Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: Ricki Wright on February 16, 2019, 04:14:27 AM Return to Full Version

Title: 102 days of Estradiol and counting :)
Post by: Ricki Wright on February 16, 2019, 04:14:27 AM

Everyone's journey with HRT is a bit different. A number of factors come into play including age started, general health, and genetics so please do not take my experience as gospel of what may, or may not, happen with you.

From day 1 to day 85 - The psychological effect was enormous. Every day I took estradiol, I felt I was taking back the life I felt kinda robbed of. There was some tenderness in my chest and in the last week I swear a family of baby bees moved in. It felt like little shocks constantly. Bumping or touching it felt like it does when touching a limb that has gone to sleep: the tingles got a lot worse at the point of contact.

My labs came back with good Estrogen levels, and with good Testosterone levels for a cis male. This resulted in starting t-blockers.

Since starting t-blockers my breasts have started to become noticeably larger, and much to my surprise, even more sensitive. So much so in fact I plan on getting some sports bras to keep a layer of cloth that dose not move across them constantly in between me and the rest of my clothes. The sensations range from uncomfortable to (ahem)...really distracting.

There have been small changes to the shape of my face that I hope will continue, and I have lost two shoe sizes now as well as 10 lbs (the weight I chalk up to taking better care of myself. The HRT has probably helped that with the "I like myself more" factor).

That is where I am at currently. I look forward to reading your experiences should you wish to share.
