General Discussions => Beauty => Fashion => Topic started by: dee82 on December 19, 2018, 06:43:49 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: dee82 on December 19, 2018, 06:43:49 PM
I have a couple of pair of pants that have a patterned print on them.

I have many tops with a patterned print.

My partner says, mixing two different prints is not a good idea. She insists I need more plain tops to go with the pants.

I have done google searching that certainly suggests that a plain blouse/shirt goes best with patterned pants (or skirt).

But I am wondering, what do you think?

Do you ever mix up patterns?

Title: Re: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: Maid Marion on December 19, 2018, 07:22:54 PM
Most of us don't look anything like runway models, so practical fashion is all about looking good with what we have.  Or, for many TGs, what we don't have, like hips and butts.   

GGs typically deal with height, weight, body shape, and skin tone.  Sometimes someone's favorite color will make them look sickly.

Mixing patterned prints is likely to look to busy or confused, but some clever people have the gift that allows them to break just about any "rule."
Title: Re: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on December 19, 2018, 07:26:23 PM
I do not mix different patterned prints in the same outfit.  Some women may be able to make a favorable fashion statement mixing them but I am not gifted in that way!

For tops with a layered look, only one layer is a print, the other layer is solid.
An example would be a flower print blouse with a solid cardigan sweater.

Title: Re: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: KathyLauren on December 19, 2018, 07:57:03 PM
I wouldn't mix different patterns.  If the top is patterned, the bottom should be plain, and vice versa.
Title: Re: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: dee82 on December 19, 2018, 08:09:58 PM

Don't mix = 3
Mix = 0

Okay, thanks for the advice, I needed to get that info from someone other than my partner, to be sure.

Maybe I am one of those who can make a favorable fashion statement and be daring, but I would rather not risk it.

Darn, now I need to do some more shopping! (Actually, I find it fun so it's not a chore, but finding time is tricky.)

Title: Re: Need Fashion Advice: Mixing Patterned Prints?
Post by: Janes Groove on December 19, 2018, 11:49:40 PM
Mixing patterns and prints is definitely an art form.  It is possible to succeed with it and the results can be stunning. 

I would say for a beginner to get the colors right first.  Improper color matching will be the first thing to sink you.  Then go with one muted pattern mixed with a more dynamic pattern.  There are infinite possibilities. Don't be afraid to experiment.
This is one of the fun parts of being a girl.