Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: suzifrommd on February 04, 2019, 08:54:14 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Concern about referral from doctor. Advice requested.
Post by: suzifrommd on February 04, 2019, 08:54:14 PM
I'm 57 now. I've had urine flow problems since I was in my 30s (long before my transition) culminating in bladder neck surgery in 2016. That surgery seemed to correct the problem, but since then it's gotten steadily worse to the point that I need to consult a urologist.

The urologist I consulted practices in my town and came very well recommended. His web page lists my problem as his specialty. I went to see him today, and he prescribed Flomax, which is similar to what I had been taking before the 2016 surgery.  He knows it didn't work before, but he suggested I try it and if it doesn't work I should contact a different doctor whose phone number he gave me for further tests. He doesn't want to be the one to do them because "he doesn't know anything about transgender surgery."

I looked at the web page for the doctor he referred me to. The doctor's specialty is "sexual health" but also performs GCS. Nowhere on her page is listed my issue as a specialty. She practices in a different city I'd have to drive quite a distance to get to.

In short, I was sent to her because I'm trans, not because she has specific knowledge of my issue.

What should I do?
Title: Re: Concern about referral from doctor. Advice requested.
Post by: Dena on February 04, 2019, 09:09:46 PM
The doctor made an assumption that it was your prostate and that could be wrong. A properly equipped office will have a camera they can run up your urethra and locate the source of your blockage. My roommate had a restriction not cause by the prostate. If the doctor is unwilling to do this type of examination, you should locate another doctor even if you have to pay out of pocket. Once the problem is determined, you can decide on the best treatment for the problem.