Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hair removal => Topic started by: Emma1017 on January 28, 2019, 10:30:48 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 28, 2019, 10:30:48 AM
I am still in the closet so I need to know if I could do facial electrolysis and still go right back to work?  Is the swelling that noticeable?

I am not having great success with laser because of the mix of gray and brown hair.

I love the idea of sedation but I'm in New York and that does seem to be an option here.

I am three months on HRT and wonder should I just wait?


Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: KathyLauren on January 28, 2019, 10:36:35 AM
It depends on skin sensitivity and how big a zap you get.  Mature hairs take more juice than fresh ones. 

When I am finished an electrolysis appointment, my cheeks look like I have a bad case of acne.  My upper lip looks like someone whacked me there.  My neck and chin look like I have a rash.  The redness is gone by the next day, and the swelling goes down after a day or two.

I am retired so I don't have to worry about work, but I do sometimes have fire department practise on the evenings of my electrolysis days.  I just explained that I wouldn't look my best sometimes, when I first came out to them.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 28, 2019, 10:40:27 AM
If you do it on a lunch break, it's probably going to be noticeable after you come back.  Doing it after work would be better, or on a Friday evening (or whichever day starts your weekend) would be better yet.

I swelled up pretty badly for the first few hours after a session but it would typically go away overnight.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: GingerVicki on January 28, 2019, 11:23:56 AM
mine showed and was obvious
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 28, 2019, 11:38:36 AM
Like others have said, it depends on how much you have done and your skins sensitivity.

You could try a 30 minute session on a Friday and see how your skin reacts. 
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: GingerVicki on January 28, 2019, 12:35:38 PM
I should have done mine on an off day. That day at work I outted myself by accident! The good thing is that I met some very attractive ladies the following day. I would have never suspected.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Jaime320 on January 28, 2019, 06:39:21 PM
Give it a try after work first. YMMV. anti inflammatory 30 min before 1 hr session, & iced immediately afterwards. Results in no Swelling or redness for a few hours. What does occur goes away by morning, or looks like an ingrown worst case.

Not sure what all you've changed since starting HRT, but adding visible signs of beard removal could cause things to add up.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: sarahc on January 28, 2019, 08:02:31 PM
As others said, it depends on your individual sensitivity.

The one tip I'd give is to tell your electrologist to not focus on one particular spot and instead zap a little all over your face. For me at least, that minimizes the stress that any one area gets, and since because you won't have shaved, the electrolysis should be pretty well hidden.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: ChrissyRyan on January 28, 2019, 08:03:49 PM
Quote from: sarahc on January 28, 2019, 08:02:31 PM
As others said, it depends on your individual sensitivity.

The one tip I'd give is to tell your electrologist to not focus on one particular spot and instead zap a little all over your face. For me at least, that minimizes the stress that any one area gets, and since because you won't have shaved, the electrolysis should be pretty well hidden.

That makes a lot of good sense Sarah.   :)

Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Jaime320 on January 28, 2019, 08:10:07 PM
Or tell them get what laser won't. After you finish laser you may find you're down to a clearing in 2 hours.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 07:06:32 AM
Thanks for all of this information and help.

It's funny, I am more worried about electrolysis than any of the surgery.  The surgery is one and done.  Electrolysis is death by a thousand knives.

My beard is starting to go gray so Laser seems to have had limited effect.  The only benefit to the gray is that it doesn't show up under makeup.

When I go shopping for an electrolysis shop what should I look for?  New York has a lot of choices but that could be dangerous too. 

I am still very stealth at this point and will be until at least September.  I was planning to increase my Estradiol from 0.1 to 0.2 today when I meet with my endocrinologist today.  My goal is to keep going but not show a large chest before the summer.

Warm regards,

Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 07:41:54 AM
Electro is definitely more taxing than surgery recovery.  There's always that little voice at the back of your head saying "Just say STOP you fool!  You can end the pain now!" when getting electro, with surgery you're just sort of stuck there and make the best of it.  That and I found surgery recovery to be less painful.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 07:52:08 AM
Hi Colleen,

You mentioned that you did the one day in Chicago.  It really appeals to me.  How many times did you need to go?

I really wish there was a one day electrolysis in NYC.


Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Jaime320 on January 29, 2019, 09:08:02 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 07:52:08 AM
Hi Colleen,

You mentioned that you did the one day in Chicago.  It really appeals to me.  How many times did you need to go?

I really wish there was a one day electrolysis in NYC.



While I'm not Colleen. I've seen the folks in Chicago. 3-4 "clearings" with dualing shock therapists. 1st clearing is an 8 hr day in chair for 2 days, & may result in 40% reduction. Second clearing 1 day. Third is maintenance if needed at a few hours.

I'm going to another shop that's more community friendly.  they do full clearings also, but don't market it.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 09:20:07 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 07:52:08 AM
Hi Colleen,

You mentioned that you did the one day in Chicago.  It really appeals to me.  How many times did you need to go?

I really wish there was a one day electrolysis in NYC.



I went three times but that was to prep for my bottom end remodel.  Face would probably need about the same number of treatments and you'd likely a few touchup sessions afterward.  Facial hair is tenacious.

If you can afford it, the sedated bulk electro is definitely the way to go.  But of course having to fly there, grab a hotel the night before and possible the night after, and then flying home adds to an already expensive procedure.

Denise mentioned another provider there who charges less for the same sort of treatment.  I really wish I had heard about that before.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 09:42:36 AM
Hi Jaime:  Did you do all three treatments in Chicago?  What did you mean by "more community friendly"?

Colleen:  Denise who?

I really wish there was someone in NYC.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 29, 2019, 09:45:00 AM
Quote from: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 09:20:07 AM
I went three times but that was to prep for my bottom end remodel.  Face would probably need about the same number of treatments and you'd likely a few touchup sessions afterward.  Facial hair is tenacious.

If you can afford it, the sedated bulk electro is definitely the way to go.  But of course having to fly there, grab a hotel the night before and possible the night after, and then flying home adds to an already expensive procedure.

Denise mentioned another provider there who charges less for the same sort of treatment.  I really wish I had heard about that before.

I went there four times for a complete clearing.  The first time was like 14 hours, the next time was 9, then 6, then 3 hours.  Each time with two technicians.

After that you finish up with your local Electrolysis.

They use the blend method.  So the regrowth is more than the thermal method.  However I can see why since they are doing an entire clearing of the face.

It's worth it if you want to get facial hair free in two years.

The shots in the face are the horrible!  But worth it.  You will not want to go out in public for a week afterwards.  Especially three to four days afterwards.

The bonus is that Dr. Zukawski will give you a free FFS consultation.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 29, 2019, 09:47:21 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 09:42:36 AM
Hi Jaime:  Did you do all three treatments in Chicago?  What did you mean by "more community friendly"?

Colleen:  Denise who?

I really wish there was someone in NYC.

The other one that does this is in Dallas Texas.  They are called Electrolysis 2000 or 3000.  Just google Dallas Electrolysis 3000 or 2000.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 09:49:49 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 09:42:36 AM
Hi Jaime:  Did you do all three treatments in Chicago?  What did you mean by "more community friendly"?

Colleen:  Denise who?

She mentions it here,235494.20.html

I didn't find precision to be unfriendly to trans folks at all but I may have just gotten lucky I suppose.  I found everyone there to be really nice, respectful, and accommodating.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 29, 2019, 10:08:03 AM
This was me before having it done in Chicago in early 2017.  This was my second clearing.

And here is a close up of my face a few days after having a full second clearing.


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Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 10:16:17 AM
Eeek.  Sadly it's the price to pay if you're going to take care of this quickly.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 10:51:09 AM
Wow Cindy and Colleen...Wow.

Now I know I will have to block out days each time (up to 4 times it seems).

How much time did you wait until the next session?
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 29, 2019, 10:59:54 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 10:51:09 AM
Wow Cindy and Colleen...Wow.

Now I know I will have to block out days each time (up to 4 times it seems).

How much time did you wait until the next session?
For face she recommends 90 days.  That's to make sure the full regrowth cycle comes out.

In the face there are follicles under follicles under follicles.

That's what I read and was told.  Seems to be true. 

Don't be surprised if your black hairs start to come back from previous laser treatments.  Mine did.  A friend of mine had hers come back after 8 years of no growth. 

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Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 11:05:12 AM
If I do just an hour spreading it around my face, how distorted will my face be and for how long?

I am desperately trying to stay stealth for another 8 months but, based on what you all are telling me, I should have started electrolysis years ago...:((
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: sarahc on January 29, 2019, 11:09:39 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 11:05:12 AM
If I do just an hour spreading it around my face, how distorted will my face be and for how long?

I am desperately trying to stay stealth for another 8 months but, based on what you all are telling me, I should have started electrolysis years ago...:((

At least for me (and YMMV), people don't notice my electrolysis after a one-hour, spread-it-out session - I have yet to do a two-hour session. Just make sure that you do NOT shave for 12 hours after your electrolysis session, because the beard growth will hide much of the redness. (I assume you're still presenting male...)
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Colleen_definitely on January 29, 2019, 11:15:07 AM
For SRS prep I think it was six or eight weeks between sessions.  The swelling after the first session was about as intense as in Cindy's photo, just not on the face.  It wasn't super fun.

A one hour session is not going to cause swelling anything like in Cindy's photo.  That photo was the result of nine hours of work and removing every single hair they could find.   A single hour spread out all over will leave you a little irritated and possibly a bit puffy in small areas but not much more than that.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 12:01:37 PM
Hey Sara, I am still presenting as male and expect to for at least a year because of my job and my marriage.

Thanks Colleen, it looks like I will start with a one hour session and have the operator spread the treatment around my face to start.

Now I have to find someone local.

Thank you all for your thoughts.  I take confidence from your strength.  This won't fun but we're not wimps are we?

Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Wendi on January 29, 2019, 12:17:26 PM
I had electrolysis for an hour at a time and for me it was unnoticeable.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 29, 2019, 12:19:04 PM
Thanks great Wendi, thanks!
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Linde on January 29, 2019, 01:41:57 PM
All this hair removal sounds horrible!  Would you have done it, if you would have a very slow beard growth (I need to shave once or twice a week) of almost invisible hairs?
Would this be worth the agony and the cost?
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Quinn on January 29, 2019, 02:00:40 PM
I have been doing thermolysis every Wednesday Friday and Saturday for an hour each for 15 months, have not had to shave for the last 2 months but there is still hair coming up from beneath. I also started with 5 laser sessions which left hair trapped under the skin which can take years to come thru from what I hear.
Facial hair removal takes a long time to be complete, so start asap whichever way you decide to go.
I did not go with full clearings in a day method because I heard it can leave scars and pits on your face from so much trauma all at once.

Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Jaime320 on January 29, 2019, 09:07:40 PM
Colleen summed it up nicely and provided a link to a good thread.

Just finished 1.5hr session about 1 hr ago. Irritated in spots but go figure. (
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Anne Blake on January 29, 2019, 09:32:46 PM
Please keep in mind that this is a long term process. My first electrologist suggested 200 hrs to 400 hrs to complete full total cleaning of the face. She also said that there would be periodic clean up sessions to get stragglers a couple of times a year ongoing.

I have been using E3000 in Texas for a couple of years now, 17 full clearing sessions for a total of ~120 hours on my face (another 45 down below). The end is in sight but I am not sure how far off. My 120 hours is far short of the 200 to 400 hours by "normal" methods but my technician can work much faster when my face is numb and I am not wincing and jumping constantly. The numbing injections are quite painful but far better than the alternative (for me, others feel differently).

This process will take you years, no matter what process you use.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 30, 2019, 06:39:16 AM
You know you're transgender if you are willing to pay for that pain.  We're a tough lot!
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: jill610 on January 30, 2019, 07:25:15 AM
From your photo, you look like a good candidate for laser, you might want to consider doing that.

To your question, it all depends on you and the type and intensity of the electrolysis. In my case I have extremely sensitive skin and it wasn't until after 8 laser sessions that I would make any social plans the same day. My face looked like a grapefruit and was massively swollen despite copious amounts of anti-inflammatories. Same with electrolysis, it was quite obvious.

My current electrolygist is OLD school and uses thermolysis and I have had the most luck with that both in terms of outcome as well as irritation to the skin. If you must do it during work hours, my suggestion would to be to make sure they do not focus on a single area and treat with hydrocortisone cream, ice packs and ibuprofen or Tylenol afterwards.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Jaime320 on January 30, 2019, 08:30:39 AM

Doing laser as well. I have a lot of grey/white/red i'm Having electro tackle.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 30, 2019, 05:23:23 PM
Until I find a safe electrolysis shop I will focus on laser to at least eliminate the black beard I still have (while I still have them). 

I met with my endocrinologist yesterday and she told me that they do the electrolysis for GCS.  Now that I am not looking forward to.  The surgery is less frightening!
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Linde on January 30, 2019, 07:35:07 PM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 30, 2019, 05:23:23 PM
that they do the electrolysis for GCS.  Now that I am not looking forward to.  The surgery is less frightening!
Now that are some true words.  Fumbling around down there with hot needles seems as if lucifer himself developed this kind of torture for hell!  It almost maks SRS not to b very desirable!
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: GingerVicki on January 30, 2019, 08:27:23 PM
Quote from: CindyLouFromCO on January 29, 2019, 10:08:03 AM
This was me before having it done in Chicago in early 2017.  This was my second clearing.

And here is a close up of my face a few days after having a full second clearing.

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Oh dear! How many hours did you do. You must be a really tough gal.
Title: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 30, 2019, 08:32:20 PM
Quote from: GingerVicki on January 30, 2019, 08:27:23 PM
Oh dear! How many hours did you do. You must be a really tough gal.
That was my second session with two techs for nine hours strait.

Only the shots are painful.  But they are very painful!

Ya know what they say.  "With beauty comes pain."  [emoji1409][emoji31]

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Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: GingerVicki on January 30, 2019, 08:36:06 PM
Quote from: CindyLouFromCO on January 30, 2019, 08:32:20 PM
That was my second session with two techs for nine hours strait.

Only the shots are painful.  But they are very painful!

Ya know what they say.  "With beauty comes pain."  [emoji1409][emoji31]

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This is a good example of the pains we trans people go through. i kinda want one long session myself. if possible that is.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: CindyLouFromCO on January 30, 2019, 08:38:46 PM
Quote from: GingerVicki on January 30, 2019, 08:36:06 PM
This is a good example of the pains we trans people go through. i kinda want one long session myself. if possible that is.
It's worth every penny.

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Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on January 31, 2019, 07:59:52 AM
I would love a one day session but I am still stealth, even to my wife.  Based on what you all have shared, I am saving electrolysis for when/if I commit to transitioning and I will then deal with the multi-year process.

I'll do as much laser as I can over the next 4 months before the summer.  My skin darkens quickly even with SPF 30.  The laser tech told me that once you tan, even a little, the use of a laser that can permanently damage your skin.

Its funny but the emotional toll and pain that I am dealing with makes the thought of electrolysis seem much more bearable.



Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Linde on January 31, 2019, 09:07:46 AM
Quote from: GingerVicki on January 30, 2019, 08:36:06 PM
This is a good example of the pains we trans people go through. i kinda want one long session myself. if possible that is.
Good that I am intersex, and not really trans.  Because I am scared to death to have that stuff done to my poor body!
Real trans girls seem to be tougher than me intersex wimp!
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Ricki Wright on February 28, 2019, 03:25:11 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on January 31, 2019, 07:59:52 AM
I would love a one day session but I am still stealth, even to my wife.  Based on what you all have shared, I am saving electrolysis for when/if I commit to transitioning and I will then deal with the multi-year process.

I'll do as much laser as I can over the next 4 months before the summer.  My skin darkens quickly even with SPF 30.  The laser tech told me that once you tan, even a little, the use of a laser that can permanently damage your skin.

Its funny but the emotional toll and pain that I am dealing with makes the thought of electrolysis seem much more bearable.



The little zaps are sending dual messages to my brain. One side is saying "you know this is gonna sting when we get to the lip and neck right?" The other side is saying "Small price to pay for peace of mind." That said, I have only done a two hour session once. ONCE! I stick to 60 or 90 minutes these days two to three times a month. It is really weird when the zaps trigger the nerves in my legs. It causes one or both to react as if hit with a reflex hammer.

One thing I would like to bring up with everyone is aquaphor healing ointment. After electro this stuff is amazing. As an added bonus it also works to take some of the itch and bumblebees out of the chest area once Tanner stage 2 hits. I am not sure how well it works before that as I did not have the opportunity to try it earlier.

I had electro yesterday and my cheeks are still a little rough looking today. If obvious signs are a concern, I would suggest needing to go back to work for at least a full day and depending on how your skin reacts maybe two.

Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Linde on February 28, 2019, 10:17:57 AM
I don't know if I have an impairment with my pain sensory system, but neither laser, nor electrolysis around my lips did hurt much.  I did nor need have any numbing agent or anything applied prior to them trying to kill me.  It did not feel like the nicest treatment in the world, but it did not really bother me either!

But the same with my orchi, I did take three ain pills the first day only, and after that only at night to ensure a good rest.

I always was of the opinion to be a wimp when it comes to pain, but I cannot remember to ever have had real bad pain.  I had several surgeries, but I always though they were not very painfull either.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: AnonyMs on February 28, 2019, 09:34:55 PM
If you have serious swelling Prednisone will make it go away very rapidly. I'd see a doctor before taking it, which you'll need to anyway as its a prescription drug.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: Emma1017 on March 03, 2019, 07:48:33 AM
Thanks AnonyMS.  I will keep that on my tool box list.
Title: Re: Going back to work after electrolysis
Post by: LexiDreamer on March 05, 2019, 04:21:51 PM
My first facial clearing took 8 hours the first day, 4 hours the day after and 2 more hours the day after that. It was all done with thermolysis and I used no pain relief other than good ol' fashion MaryJane.

What many electrologists fail to tell you is to not drink any alcohol or caffeine at least 4 days before. It makes a HUGE difference in how much pain you feel.

My face did swell up like a balloon though. Make sure to drink plenty of water and take in as much magnesium as possible to help your face clear up as soon as possible.

I've got about 30 hours in and no more money to pay for more. :(
I'm battling with my insurance to pay for it.