Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Topic started by: luna447 on February 06, 2019, 04:00:43 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Got my prescription and communication with my doctor
Post by: luna447 on February 06, 2019, 04:00:43 PM
Hello all! So I finally got my prescription yesterday night. I am so excited to start HRT! I got a random call from wal-greens and picked it up last night.  :)

I wont be taking the pills yet though as much as I want too because I got sick recently and I want to be able to assess any changes in my body without this sick cloud obscuring me. I plan to start when I am feeling better at least.

And this morning the Doctors assistant called me to try and explain something to me but my phone signal is very bad. This is nothing new but I have always managed to talk over the phone albeit with some minor breaking in and out. I called about 3 times (all in different positions outside) and I feel like she was getting very annoyed with me. We finally said I would go in person at around 1pm. They don't know that I got sick.  I had just stayed in bed longer instead of arriving there. So I drove to an area that has greater signal strength to try a 4th call and called again around 2pm an hour afterwards. She seemed more annoyed and I think she really wanted me to go there in person like we had said :(

During this time I had sent an email at 11am and I never got a response so I mentioned if we could email instead and the Doctor assistant told me they got my email and they will respond when they get a chance.

I would also like to note that the Doctor assistant and staff have called me by my legal name and refer to me as sir but the doctor said she would let them know. I am not really bothered by it but I am wondering now if it is being done intentionally. Also when I talked to my Doctor she almost gate kept me and denied me hormones. I had to negotiate with her for a good 15 minutes. Which I thought was ok she is just maybe testing me to see how serious I am and wants what is right for me but then I start thinking of how poor our communication is especially with the Doctor assistant so far it seems and wondering if there isn't some other underlying motive....

At this point I feel like I am really annoying all of them or that they don't agree with what I am doing and are being difficult I dont know. I am speculating I would really like some advice though on this situation and really liking how supportive everyone is on here :)
Title: Re: Got my prescription and communication with my doctor
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 06, 2019, 04:11:30 PM
Dear Luna:
Well, in response to your good news:  Congratulations to you on getting your HRT medicines and soon you will be officially starting your HRT transtion journey.  It will be an exciting time for you but prepared for a wild ride full of successes, questions, disappointments, more questions, etc.   
As you undoubtedly already know, you have a great resource here on the Forums with many members here that will share their experiences with you as you share yours with them.... take full advantage of that.

Now, in response to your bad news:  I am so sorry that you are having communication issues with your doctor's staff.  I think the very best thing you can do is to go there in person to discuss the issues that they want to talk to you about....   at the same time you can sincerely apologize for the bad connections, etc.   One thing for sure is that you want to have a good conversational relationship with your doctor and staff as you will be seeing them somewhat frequently during your HRT journey.

I will be looking for your followup reports and please know that I am wishing your well.
Title: Re: Got my prescription and communication with my doctor
Post by: Sonja on February 06, 2019, 04:35:54 PM

Hey Luna,

Sorry to hear of the communications issues with your medical practitioners but I would encourage you to push on.
All of the meetings I had with my medical people was great, except for the the last one where I was given my HRT prescription. My meeting was supposed to be with a doctor I had met previously but had to be changed for scheduling purposes - unfortunately the doctor I saw was utterly dismissive and really took the shine off of what should have been a really exciting day for me. But after I left with my prescription (which he filled in wrong and I had to get corrected) I decided that this day and moment belonged to me, and I wasn't going to let him take that away, so I forced a smile an kept going till happiness and positivity took over.
There are certainly some people in the medical profession who are indifferent to transgender people, I would encourage you to take charge of your feelings and not let it get you down. Push through it.

I hope you are well,
