Site News and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: Susan on January 08, 2019, 02:13:37 PM Return to Full Version

Title: We urgently need your support!
Post by: Susan on January 08, 2019, 02:13:37 PM
I need your help! This site is available to our members and visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We have been providing support to the transgender community for the last 23 years, and accepting member support for only 4 of them.

Based on current statistics this year we are on track to serve around 2,847,016 people from all around the world accounting for 67 million page views, and over 5 terabytes of data transferred this year. We do this on around $2,000 a month. No other enterprise level site anywhere in the world could be ran on so little money.

We have ran shortfalls of $499.32 in October, and $989.31 for November; a total of $1,488.63 in just paying the bills. I was able to reduce that amount to $989.84 by taking $498.79 from our emergency funds, which however leaves us no emergency funds on hand. As it stands now, we now have the funds in the bank for less than 1 month's expenses, something that always scares the living daylights out of me. I like to keep a minimum of 2-3 months operating funds in the bank at all times, and would like a 6 month buffer.

What are the funds raised by the site used for?

Paying direct server expenses, and one full time staff member who receives no benefits at all.

Each dollar of your donation or subscription enables roughly 100 people (Based on current unique visitors) to receive lifesaving support. A lot of the visitors to this web site are living in poverty, and to ensure that no one is left out in the cold, all the resources we provide are available freely to everyone! This is possible through the generous support of members like yourself. We serve no advertising in order to protect our members privacy.

What we need

We need a total of $989.84 to make up for our running shortfall from the basic yearly donation goal; $1,549.95 to meet the expenses for this month; and ideally I would like 2 full months of emergency funds on hand for the upcoming lean months; a total of $6,539.79.  This breaks down to 653 donations at $10; 327 at $20; 130 at $50; or 65 donations at $100.

Your support really helps save lives

The following comments are from some of the many people impacted by this site, and who benefited from the help each of you enable us to provide. This web site is to put it simply, a life-saving resource for the transgender community. I did my best to filter out names and identifiable personal information, but please let me know if you see anything I missed!

QuoteI'm so happy to be able to thank you now, Susan, for welcoming me so warmly. Thank you, also, for setting up this space where so many people gather for mutual support. I'm delighted to see how my SO is responding to reading the posts; she is suddenly zooming ahead with her coming out. She's blooming!

QuoteDear Susan,

I just looked up and saw Family under my name. Wow! Don't know how the posts added up to that many. I'm kind of shocked. But the word feels good. And it occurred to me that I've never thanked you for the work you do here. I'm long overdue in that. Your work had truly changed my life. So, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you and your work here on Susan's. I can't imagine having gotten through this time in my life without you.


QuoteHey Susan,

Not sure what you said or did. Perhaps it's just a coincedence, but I noticed today that niceness has returned to the forum. With the exception of a personal run, which is well in hand, it seems that the forum once again reflects you. Thanks either way.

Love always,


I just wanted to let you know that my transition was aided in a large part to the wonderful and complete information you have on this site.

When I approached HR on my transition, I also gave them many pages from your wiki and they were extremely helpful to HR in understanding me and the FTM, XXXXX, that is coming out at the same time.

They also used many of the wiki and links as part of the creation of handouts that will be given to my team mates tomorrow when they announce me and XXXXX.

I know this is a group effort. But it's your site, Susan, and without it consolodating so much information in one place I don't know that I would have been as successful in making my transition request to my company.

So thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

BTW: This is my last day as a guy. After I leave work today, I'm all XXXXX all the time. I'm scared and happy and just about everything else you can feel all at once. Naturally my productivety today is in the bucket!

QuoteThe structure, the ambiance and NATURE of this place, created by Susan and all of you, is so amazingly wonderful on so many levels. I know we can get strict at times, and toes get stepped on, but... the end result is such a wonderfully supportive place, a safe haven, a home where the issues never (rarely) take priority over the people in need.

People truly get help here, even if it's as subtle as just having someone to listen to them, to just BE there.

QuoteI wanted to say "Thank you!" for having this board. There's no telling how many lives you've saved and how many people you've helped by having this here.

I know that I would have been in a "looney bin" a long time ago without the ability to communicate on-line with those who deal with this "condition" daily.

I just want to give credit where credit is due - to a woman who took the time to provide a place of sharing.

Thanks again.

QuoteThank you. Sometimes, like now, it is necessary to stomp on us pretty hard to remind that we are after all among friends. For what it's worth, I'm sorry for my part in keeping the debate going for too long: in hindsight, it should have been apparent that it would eventually escalate like it did.

One of the things that makes this such a nice place is that you have a very good administration team; I have wondered before how you can keep the place both open and functioning so well. I don't know how often you get thanked for it, but I do know it is not often enough.

QuoteHi Susan,

I just wanted to thank you for setting up this site and maintaining it. It can feel very lonely out here for a lot of us and finding a community of people who have gone/are going through the same thing...well, I don't have words to express my gratitude. I'm just starting to do something about my lifelong struggle and I'm thankful that I have a place like yours to find my way. Thank you again,

QuoteDear Susan,

Thank you for this fantastic forum! I was waiting to tell you I have resolved everything in my head but I have not.

I also wanted to tell you all my questions have been answered. However each question I ask at this forum generates multiple different answers. This in turn generates more questions. I have learned a little more about myself which has been good.

People at this forum have also been kind enough to help me make the right decisions. I have talked to my wife, started exercising, and am improving my eating habits.

I hope along the way I may have returned the favor to someone.

Many thanks to a fine group of sensitive people!

QuoteI just wanted to thank you for two things.

1. Making this site which I think I already thanked you for. But it has been such a saveing grace to meet you desreve two thanks.

2.Thanks to your lil essay on hormones you saved em from making a BIG mistake and taking hormones with out cheking with a doc first. God I hope I am ok and able to take them. I'm just tired of feeling hollow :(.

But I PM you for a sob fest I wanted to thank you this place is very helpful and has made me strong and proud of who I am. It even did more then that It help me to know who I am. Which is 10times more then most of the people who cut me down can honestly saybout them selves.

Thank you sistah,

QuoteI once saw an episode of the "Twiligt Zone" where an English military pilot from WW 1 had gotten lost and landed in an air strip in 1961, or so. This is how I feel. I was socialized as a little girl from the age of about 5 up to about the age of 16. I eventually developed a poor, paper thin male identity. GID affects everyone differently, and no one is more TS than anyone else. It's about gender, how can anyone be more of a woman than anyone else? Everyone has the absolute right to express their gender awareness and gender identity as the experience it, and in my opinion, it's all good!.

My GID was so strong, and from such an early age, that it destroyed my life. I'm 58 years old. I tried desparately to find help in 1970, but was unsuccessful. I experience my gender as being a genetic woman with a female body that appears to be male. This leads to a lifetime of self hatred, coupled with 40 years of hard drug or alcohol abuse and several very well planned out and executed suicide attempts that should have succeeded, but unfortunately didn't.

I have finally found help, and have SRS planned for next year. Living full time is on one hand pleasant and easier than living as a male, but on the other, I feel like a freak, a woman with a horribly deformed body that appears to be male. I'm tired of the conflict, and if I live to have the procedure or die through other means makes little difference to me. I just wish for the conflict to end.

My postings have given me a forum to voice my thoughts. Unfortunately, I'm in a very different place, similar to the aforementioned pilot. Response to my thoughts have been less than inspiring. I think that you host an excellent website. It just isn't one where I belong.

Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinions. I appreciate it.


From a doctor

QuoteBy the way we have started referring patients to your site as a excellent resource for transgender information. Thank you

QuoteHi Susan,

I wanted to thank you so much for operating this wonderful website. If it weren't for me finding this group I wouldn't be where I am right now, and on my way to embracing womanhood. I cannot find the words for how grateful I am, and by meeting members here and discussing issues, I have found myself in the process, and accepted who I am.

Thank you so much again,

QuoteHi Susan,

My life is beginning to improve in more ways than I could imagine now that I am on HRT, and my relationships with friends are improving and becoming better now :). I had this post early when I was down, but it was probably an emotional bump, cause now I am really happy :D.

Thank you again! I wouldn't have done this nearly as soon if it wasn't for this support group ;)

QuoteEven though I haven't used even half of the resources available, your site has already been a godsend for me. It's only been six months since I registered here I've become a lot more comfortable about who I am and that's one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for.

Thank you.

QuoteHoly gosh, this is an ancient thread. I want to revive it just to thank you Susan for bringing this site into existence. When I first came out, it was here, to a guy I was sleeping with, to a doctor, and to a therapist.

I got acceptance here and from the guy I was sleeping with, but I only got understanding here. And since then, this place has provided great scaffolding for my functioning in the "real world." Everything is going to be alright, and maybe is already alright, but wouldn't be if it weren't for this bastion of sanity and normalcy.

Thanks much. ;D

QuoteI applaud Susan's for enforcing fair discourse about this topic. I am a member elsewhere and am very disappointed right now at the behavior on that site.

QuoteId like to thank XXXXX, I struggle sometimes with my beliefs but everything you write always helps my a weight of my heart , ive read your replies on a few threads here and you always give great answers and even though im not the OP of those threads, your replies help me in away iv needed help, with religion and acceptance

so thankyou !

QuoteThis board has been a part of the process I went through coming to terms with myself from the very beginning. I combed through pages and pages at first, learning about everything. As I read what people posted and saw the replies to their threads, I began to realize I identified with what they were saying. I found a name for the way I felt for years without knowing what was wrong with me. Then, I learned what I could do to feel better about myself. More so than any other place on the Internet, Susans as helped me get to where I am now with my life and my transition.

I feel like I mention this a lot in posts, so I will save the details, but I was in a really, really rough place at about the same time I discovered Susans. I was grappling with mental illness issues that included extreme crippling social anxiety as part of it. I had to work up serious courage to even make posts on this forum. Then, I realized people here were incredibly and extremely supportive. I made posts and people even replied. I felt support when I had none of it at all IRL. I don't talk to my family, and I had just moved across the country. It is really sad and pathetic, but this board was one of the only places I interacted with anyone at all in the last couple of years.

My post history on here could almost serve as a journal of my self discovery process with all of this. My opinions on issues related to being trans and what I wanted from my own transition have shifted and grown, and it is reflected here.

I formally made an account on the board in Nov 2011 and started T in August 2013. Posters on this board helped me when I had questions every step of the way. I asked about everything from binders to haircuts to shoe choices. People even replied when I asked silly questions I could have just googled about, such as sewing pockets into clothing to try to hide a STP.

When I was feeling like a in-between freak, I would come here and read posts and realize I am not a freak or crazy for feeling this way. When I was super down about everything I made a post about it and the replies I got made me realize I am not alone in any of this. Just the other day, I got important relationship advice.

Additionally, being able to reply to the threads of others and try to help them out had another purpose as well - it made me feel better about myself to think I was assisting them even in a very small way.

Once I did start T, people on here helped me realize I was using the wrong needles for injections. When I was freaking out about a possible infection after an injection last week and made a thread about it, the replies people made calmed me down and think about it rationally. It is a big deal for me to make myself go into to see my doctor, so this sort of advice was crucial for me.

This post could get really long, so I will stop now.

Thank you Susan's, thank you Susan for making this board, thank you moderators for keeping the board such a nice place. Thank you everyone who has posted on here with their details and questions from every perspective. Thank you to the long term posters that have repeatedly shared their advice and perspective.

Thank you to anyone who has ever replied to my threads and helped me along the way. I appreciate all of it and everyone here so, so much.

QuoteToday, I realised that it has been 1 year since I joined Susan's. I want to say a big thank you to everybody that has helped me along the way. A lot has changed in this past year and I couldn't of done it without Susan's and all of you. Thank you all, your support means everything. I've had a lot of ups and downs but you have all been here to share them with. Thanks again everybody, I love you all.

QuoteThis is my main source of support and my main source of good information. That is worth something to me. It should be worth something to everyone.

Thank You Susan!!


QuoteI just wanted to say thank you for the site.

It changed everything for me. Exposed DES, found support and friends, defined who I am, changed everything.

I cannot possibly state how many lives you have helped.

You deserve a medal. You are famous. You are a star, and a humble one at that, a rare gem in this world.

God Bless You.


After A long journey I have finally made it, only to find this is where the Journey starts. Either way I am almost desperately glad that I was able to find the courage I needed to move on with my life and deal with my Identity Disorder. This website has helped me more than I can ever express and to anyone who stumbles on this and is looking for answers, or needing to ask questions you have found a place where you can be whoever you want or need to be and find that! My take on all this is don't hold back your need to explore who and what identity you truly are, I lost the last ten years ignoring most of the advice I received on this website almost a decade ago and watching the friends I had made here move on and become beautiful people while I sat in Gender ANGER!

Many, many of you put up with me and helped me through some very hard and trying times, I know that nothing gets easier from here but I can safely say I don't feel confused or angry anymore over this aspect of who I am, I really just am happy to be on the path to an actual life that I want to Live. None of this would be even remotely possible without, or the wonderful people who actually took a moment of their lives to help me and care about me..

With that I am off to live my life but I will be back to return the love!

Your Friend Forever,

QuoteGood morning and Happy Thanksgiving.

Today I am thankful for this online community that has helped me tremendously over the last several months. I don't know how anyone can transition without support, this web site has been crucial to help me maintain balance and keep my 'head above water'.

I've talked with many here PM and some on Facebook, I can't thank you all enough how you are helping me get through this time of my life. People say it gets better, HRT has helped, but it doesn't help with life's situations, we must push through these walls of fire to achieve our goals.

And that's where I to you all for helping me start to become the woman I have buried inside of me for 4 decades. I can't thank you enough. I thank God I'm alive and for His provisions. I thank you all for being there for me to talk thru all the details and trials of changing gender. Very few understand how difficult this is, but I'm glad you all have been there for me.

I hope I can be there for you.

QuoteI just want to say -

Thank you all staff and techs for a beautifully maintained and perfectly set-out meeting place.

Thank you *everyone* for a kind and genuine environment.

I'm glad I came!

Love, me

QuoteI have never spoke with you on here, but i have read all your posts and rules and such. I know it is very difficult to do this forum, but you should know how appreciative I am to have it. This maybe the only place I have been honest about me my entire life. The people here have such great stories and the information is amazing. Please know on your most frustrating day, you are loved for what you have done here.

QuoteHi all,

I'm writing this because one of the things that I have consistently found disconcerting is that people here tend to post loads, then post a lot less, then just disappear. Given the delicacy of folks in our situation it tends to leave things dangling and a bit unresolved. Rather than add to that pile of uncertainty I'd like to say I'm probably, mostly, off.

Not because life is vile and unbearable, rather quite the opposite. I am sorry but whilst I remember what it was like being stuck in that whirlwind of self-doubt, hope, despair, questions and realisations that is transitioning I bumped on out the other side. You're all a bit lovely, obviously, but anything I might add to conversations is going to sound a bit lamely removed and probably end up not helping a lot.

So deepest respects to people like XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX and everyone else that looks out for those following on behind long after they have left the desperation zone. I am amazed at your fortitude and empathy. And most especially to Susan. I am not quite sure I understand how you do it but I am very grateful that you do.

And maybe we could have a new area for these kind of messages as a juxtaposition to the introductions thread? Perhaps a "M'wa! Love you" one?


I am new to the site, after a long search for reliable information this was the one oasis of sane, supportive, and informative advice I found.

Today 128 minutes ago XXXXX was born, (I started my HRT), the advice on who was reliable in Orlando Fl, advice on how to handle work in a manner that would let me keep a very good job, and so much moral and emotional support that let XXXXX be born today.

So as a birthday present for all that you and the staff here have done to create this wonderful environment I decided the date of my birthday would fit the bill.

I was going to post this in the supporters forum but I didn't know if I should, I want the others who support Susan's to know it was what they gave in compassion, wisdom, and money that help me.

Thank you

If you feel this will be of some encouragement to other feel free to repost it ..... :)

QuoteHi there,

Firstly, thanks for your (any others) work on this forum, its a really special place for trans girls like me to find comfort and advice and I really appreciate its existence!

QuoteWhen I was considering FFS back in 2003, Yahoo Group - FFS Support was where I did my research but we know what has happened there ... :(

I never thought that I would have to research FFS again after my 2004 surgery but I have had to.

So I only recently came on to Susan's Place and what an incredible forum it is ... :)

I have just been browsing throughout the site and it's amazing.

My thanks to all the people who run this wonderful place.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.

QuoteI'm still a noob here on Susan's, so this post might be old hat to some who've been out for a long time. Amoré, your story really struck a chord with me, to the point where I kept waking up thinking about you. It is so unfortunate that we transpeople must hide our true selves, and deal with all the misconceptions and stereotypes that society has placed on us.

And I also awoke thinking about the truly wonderful people on this site. Dena, Joanne_7, Ms Grace, and many others are so compassionate and honest. Values I know aren't necessarily prevalent from those who don't understand what it's like to be trans.

Thank you all. You are inspirational.

Amoré, stay strong young lady. You've got this. :)

This one needs a trigger warning. You may want to skip it if the topic of suicide disturbs you...

QuoteI am sure you probably get this a lot, but I just want to say thank you. You probably are one of the biggest reasons I decided to just be the best me I can as opposed to choking on a bullet. I am eternally grateful.

QuoteI just want to write some words to say Thank You to Susan's Place - i logged in here in May 06, 2015, and i waited for so long before posting. I did it for the first time just ... well i don't remember the day, but very recently... but, in this very short period i did great steps in self-acceptance. And... i feel much more better now.

So, Thank You.

I'm getting more proud of myself as I am. ... and less confused.



* if my English sounds "odd" somewhere it's just because it's not my first language.

QuoteWhen I decided to reexplore my decisions after 15 years of putting transition on hold I initially held off on looking for discussion boards. What I'd experienced I the past had been a fairly distinct 'pecking order' where cross dressers weren't acknowledged as really trans, and there was a lot of crosstalk about the merits of transexual experience vs genderqueer and nonbinary expression with value judgements aplenty.

I can't tell you what a relief it has been to be able to come to Susan's and express whatever I'm dealing without getting put down for my particular take on gender expression. I know Susan's was in place back on the late '90s and early 00s but haven't the faintest idea whether this is the site I frequented back then or maybe some other.

I'm glad the world has become more accepting. Back then I remember op-ed pieces in the Advocate allowing that having admitted lesbians into 'their' movement, that a line needed to be drawn at transexual.

Then in '07 Barack Obama pronounced the word 'transgender' at the hrc-logo visible-vote forum -- not the 't' after 'lgb', the whole word. That marked an important point in my life; a credible candidate for US president said one word that for me marked a watershed in in our history. (I went on to support his campaign, going to Ohio to work 16 hour days canvassing the final 10 days prior to the '08 election; I didn't hesitate to tell people the reason I had joined the campaign.)

I'm so very glad that today we are generally accepted as full members of lgbt, that we are gaining rights and recognition, that scientific research and medical interventions have come so far. And most of all I'm glad that we get along better among ourselves.

Thanks to everyone here for that reality.


First off happy B-day Chica, Sent you $42 via Donation...

Thing is paypal hates me, but it actually seemed to go through (never had paypal let it go thorugh b4)

If for any reason paypal rejects it, Ill get it to you however I can, no worries..

Wanted to also say thank you! For the first time in like 9 something years of being on (previously XXXXX till you banned me but let me come back as XXXXX my real name...) for making this site and all the time of yours Im sure goes into this, You really are an awesome person to have made such a amazing site and it has really helped me over the years.. If you need me to ever do anything to actively help here on susans, Im open to that, horrible spelling and bad grammar included, but I can try to write more or help newer members or find news articles or things for ya. Just let me know if you need any extra manpower (or womanpower) on something or what I could do to help you if you even need it...:)

Im 28, Live in Denver, been FT for 2 years or so, dealing with GID since I first joined 9 years ago and you welcomed me.

Thanks again for your time,


Thank you for having such a cool web-site that is letting me meet neat people and learn much from all this.

QuoteHi Susan, I can not thank yo enough for this place, I would still be in a dark place if it was not for your community, I have donated and subscribed this month and will up my subscription next month, thank you!

I absolutely loved this one. I am just now seeing the future it promised!

QuoteI feel overwhelmed with gratitude for life today. When I was much younger than I am today, I never expected to live this long. Indeed, prior to transition 19 years ago I believed at that time that I had already lived too long and seen too much and I was prepared to snuff out this life by my own hand.

I am so grateful that I made the choice to stick around and transition. I have seen and experienced so much amazing stuff over the years! I know now that those darkest days of my younger years were little more than speed bumps on the road to this happy, fulfilled life that I'm living today. It would have been such a bummer to miss all this adventure!

I am grateful to all the people who open up and share their fears and sorrows, their joys and triumphs on this forum. You all enrich my life with your openness.

I am especially grateful to Susan and her army of moderators for creating this safe space and for keeping it safe all day every day. You all rule!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

QuoteHi Girls

I am 56 years young currently on hormones and blockers since last year.

Started going out when I was 12 but was discouraged at every turn to stop including brainwashing by shrinks and drugs. Ya this was the early 70's and acceptance was well something not even thought of. I dressed when I could and had a very rocky childhood. Got beat up in school a fair bit but hey Im a survivor. Went to my school prom in drag which is a story in itself.

It has worked best for me to live a double life up until last year. Im an eNtrepanur which has allowed me to call all the shots wether society likes it or not. I have lived 50% female for most of my life and about 70% for 2 years and now 100%. I have never felt better.

Today I have many supportive friends, employees and some family. Im fortunate to live in Canada where I'm able to live my life without fear and be treated with respect by the majority of the population.

Moving forward my intension is to be very proactive in the community now that time and resources are not an issue.

I look forward to chatting and posting in the forums on a regular basis to help in anyway I can.

To Susan and the staff. I would just like to say you have done an amazing job helping those in need.
You are all special and deserve a big thanks.

To All Huggs from Me!! See you on the boards ;D

QuoteHey Susan,

I just wanted to shoot you a huge thank you for all the work you've put in for many years keeping this site up and going. I'm new here as a member but I've been visiting your website for years. I've only recently come to terms with being transgender but identified as a cross dresser for many years and have had a long standing bookmark to your Links page which was immensely helpful to me. I don't know for sure how long but I'd say it's got to be close to 15 years since I first found your site.

So thank you so much for all you do to offer support and give us a place to support each other. Now that I'm fully identifying as transgender, its more important to me than ever.

Trigger Warning: Discusses suicide

QuoteI was a father of a transgender child who was loved very much from his family. All the support was there, had many friends, good job, had the top surgery done he seemed so happy. He looked like a male. Sunday night,something went wrong, no note, calls or signs. He ended his life alone in his apartment. I am full of grief, guilt and confusion. We are a community that needs to give more support to prevent this. Thanks for letting me vent I have cried so much!

4 years later...

QuoteHello Susan,

I am sending this to you to help out with the site. I lost my son, suicide, four years ago. I found your site, mentioned my loss, and suggested more has to be done to make people aware. I know it is in Canadian money but my hundred is equal to yours when it comes to the work that was put into it to make it. However if you run into problems (banks should take it but may make you wait for a few days for it clear). I desire no acknowledgments but if you want you could say anonymously. Hope all goes well for you in your efforts.

Cindy Responded to this one on my behalf

QuoteDear XXXXX,

I'm Cindy Macardle the Forum Admin of Susan's and I so wanted to reply to the lovely contribution you gave today.

Susan is in her last minute frantic dash to pack so she can go the Thailand for her gender correction surgery. She let me know ASAP about your contribution and I wanted to reply immediately.

I vividly remembered your post and it affected people greatly. My parents had rejected me.... so I had a long cry.

Your love for your son did save others from harming themselves and many transmen made comment and reached out. It was a wake up call that a true Father can accept his son with love and tolerance.  I think it made some young men talk to their fathers again...I just hope that it went well.

That your son could not cope is not a reflection on you.  Being bullied, hurt, hated and discrimination can wear you down, and sometimes it just takes one comment too many - and no one's love; not even your Dad's,  can take you over that moment.


I also want you to know that  Susan and I are here for you to help you through this time.

Feel free to contact me by email or on the Forum.

My love and best wishes to you.


Cindy Macardle
Forum Administrator
Susan's Transgender Resources.

QuoteI want to say "Thank You", first of all, to Susan, the moderators, and all the wonderful people here for creating such a warm,  welcoming, and safe place. This is one of the few places, maybe the first, that I have felt safe enough to share this aspect of myself.

I am AMAB (assigned male at birth) but you can see by my forum name that I am not wholly comfortable  with that. At this time, I would best describe myself as non-binary. (I plan to post more about coming to that awareness in the relevant thread in the non-binary section.)

I have known that I have feminine aspects and attributes since I was about 5 years old (I am 64 now). However, knowing them and "owning" them are two separate things. Over the past few years I have made peace with them. I enjoy some of my masculine aspects and some of my feminine aspects. And, then, there are other times when they get in the way.

I first became aware of Susan's Place a couple of years ago as my searches and investigations into expressing my feminine side led to here. However, I didn't really explore here (because I wasn't really ready to share that side of myself with anyone).

I'm a Life Coach (my feminine side has helped A LOT with that) and I finally listened to my own advice about owning all of one's aspects and taking responsibility for what one does with them. Part of that, to me, means taking whatever time I need to work through my issues, taking care of myself, and going at whatever pace I need... rather than other peoples' pace. I finally started placing self-care at the top of my list (even though I have been advising others to do that for years and years).

I've been journaling about this and about my explorations for a couple of years and have realized that I need to be a part of a wider social circle that might understand my struggles... and, at least, sympathize if they can't understand. I have already come to see how many people here have many of my own experiences.

I look forward to a long and warm relationship with all of you.

QuoteSusan, just my 2 cents, I know you have a huge obligation with your site. And I want to say that your website is amazing, you have helped countless numbers of Transgender Sisters and Brothers including me! I just want to say Thank You!!!

QuoteHi Susan!  I'm XXXXX, I'm sure you know who I am.  I used to be a bit of a rebel at times.  XXXXX has taken me under her wing and has shown me the value of a cooperative spirit on the site.

I need to thank you directly for establishing Susan's Place.  I have grown so much in my search for myself from all the experiences that are available here.  I hope I have helped as much to others that are searching for themselves also.

And thank you for allowing me to welcome new members to the site.  I feel it is important that they feel the warmth of the site with a greeting of hope.  These members were just like me when I first started, nervous, questioning, scared, confident at times and reaching out for a hand.

Smiles, XXXXX

I posted this in your private chat area, excuse me if you've read this already.

QuoteHi, you are the one who created this forum right unless I'm completely wrong  ;D!

Just saw your post (and thanks for the rep btw!) and thought I'd pm you coz been wanting to thank you for a while now,  ;)!

So, thanks for creating this awesome forum!!! It has transformed my life! I've come across this before too... but never signed up coz just didn't know how awesome this is! Now I'm pretty much addicted. This has been the best support I've ever gotten anywhere!!! And I love the fact that though this is a public forum it's still heavily monitored so there's no negative comments and stuff. I'm sorry I'm really unable to subscribe & to give any financial support atm. But I do enjoy talking to people here!

Idk if you've seen my multiple threads or not - but been writing here a lot in these recent months. And I've gotten a bunch of new friends here too  :)!

QuoteGood morning Susan, Thank you for the follow. I am a member of Susan's place and think it has been a great resource for me and so many girls over the years. A lot of the information and knowledge it provided helped me get to where I am today.

I now lecture on Transgender Health in educational institutions and run the website XXXXX. The site is still in its infancy but we are moving forward slowly but surely. I will be putting a link up to your forum on the site.

I hope at some point we may have the opportunity to meet and chat about trans health and just shoot the >-bleeped-< so to speak.

Anyway, My DM is always open if you care to chat. Have a great Sunday and again thank you for the follow.

A comment left on the post None of the 100 largest US churches are LGBTQ+ affirming by XXXXX, a southern baptist preacher.

QuoteAs a Southern Baptist pastor and someone trying to live as someone they're not, I completely agree. I'm just now coming to reality on who I really am. Jesus loves us all.

QuoteYou're so amazing for starting Susan's Place. I cannot tell you over how many years I went there transition-dreaming. That site helped me over the years in so many ways! How did I not notice this when I followed you? ???????? Just a thank you!

QuoteGood Morning,

Before heading to the Introductions Forum, there's some business I have left unattended. Primarily, it regards the impact this site has had in my life. While there are several ways the website has done so, I want to mention just two.

My first visit here was nearly a decade ago. The info I found was useful. More importantly to me, was seeing folks writing about their reality. Reading about other's personal accounts gave permission to my shoulders to come down from around my ears.

"There are others out there," I thought to myself.

Shedding the experience of isolation, I sized up what had been a seemingly insurmountable mountain of decisions. Actions emerged. The relief of recognizing I wasn't solitary propelled me from quivering indecision into a capable arbiter of my mental/physical health.

A good potion of the credit goes to the Susan's Place platform and it's authors for favorably galvanizing my self concept. My deepest gratitude to you for your willingness to begin, then nurture this site. I know the time, dedication, persistence and sacrifices you and your people commit every day in operating this site. Those efforts make a positive difference in my life.

The impact hasn't diminished. Years have sauntered past since reading that first thread. Marriage, six moves, three goats and countless interactions have, like interstitial fluid, occupied the moments between then and now. In that time, my visits to Susan's Place have vacillated among the gradients on a scale of occasional to obsessive.

24 months ago my swing-bys escalated into grand tours. It was then that I came head to head with a decision made in the long ago.

[medical and some personal information removed]

Back home and back on Susan's Place more answers were gleaned.

Transition is now in full swing and there's still something at least once a month I pop into the forums to look up. In fact, today I jumped on to finally make a first post. Before doing so, it was imperative that I share the significant role this project of yours has played in my life. From indecision and isolation to confidence and community the people on your platform have companioned with me. Sojourning forward the company will not change. If the past bespeaks the future, Susan's Place and the tales there in will be a meaningful influence while my own narrative unfurls.

Let me, again, say thank you for the stress you've endured, the effort it took to make your thoughts real, and your dedication to the process. It has been a force for good in my life. I suspect my experience is mirrored by many others. My hope is that you will find yourself fortified by folks sharing their experiences.

My only regret is that I haven't said so or put my money where my words weren't much sooner.

Please feel free to share this in part or whole with your staff as I'm certain there is a teams worth of thank yous due.

QuoteHello Susan

Thank you so much I am completely ecstatic that you enjoy reading my stuff and boosted my reputation.
This coming from you to a newbie like me is undescribable because the feelings are so very overwhelming.

All the pieces of my starting  transition seem to be fitting together perfectly and with your compliment it just makes it feel absolutely right.

Thank you again so much you've made me feel like I got a sign or magic or something from above to confirm my transition will happen.

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner I've been gone several days due to my mother-in-law passing.

And thank you so much for being the provider of your wonderful resource that's helping thousands of people.
And helping others I think is about the best thing in life we can do. I am so blown away by you enjoying my stuff, it will definitely inspire me to live up to the standards and spirit and loving care that you established here, and your positive inspirational message to me that I will never forget.

Best of all to you love

QuoteMuch love Susan! You do great things, and without your forum I'd never have realized my identity. So thanks for bringing this NB and Queer boy out of denial and the belief it just was the joy of being a PCOS cyster! Pretty sure you saved my life

QuoteHi Susan,
               I would just like to express my gratitude and satisfaction of being able to access your site. I have been a lurker for many years and since 2015 I have been able to obtain prescription for HRT  & transition is now possible!

I expect a new credit card next week and would like to finally contribute to your most excellent site via subscription.
Susans Place has been an oasis of learning and support for me & I will feel very happy to help cover overheads.

Thank you so much for everything you have put out there.

Kindest regards,

There have been many more over the years this is just a representative sample collected by myself and other staff members over a period of years. Hopefully it helps give you a fuller view of the urgency of keeping this web site in operation!
Title: Re: We urgently need your support!
Post by: Susan on January 08, 2019, 02:13:58 PM
Converted to a topic from an announcement.