchiectomy after a trial of HRT.  Something that was very encouraging for us with genital dysphoria is they understand and would set you up to be a fully functional eunuch.  Most doctors dont understand the eunuch concept.  This is all great.  I sent you a PM too. 
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 07, 2019, 08:50:00 PM
A bit of a downer today. My insurance informed me that they do require two letters, and one year of hrt before they will pay for an orchiectomy.  I messaged the Dr. to ask what my cost would be paying myself.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on January 07, 2019, 09:07:43 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 07, 2019, 08:50:00 PM
A bit of a downer today. My insurance informed me that they do require two letters, and one year of hrt before they will pay for an orchiectomy.  I messaged the Dr. to ask what my cost would be paying myself.
The gatekeepers at work!
I was hoping they would agree to remove my useless testes that hurt a lot all day, every day.  They'd rather pump me full of antibiotics instead of doing actions!  The antibiotics are almost done, they did do nothing against the pain!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: AnneK on January 07, 2019, 09:47:00 PM
QuoteMy insurance informed me that they do require two letters, and one year of hrt before

If I'm reading your sig correctly, you're already on HRT, though not for a year.  Is it a problem to wait?  It's the same deal in Ontario, a year on HRT and 2 evaluations, before any surgery.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 14, 2019, 07:40:39 PM
Great news. I'm now scheduled for surgery on Feb 15th. I'll be paying for it myself seeing how my insurance won't do it now. I'd have to wait till October for them to "maybe" pay for it. Since I plan on retiring this year, I want to go ahead and get it done.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on January 14, 2019, 08:42:28 PM
Congrats on the Orchie date!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on January 14, 2019, 08:48:29 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 14, 2019, 07:40:39 PM
Great news. I'm now scheduled for surgery on Feb 15th. I'll be paying for it myself seeing how my insurance won't do it now. I'd have to wait till October for them to "maybe" pay for it. Since I plan on retiring this year, I want to go ahead and get it done.
I think i am next in line, I still try to find a way to make it a medical necessity!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on January 15, 2019, 03:25:27 AM
Glad to see you have arranged a date for surgery. I shall be thinking of you on Feb 15th.

Hope all goes very well.

Good luck on reimbursement from Insurance in October also.


Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 21, 2019, 08:04:34 PM
Got a question, if anyone has any experience with Spironolactone and an Orchiectomy. I know that I'll need to taper off the Spiro, you can't just cold turkey that stuff.  I'm wondering if I should taper down to nothing just before my surgery or wait till after?

And no, I can't ask my prescribing doctor because he is incommunicado. He badly injured his foot/ankle a while ago and had to have surgery. His nurse says that he'll be back in March some time. And no, they will not contact him for me to ask. Kind of a bum deal that I really don't understand.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Northern Star Girl on January 21, 2019, 08:50:41 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 21, 2019, 08:04:34 PM
Got a question, if anyone has any experience with Spironolactone and an Orchiectomy. I know that I'll need to taper off the Spiro, you can't just cold turkey that stuff.  I'm wondering if I should taper down to nothing just before my surgery or wait till after?

And no, I can't ask my prescribing doctor because he is incommunicado. He badly injured his foot/ankle a while ago and had to have surgery. His nurse says that he'll be back in March some time. And no, they will not contact him for me to ask. Kind of a bum deal that I really don't understand.
No on-call doctor filling in to handle thier patients???  Blood test results will dictate when, how fast, and the correct dosages prior to your surgery date.
You really need professional medical advice perhaps from you surgeon would be best because it is the surgeon in your doctor's absence that knows exactly what the answer will be for your unique situation based on your blood test numbers.

When is your planned surgery date? ???
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 21, 2019, 08:58:50 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on January 21, 2019, 08:50:41 PM
No on-call doctor filling in to handle thier patients???  Blood test results will dictate when, how fast, and the correct dosages prior to your surgery date.
You really need professional medical advice perhaps from you surgeon would be best because it is the surgeon in your doctor's absence that knows exactly what the answer will be for your unique situation based on your blood test numbers.

When is your planned surgery date? ???

The medical clinic I'm going to has only one person who sees transgender patients. The surgeon who is doing the Orchi is just a urologist, he knows nothing about hormones. It really is a weird situation. I just may contact the nurse again and strongly suggest that she contact him because I need an answer prior to March when he is available. My surgery date is Feb 15th.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on January 21, 2019, 09:43:01 PM
You can get cold turkey off of Spironolactone, but it may cause you blood pressure to rise quite a bit.  I really depends on the reason it was prescribed for.  In my case I use it as a diuretic (it's nick name is water pill), and I would need another diuretic when I stop it.
You could check with your pharmacist, bcause they know what it was prescribed for and ho you can stop it best.  The pharmacist is definitely a better source for medication information than a surgeon is (and in many cases they know more about the stuff than the prescribing doctor who looked into his Merck Register to find the medication).
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Janes Groove on January 21, 2019, 10:14:10 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 21, 2019, 08:58:50 PM
The surgeon who is doing the Orchi is just a urologist, he knows nothing about hormones.

Spiro is a pretty common drug.  I'm sure the urologist has had lots of patients who were/are taking spiro.  Any surgeon has gone thru extensive training on how to deal with all the various medications their patients are taking and whether or not they have to slowly stop, go cold turkey, or don't stop at all.  I would ask the surgeon.
For example if you are taking baby aspirin, which many of us take along with estrogen, he might ask you to stop taking that a week or 2 before surgery to avoid excessive bleeding.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on January 24, 2019, 08:15:30 PM
I got this email today from the nurse
"We got an an answer back from endocrinology. We're told you can stop the Spironolactone the day before the surgery. You don't need to taper it.
Connie, RN"

I've read on a transgender hormone forum that it is not good to quit Spiro cold turkey, yet that is what she is telling me to do. I'm thinking that since the surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow that I'll go down by a quarter of my dose per week.

Does this sound OK? Anyone else been through this?
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Michelle_P on January 24, 2019, 09:18:01 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 24, 2019, 08:15:30 PM
I got this email today from the nurse
"We got an an answer back from endocrinology. We're told you can stop the Spironolactone the day before the surgery. You don't need to taper it.
Connie, RN"

I've read on a transgender hormone forum that it is not good to quit Spiro cold turkey, yet that is what she is telling me to do. I'm thinking that since the surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow that I'll go down by a quarter of my dose per week.

Does this sound OK? Anyone else been through this?

I've done this for two surgeries before I was off spiro (the 2nd was GCS :) ).  It doesn't appear to cause any problem.  It takes weeks for testosterone to rise significantly, and several days before blood pressure becomes significantly affected.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Janes Groove on January 24, 2019, 09:35:24 PM
I stopped taking Spiro about a year and a half ago.  I did it cold turkey as per my doc's advice.
No problems whatsoever.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: AnneK on January 24, 2019, 09:40:38 PM
QuoteDoes this sound OK?

I'd say go with what the endocrinologist says, not what you read on the Internet.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on January 24, 2019, 10:15:04 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 14, 2019, 07:40:39 PM
Great news. I'm now scheduled for surgery on Feb 15th. I'll be paying for it myself seeing how my insurance won't do it now. I'd have to wait till October for them to "maybe" pay for it. Since I plan on retiring this year, I want to go ahead and get it done.
Congrats on a date, sorry you have to pay for it.  I waiting on my two letter to get my Orchiectomy scheduled.  Hopefully in the next couple of weeks.  I'm two years on HRT and thank goodness my insurance will pay for it.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on January 24, 2019, 11:52:05 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 24, 2019, 08:15:30 PM
I got this email today from the nurse
"We got an an answer back from endocrinology. We're told you can stop the Spironolactone the day before the surgery. You don't need to taper it.
Connie, RN"

I've read on a transgender hormone forum that it is not good to quit Spiro cold turkey, yet that is what she is telling me to do. I'm thinking that since the surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow that I'll go down by a quarter of my dose per week.

Does this sound OK? Anyone else been through this?
Why would you do this?  The literature says it is Ok to stop cold turkey, your endo says it is ok to stop, and you think some people on the internet know it better?
But you can do it either way, it does not make any real difference.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: jill610 on January 25, 2019, 06:22:31 AM
My last dose of spiro was the day before my grs. All my drs agreed the only thing I needed to end prior was the estrogen (which not everyone agrees with, including me). It was fine, I only noticed some increase in edema due to not having the diuretic effect and that went away within a few days.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Susan R on January 31, 2019, 09:25:57 PM
Quote from: GordonG on January 24, 2019, 08:15:30 PM
I got this email today from the nurse
"We got an an answer back from endocrinology. We're told you can stop the Spironolactone the day before the surgery. You don't need to taper it.
Connie, RN"

I've read on a transgender hormone forum that it is not good to quit Spiro cold turkey, yet that is what she is telling me to do. I'm thinking that since the surgery is 3 weeks from tomorrow that I'll go down by a quarter of my dose per week.

Does this sound OK? Anyone else been through this?

Hi Gordon, I was on Spironolactone for 3 months and due to a lowering kidney function rate was immediately taken off the medication cold turkey.  That was on Dec 24.  I orinnally was put on the med Sept 25 in ever increasing doses so I was concerned.  I asked if it was ok to get off so fast but was again told that cold turkey is fine.  It was fine.  I stopped and had no negative effects.

Susan R🌷
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on February 03, 2019, 02:11:10 AM
Quote from: MikeP on January 03, 2019, 09:38:41 PM
This all sounds great!  I just started spiro and the clinic I am connected with is very pro orchiectomy after a trial of HRT.  Something that was very encouraging for us with genital dysphoria is they understand and would set you up to be a fully functional eunuch.  Most doctors dont understand the eunuch concept.  This is all great.  I sent you a PM too.

Just wanted to put in a vote on my experience with the whole "eunuch" concept.  The idea of not having a mix of hormones or rather no hormones other then what you get from your addrenal glands was for me a very depressing, foggy brain and just lousy experience.  I had to deal with that for a year after cancer surgery (To make sure it was all cut out.  Then I tried Testosterone with Arimidex to control the conversion to estrogen (testosterone myself into maleness)  and that was a bit better then nothing.  But the best combination for me and my gender issues is estrogen with a little bit of testosterone. 
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 04, 2019, 08:48:17 PM
Quote from: JanePlain on February 03, 2019, 02:11:10 AM
Just wanted to put in a vote on my experience with the whole "eunuch" concept.  The idea of not having a mix of hormones or rather no hormones other then what you get from your addrenal glands was for me a very depressing, foggy brain and just lousy experience.  I had to deal with that for a year after cancer surgery (To make sure it was all cut out.  Then I tried Testosterone with Arimidex to control the conversion to estrogen (testosterone myself into maleness)  and that was a bit better then nothing.  But the best combination for me and my gender issues is estrogen with a little bit of testosterone.

Thanks for your post Jane. I've been a member of "The Eunuch Archive" for a while now and can really identify with it. That is my goal is to become a feminine eunuch.

Orchi is 10 days away!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 04, 2019, 08:57:13 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 04, 2019, 08:48:17 PM
Thanks for your post Jane. I've been a member of "The Eunuch Archive" for a while now and can really identify with it. That is my goal is to become a feminine eunuch.

Orchi is 10 days away!
I will find out tomorrow, when mine is.  Because of my medical problem with the little guys, they want to take me in as soon as they have a slot free.  I have the benefit that the health insurance will pay for it, because it is a required medical procedure for me.
What is he benefit to become an eunuch?  Your face has so much potential to be a pretty woman!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 05, 2019, 09:19:27 AM
Quote from: GordonG on February 04, 2019, 08:48:17 PM
Thanks for your post Jane. I've been a member of "The Eunuch Archive" for a while now and can really identify with it. That is my goal is to become a feminine eunuch.

Orchi is 10 days away!

...  Congratulations on your confirmed Orchi surgery date...

10 days from your post comment last night...
....hmmm, isn't that going to be February 14th... Valentine's Day ???  ;) :o
So very interesting!!!

Wishing you well,
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 05, 2019, 01:06:36 PM
Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on February 05, 2019, 09:19:27 AM
...  Congratulations on your confirmed Orchi surgery date...

10 days from your post comment last night...
....hmmm, isn't that going to be February 14th... Valentine's Day ???  ;) :o
So very interesting!!!

Wishing you well,

Did I miscount? It's actually February 15th.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 08, 2019, 05:23:35 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 05, 2019, 01:06:36 PM
It's actually February 15th.

Congrats on the date.  I have my first letter and the second should be on its way soon to get my Orchi scheduled.  I'm hoping early March.  I needed two from my insurance to get it scheduled.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 08, 2019, 06:55:46 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 05, 2019, 01:06:36 PM
Did I miscount? It's actually February 15th.
I was scheduled today for Feb 22nd.
By that time you should feel OK again, and could come to hold my hand!  :angel:
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on February 09, 2019, 05:44:29 AM

As promised earlier, I shall be thinking of you on Friday 15th.


I shall be thinking of you on Friday 22nd.


I note you are now scheduling and hope they grant your wish for early March.

I am sure it will all go well for the 3 of you.


Pamela  xx
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 09, 2019, 07:44:41 AM
Quote from: pamelatransuk on February 09, 2019, 05:44:29 AM

As promised earlier, I shall be thinking of you on Friday 15th.


I shall be thinking of you on Friday 22nd.


I note you are now scheduling and hope they grant your wish for early March.

I am sure it will all go well for the 3 of you.


Pamela  xx
Thank you for your good wishes Pamela!

And iI would also wish my 2 other, pretty soon testicle free, co-contributors here all the best!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 09, 2019, 12:53:40 PM
Thanks to everyone for their kind comments.
I wish Linde and Julie well also.

Orchi is less than a week away now. (Feb 15th).

This morning over breakfast my wife asked me if I was apprehensive and/or nervous. I told her no. A month or more ago I was; as I was full of doubt and worry. Is this something I should be doing? What about as I get older? What will the future bring. But now I can say that I've worked it all out in my head and am looking forward to it.

1. I like what the Spiro and E have done for me mentally.
2. I don't have that crazy male libido screaming at me anymore. What a relief.
3. I'll be off of Spiro, which by some accounts is not good for you in the long run.
4. I'll be rid of those hangy things that are constantly in the way and in need of adjusting. I aim to have a scrotectomy some time in the next year.

I'll update this thread as it goes.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 09, 2019, 01:34:08 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 09, 2019, 12:53:40 PM

3. I'll be off of Spiro, which by some accounts is not good for you in the long run.

I can attest to that spiro stuff!  I think it makes me constantly tired and lethargic/listless!  I want to get it ou of my body as fast as possible, and once I had my surgery (exactly on the day one week after you), I hope I have not to touch it ever again!
I am on the highest dose of Finasterie for about 6 years now, and I do not feel any side effects from that one.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 13, 2019, 09:19:02 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 09, 2019, 12:53:40 PM

Orchi is less than a week away now. (Feb 15th).

1. I like what the Spiro and E have done for me mentally.
2. I don't have that crazy male libido screaming at me anymore. What a relief.
3. I'll be off of Spiro, which by some accounts is not good for you in the long run.
4. I'll be rid of those hangy things that are constantly in the way and in need of adjusting. I aim to have a scrotectomy some time in the next year.

I agree with your reason.  I'm not going to have the scrotectomy because I hope to have GCS in the future.  But I was told the skin really shrinks up. 

I'm ready but still waiting on my second letter.

Good luck Friday!!

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 13, 2019, 10:19:25 PM
Good luck Gordon.  I will follow suit Friday in a week!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 14, 2019, 07:11:09 AM
Got the call yesterday with all the instructions etc for the surgery tomorrow.  All the normal stuff like no food after midnight tonite.  Surgery checkin time is 2:30 pm. Damn,  I'm going to be hungry. Oh well.  The wife and I will stop at a drive thru on the way home.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Joanne ONeal on February 14, 2019, 07:35:14 AM
Good Luck tomorrow GordanG!!!!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 14, 2019, 08:07:24 AM
Quote from: GordonG on February 14, 2019, 07:11:09 AM
Got the call yesterday with all the instructions etc for the surgery tomorrow.  All the normal stuff like no food after midnight tonite.  Surgery checkin time is 2:30 pm. Damn,  I'm going to be hungry. Oh well.  The wife and I will stop at a drive thru on the way home.
I got a letter already, telling me that stuff.  The way it looks like, I will be the first case in the morning, which mans I have to report at about 5 AM to the hospital!  That means leaving my house around 4 am.  Not much of a good night sleep for me, I guess

I wish you lots of luck and as little discomfort as possible!  I hold your hand in a virtual way!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 14, 2019, 03:54:26 PM

  Good luck to you as well.  Both of you must be so excited.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: mm on February 14, 2019, 04:53:39 PM
Good luck tomorrow, Dietlind and let us know how you are doing afterwards.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 14, 2019, 08:55:47 PM
Quote from: mm on February 14, 2019, 04:53:39 PM
Good luck tomorrow, Dietlind and let us know how you are doing afterwards.
I sure will, once i can sit in front of a computer again.  While at Costco today, I bought on of those seat cushions that are partially open between the legs.  I hope that might help to reduce any discomfort when sitting!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on February 15, 2019, 04:07:07 AM

Hoping all goes well today.


Pamela  xx
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 15, 2019, 09:55:21 AM
Gordon should be close to be in prep now!  I hope we hear soon of him, and only positive things!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey with Orchi - Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 16, 2019, 04:39:41 PM
I'm back to give you an update.

Surgery check in was 2:30 pm yesterday. Didn't actually get into the surgical suite till 4 PM. Was being wheeled out the door about 6 pm. No great discomfort at all, but did take a pain pill before going to bed just in case. Woke up several times during the nite. Once to go to the bathroom to alleviate a bladder and to change packing on the wound and drains. Doctor put in drains to drain fluids and excessive blood, to prevent a hematoma. But no pain to speak of. Last pain pill was night before, and so far today don't need anything.

I'm glad it's done and over. The anticipation and accompanying thoughts were a bother to deal with. Now on to better days.

:icon_flower: Oh, and a belated Happy Valentines day to all.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey with Orchi - Updates
Post by: Linde on February 16, 2019, 04:59:57 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 16, 2019, 04:39:41 PM
I'm back to give you an update.

Surgery check in was 2:30 pm yesterday. Didn't actually get into the surgical suite till 4 PM. Was being wheeled out the door about 6 pm. No great discomfort at all, but did take a pain pill before going to bed just in case. Woke up several times during the nite. Once to go to the bathroom to alleviate a bladder and to change packing on the wound and drains. Doctor put in drains to drain fluids and excessive blood, to prevent a hematoma. But no pain to speak of. Last pain pill was night before, and so far today don't need anything.

I'm glad it's done and over. The anticipation and accompanying thoughts were a bother to deal with. Now on to better days.

:icon_flower: Oh, and a belated Happy Valentines day to all.
Wow, that sounds easy peasy! I hope it continues that well, bcause I might need you to hold my hand when I have it done next Friday, and I am a cry baby!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on February 17, 2019, 07:58:06 AM

Excellent! I am so happy both that it went well and that you suffered little or no pain.


Pamela  xx
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 17, 2019, 10:47:36 PM

  I'm so happy it went well and not too much pain.  Thanks for giving us an update.

Take care!!

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Susan R on February 18, 2019, 01:45:41 PM
QuoteBut no pain to speak of. Last pain pill was night before, and so far today don't need anything.

Hi Gordon, thanks for the update and good news.  I thought the pain would be intense.  Nice to hear that you are doing well.  Has there been any noticeable changes other than normal pain in the localized surgery site?  Do you have to take T injections or pills or will your body produce enough T on its own (cis female levels)?

Susan R🌷
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 18, 2019, 02:19:05 PM
Quote from: Susan R on February 18, 2019, 01:45:41 PM
Hi Gordon, thanks for the update and good news.  I thought the pain would be intense.  Nice to hear that you are doing well.  Has there been any noticeable changes other than normal pain in the localized surgery site?  Do you have to take T injections or pills or will your body produce enough T on its own (cis female levels)?

Susan R

The pain is a lot less than I thought I would have. Just took two Tylenol last night before bed and nothing so far today. No noticeable changes so far.
I'm not planning on taking any T supplementation. The adrenal gland makes some. I'm just going to continue my low dose of E and see how the blood tests go. I'll be doing that again in mid March.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 18, 2019, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 18, 2019, 02:19:05 PM
The pain is a lot less than I thought I would have. Just took two Tylenol last night before bed and nothing so far today. No noticeable changes so far.
I'm not planning on taking any T supplementation. The adrenal gland makes some. I'm just going to continue my low dose of E and see how the blood tests go. I'll be doing that again in mid March.
So you mean, you are ready to come, and hold my hand on Friday?
Title: Re: My HRT Journey with Orchi - Updates
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 18, 2019, 10:36:30 PM
Thank you for your update.  I am so happy for you that your procedure went well and that you did not experience excess discomfort and pain.
Your post-op report is great to read.
As is many times the case, the anticipation and thoughts about the procedure is sometimes worse than the actual event...
Please continue posting your post-op experiences as you feel so led.
Hugs and well wishes,

Quote from: GordonG on February 16, 2019, 04:39:41 PM
I'm back to give you an update.

Surgery check in was 2:30 pm yesterday. Didn't actually get into the surgical suite till 4 PM. Was being wheeled out the door about 6 pm. No great discomfort at all, but did take a pain pill before going to bed just in case. Woke up several times during the nite. Once to go to the bathroom to alleviate a bladder and to change packing on the wound and drains. Doctor put in drains to drain fluids and excessive blood, to prevent a hematoma. But no pain to speak of. Last pain pill was night before, and so far today don't need anything.

I'm glad it's done and over. The anticipation and accompanying thoughts were a bother to deal with. Now on to better days.

:icon_flower: Oh, and a belated Happy Valentines day to all.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on February 19, 2019, 11:56:35 PM
Great to hear it went well! Super great to hear your sleeping ok without the heavy duty pain meds (That always wear off too soon anyway) I want to say never say never to adjusting your T to get it into normal female range. If your feeling asexual changing that might be important to your wife? Actually I would be very curious if that is an issue but totally understand if you don't want to comment. Just a thought. I know most of us think of testosterone as the problem - not the solution.

Anyway congratulations! 
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on February 21, 2019, 07:52:15 PM
Things are still going fine. Haven't even taken a tylenol in the past 3 days. Went back to the doc yesterday after work and he removed the drains. I still don't like all the baggage, (scrotum). He said it will diminish and contract over time. I'm thinking that I'd like it snipped off as well. But he said to wait at least 4 months before making that decision. I'd like to have a smooth "under d__k".
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on February 21, 2019, 08:41:12 PM
Quote from: GordonG on February 21, 2019, 07:52:15 PM
Things are still going fine. Haven't even taken a tylenol in the past 3 days. Went back to the doc yesterday after work and he removed the drains. I still don't like all the baggage, (scrotum). He said it will diminish and contract over time. I'm thinking that I'd like it snipped off as well. But he said to wait at least 4 months before making that decision. I'd like to have a smooth "under d__k".
Snipping that off, would be a pretty bloody job, and something would need to be done with the void!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 21, 2019, 10:16:27 PM

  I'm so glad things are going well.  I was talking with a friend who was telling me about her Orchi.  She said it swelled up to lemon size.  I don't blame you one bit on not wanting that type of thing hanging around. LOL

  I'm scheduled with a independent therapist in early March to get my second letter so that they will schedule my Orchi. Can't wait.

Take care of yourself.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Susan R on February 25, 2019, 11:42:49 PM
Gordon, Good to read that all is well and pain management is under control or not needed.  Thanks for the update.

Susan R🌷
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on March 04, 2019, 03:17:34 AM
Quote from: GordonG on February 21, 2019, 07:52:15 PM
Things are still going fine. Haven't even taken a tylenol in the past 3 days. Went back to the doc yesterday after work and he removed the drains. I still don't like all the baggage, (scrotum). He said it will diminish and contract over time. I'm thinking that I'd like it snipped off as well. But he said to wait at least 4 months before making that decision. I'd like to have a smooth "under d__k".

Personally I would leave it as is.  You got the important parts removed.  Enjoy it!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on March 04, 2019, 01:27:49 PM
Quote from: JanePlain on March 04, 2019, 03:17:34 AM
Personally I would leave it as is.  You got the important parts removed.  Enjoy it!

It's going to have to shrink up considerably for me to not do it. And it certainly hasn't done any of that so far.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 04, 2019, 01:47:54 PM
Quote from: GordonG on March 04, 2019, 01:27:49 PM
It's going to have to shrink up considerably for me to not do it. And it certainly hasn't done any of that so far.
Think about how long it took to get to it's current size!  Give it a while.  I would not do any removal either, it will either create a pretty large scar, or the have to do a skin graft of some sort.  I think the size of the wound close to the anus would be a pretty big sorce for an infection, without giving you any extra benefits (like a neo vagina for example).
Ask some here who had their orchi done a longer time ago, how their shrinking was!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on March 06, 2019, 07:03:22 PM
Quote from: Dietlind on March 04, 2019, 01:47:54 PM
Think about how long it took to get to it's current size!  Give it a while.  I would not do any removal either, it will either create a pretty large scar, or the have to do a skin graft of some sort.  I think the size of the wound close to the anus would be a pretty big sorce for an infection, without giving you any extra benefits (like a neo vagina for example).
Ask some here who had their orchi done a longer time ago, how their shrinking was!

I have done as much, as I've been a member of the Eunuch Archive Forum for over a year now, and there are several gentlemen there that have had a scrotectomy. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. They do not describe a skin graft of any sort, and the size of the wound doesn't go anywhere near the anus. The benefits far outweigh having a baggy bunch of skin hanging and getting in the way all the time. And there is no way that I want a neo vagina.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 06, 2019, 09:01:22 PM
Quote from: GordonG on March 06, 2019, 07:03:22 PM

I have done as much, as I've been a member of the Eunuch Archive Forum for over a year now, and there are several gentlemen there that have had a scrotectomy. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. They do not describe a skin graft of any sort, and the size of the wound doesn't go anywhere near the anus. The benefits far outweigh having a baggy bunch of skin hanging and getting in the way all the time. And there is no way that I want a neo vagina.
You are right, I never even thought about this procedure. It just horrifies me!  But I also plan to have a neo vulva with a limited depth vagina one of these days, and every bit  of the skin down there might be very valuable for my future procedures.

I wish you lots of luck with this procedure!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on March 25, 2019, 08:48:07 PM
Just had my hormone levels checked in preparation for doctors visit on Wednesday. I'm not sure what to make of the E level. So thought I'd post about it here to see what others may think.

Estradiol <20pg/mL, which I take to mean under 20 pg/mL. Can't they measure under that level?
Total Testosterone 18 ng/dL
Free Testosterone 1.3 pg/dL

I had an orchi in Feb, so the T is where it should be. But the E baffles me. My dosage hasn't changed since I started in Oct '18.

First test later that month (Oct) was 167pg/mL (But I had taken my dose within a few hours of the blood draw, so I don't trust that number)

Second test was in Dec '18 was 42pg/mL

And then my third test, last week is <20 pg/mL

Anyone have any ideas? I'll be quizzing my Dr for sure.

Just to let everyone know my healing from the Orchi is going just fine. The site of the sutures are pink with just a hint of tenderness. It's got a little ways to go before I'll consider it done healing. But I'm liking it so far.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: MikeP on March 25, 2019, 10:12:59 PM
Great to hear from you.  I think the appearance is just as important as the changes in hormones.  I assume crotch comfort is better without them right?  Hardly a day goes by that I don.t wish for bulge reduction or elimination.  It just dont fit me and my personality.

As for E mine came in at 168 and T was down to 270 on a low dose E.  It changed my desires but also my motivation in some areas is lower than I prefer.  Not sure what is going to work best but my plan is to keep trying and see about taking care of the physical dysphoria with my doctors help. 

Thanks again for all your post, Mike
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 26, 2019, 12:02:34 AM
Quote from: GordonG on March 25, 2019, 08:48:07 PM

Just to let everyone know my healing from the Orchi is going just fine. The site of the sutures are pink with just a hint of tenderness. It's got a little ways to go before I'll consider it done healing. But I'm liking it so far.
Had my post op today.  My sutures have desolved, but I still have a little blood spotting.  The doc said it is normal and should stop in a week or so.  He wants to see me back in a year.  He took most of my scrotum away, which means I had basically the procedure you are planning for.  My pain was very minimal, and I don't think that the larger wound made any real difference.  But I am pretty sure, it will be quite a while before I feel riding a bicycle!

I am starting to look into SRS to have it done as soon as possible.

I wish you continuous good recovery!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on March 26, 2019, 12:52:37 AM
Quote from: Dietlind on March 04, 2019, 01:47:54 PM
Think about how long it took to get to it's current size!  Give it a while.  I would not do any removal either, it will either create a pretty large scar, or the have to do a skin graft of some sort.  I think the size of the wound close to the anus would be a pretty big sorce for an infection, without giving you any extra benefits (like a neo vagina for example).
Ask some here who had their orchi done a longer time ago, how their shrinking was!

I totally agree.  Who knows maybe you will decide to do SRS (GRS? why do they keep changing things?)  Better to have the material and avoid infections. 
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: JanePlain on March 26, 2019, 12:55:34 AM
Quote from: GordonG on March 25, 2019, 08:48:07 PM
Just had my hormone levels checked in preparation for doctors visit on Wednesday. I'm not sure what to make of the E level. So thought I'd post about it here to see what others may think.

Estradiol <20pg/mL, which I take to mean under 20 pg/mL. Can't they measure under that level?
Total Testosterone 18 ng/dL
Free Testosterone 1.3 pg/dL

I had an orchi in Feb, so the T is where it should be. But the E baffles me. My dosage hasn't changed since I started in Oct '18.

First test later that month (Oct) was 167pg/mL (But I had taken my dose within a few hours of the blood draw, so I don't trust that number)

Second test was in Dec '18 was 42pg/mL

And then my third test, last week is <20 pg/mL

Anyone have any ideas? I'll be quizzing my Dr for sure.

Just to let everyone know my healing from the Orchi is going just fine. The site of the sutures are pink with just a hint of tenderness. It's got a little ways to go before I'll consider it done healing. But I'm liking it so far.

You may have mentioned it but how do you take estrogen?  Are you doing a pill, transdermal or injection?  or something else?  If its transdermal (A rub on) you have to rub it in pretty good and don't take a shower or bath right after applying it for example.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on March 26, 2019, 04:48:43 AM
Hello again Gordon

I thought I would let you see my attached thread which covers so many Susans Members E&T BT readings after 3/4 6/7 9/10 and 12/13 months in case you wish to compare.,244695.20.html

However I am now aware that timing of the BT makes a substantial difference to the E&T readings as some members had their blood drawn just a couple of hours after HRT method (tablet/patch/injection etc) whereas some members waited 48 hours or so.

Consistency of timing is necessary and you may wish to agree with your doctor how long after application, your blood should be drawn. I note that you already suspect and I agree that the change in your timings has resulted in such a difference but as you say, your latest E reading is indeed low for 5 months HRT.


Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on March 26, 2019, 10:03:09 AM
Quote from: JanePlain on March 26, 2019, 12:52:37 AM
I totally agree.  Who knows maybe you will decide to do SRS (GRS? why do they keep changing things?)  Better to have the material and avoid infections.

Sorry that is not going to happen.  I'm very comfortable as I am.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Julie -2010 on March 27, 2019, 10:39:17 PM
Quote from: GordonG on March 25, 2019, 08:48:07 PM
Just had my hormone levels checked in preparation for doctors visit on Wednesday. I'm not sure what to make of the E level. So thought I'd post about it here to see what others may think.

Estradiol <20pg/mL, which I take to mean under 20 pg/mL. Can't they measure under that level?
Total Testosterone 18 ng/dL
Free Testosterone 1.3 pg/dL

I had an orchi in Feb, so the T is where it should be. But the E baffles me. My dosage hasn't changed since I started in Oct '18.

First test later that month (Oct) was 167pg/mL (But I had taken my dose within a few hours of the blood draw, so I don't trust that number)

Second test was in Dec '18 was 42pg/mL

And then my third test, last week is <20 pg/mL

Anyone have any ideas? I'll be quizzing my Dr for sure.

Just to let everyone know my healing from the Orchi is going just fine. The site of the sutures are pink with just a hint of tenderness. It's got a little ways to go before I'll consider it done healing. But I'm liking it so far.
First, I'm glad the Orchi is healing well.  I'm just waiting to get mine scheduled so it is nice to get your updates.

I've been on HRT for a little over 2 years and had my 2 year check in Feb. My E was around 157 pg.  But my T spiked up to 85.  I was around 7 to 10 pg on the other test before.  She had me take the blood test again that day.  and my T was down to 43.  I thought it was still too high but my Doc said it looks OK now.  Can wait for the Orchi.

Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on March 28, 2019, 08:58:01 PM
I forgot to mention that since the orchi I've been down. I've read on other forums that that is a natural thing that can happen when your T plummets like mine has.

Saw my doctor yesterday and he is upping the dosage 50% of what I was taking and will redo the blood tests in 2 months.

Hopefully things will improve with the increase in E.
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 28, 2019, 09:26:32 PM
Quote from: GordonG on March 28, 2019, 08:58:01 PM
I forgot to mention that since the orchi I've been down. I've read on other forums that that is a natural thing that can happen when your T plummets like mine has.

Saw my doctor yesterday and he is upping the dosage 50% of what I was taking and will redo the blood tests in 2 months.

Hopefully things will improve with the increase in E.
I just had my blood test done today, and will see my endo next week.  If have to say that I feel pretty OK, I just don't sleep that well.  I don't know if it is because the low T? 
My weird thing is that my genital dysphoria got way stronger now that I have nothing between my legs anymore.  I was hoping for the opposite!  Go figure!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on March 29, 2019, 06:03:11 AM
Quote from: GordonG on March 28, 2019, 08:58:01 PM
I forgot to mention that since the orchi I've been down. I've read on other forums that that is a natural thing that can happen when your T plummets like mine has.

Saw my doctor yesterday and he is upping the dosage 50% of what I was taking and will redo the blood tests in 2 months.

Hopefully things will improve with the increase in E.

Hello again Gordon

I am glad to see your doctor has increased your E.

I am sure you'll see the benefit in the way you feel shortly.

Good luck also with your BT results in May.


Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 29, 2019, 07:15:37 AM
Quote from: pamelatransuk on March 29, 2019, 06:03:11 AM
Hello again Gordon

I am glad to see your doctor has increased your E.

I am sure you'll see the benefit in the way you feel shortly.

Good luck also with your BT results in May.


Never thought about it, why I am not down, but it might be the fact that my doc doubled my E after the orchi.  I feel pretty good with my double E!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: pamelatransuk on March 29, 2019, 09:47:21 AM
Happy to see that, Linde, both the doubling of E and the beneficial result you are experiencing!


Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: Linde on March 29, 2019, 04:39:01 PM
Quote from: pamelatransuk on March 29, 2019, 09:47:21 AM
Happy to see that, Linde, both the doubling of E and the beneficial result you are experiencing!


Today I felt more feminin than I ever have.  I don't know why, but I have absolutely no doubt that I am a woman through and through, I don't even feel trans anymore, just woman!
Title: Re: My HRT Journey - -Updates
Post by: GordonG on May 26, 2019, 05:28:55 PM
Hello again. I had a consult on Friday with Dr Tuan Nyguyen near Portland Oregon for my scrotectomy. It is scheduled for July 10th.

My increased E dosage is going well. I had blood work and a doctor follow up last Monday. Next time will be in six months.

So all in all things are going well. I'm feeling good and happy with where I am.