Community Conversation => Transitioning => Facial feminization surgery => Topic started by: Anne Blake on February 21, 2019, 09:44:02 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on February 21, 2019, 09:44:02 PM
Greetings All,

Thank you for stopping in for my first posting on my new FFS thread. Currently Deb and I are on the last leg of our honeymoon stage 2 excursion, overnighting in Amarillo Texas. We were taught by some good friends to never finish one journey without already planning your next one. Well, I/we have been planning the next one for some time now. Several ladies, in particular, Kendra, have had excellent FFS work done at FacialTeam in Marbella Spain. We will be heading in that direction next month.

A little bit of a back story. Like most of us, we believe that we pass to some degree and that other times we don't. The lack of passing is driven by many things; voice, mannerisms, size, socialized behavior, etc. Some of these things we have control over, others we don't. A biggie for me is the remaining masculine facial features that create an instant judgement in the eyes of those around us. It often isn't even thought out, just the recognition of something not right about what they are seeing that leads to a more studious look and judgement. I sent some pictures off to FacialTeam with the request to identify my facial characteristics that could be worked on to reduce that occurrence of instantaneous mis gendering. I was actually hoping for them to say, "Wow, you are already feminine in most every way and we can only see a minor tweak or two to help you out". That wasn't the case but during our skype consultation Dr. Simon did an excellent job of identifying several areas that can significantly help and he did it in a manner that both Deb and I see the potential.

So, the game has begun. We have reservations to fly to Paris for a few days of touristing and then going to Marbella for the procedure and recovery, followed by a week in Barcelona for some extra culture saturation and enjoyment before returning home. We will be leaving in late March and returning a month later.

So why start this thread now? Next Monday I have a skype consultation with Dr. Bellinga to discuss what I want to have done to my nose. Actually, I have no clue as to what I want changed, or more properly how I want my features changed. I do want brow boss reduction, nose changes, some jaw stuff, you know, the usual stuff.....but how to make them clue. Perhaps just hand him a picture of Julia Roberts and say, "sort of like her". How many of you have specific details of just what you want to look like after a procedure? I will let you know how my Monday skype conversation works out.

Now here is the deal, I will make lots of postings about this next step in our journey as long as I get a lot of feedback and responses from all of you....OK?

Until next time,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Northern Star Girl on February 21, 2019, 09:59:29 PM
@Anne Blake
Dear Tia Anne:
I am so very happy to see that you are starting your very own FFS thread. 
Your intro posting here was a very nice treatise on where you have been and where you are going.

I will be eagerly following your thread and reading your updates as you feel so led to post them.  I will be replying with my comments and thoughts from time to time as I feel that I have appropriate things to share with you.

I have been following your adventures with Debi and all I can say is that I am so very happy for both of you.  I loved all the photos and descriptions of your "around the country" trip together.

Thanks again for getting ready to share with all of your followers regarding your future FFS. 
We are you biggest fans and we are always rooting for your success.

Hugs and best wishes,
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on February 21, 2019, 10:08:29 PM
Thank you Danielle for your kind words and I look forward to your responses and inputs as this journey continues.

And of course, I love your new avatar picture. You photos are always great but this one just goes beyond them all with a very sophisticated beauty. Good shot.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on February 21, 2019, 10:26:46 PM

  While you and Debi are gone I'll take care of Colorado for you.  I'm so very happy and excited for you.

Can't wait to see you soon before you take off again. :)

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on February 22, 2019, 01:09:12 AM
Yay! March already! And I do love me an overseas travelogue.  I get ideas on all manner of places i can drag @Laurie to, kicking and screaming about too many people the whole way.

I'll be watching!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on February 23, 2019, 08:38:52 AM
So looking forward to this next chapter of our journey.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Faith on February 23, 2019, 09:09:00 AM
YAY! a 'safe' thread (so far) to pass on my congrats and happiness. I tried to reply in your honey moon trip topic, I made it to the photo montage and had to close it. I'm sure you can figure out where ... NO! don't edit it. It's OK.

I can totally relate to 'change a few things' I have a few on my list as well. I'm glad one of us actually gets to do it. Tia, really though, having met you I can see where you stress, I can also tell that it's mostly self image. I only saw a good looking woman when you were here.

So, enjoy your trip. Lori and I look forward to reading the step-by-step and sharing in your excitement.

hugs (seriously <<HUGSZZZ>> )
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on February 26, 2019, 03:11:41 PM
Greetings All,

Yesterday morning, Monday, I sat comfortably on our couch sipping a hot cup of coffee while chatting with Dr. Bellinga of FacialTeam. Now I must insist that I am oriented only toward Debi and have no interest in men (other than to move furniture or fix the car) but oh my, he is a pretty man! And he even blew me a kiss at the end of the skype session.....oh my, no man has ever set my heart a flutter...before this.... Can any of you picture how hard Debi was laughing after that?

The discussion was quick and enjoyable. I believe that he requested the consultation to understand my expectations and to get a read on my anxiety levels. He laughed at my comment that I just wanted to look like Julia Roberts. Our conversation had me even more comfortable with the choice we made to go to Spain for this procedure and we are counting the days until we head off (which is 28 days from today if anyone is interested).

Our plan is to fly over to Paris for five days of playing the tourist and then on to Marbella for the procedure and recovery. Then we hope for some time in Barcelona for some relaxation time prior to coming back home. Deb's life passion is in the arts and time in the Louvre has been on her bucket list forever. I don't need to make any plans for our time in Paris, she already has two or three days planned for the Louvre plus time for the Palace of Versailles, La cathédrale Notre-Dame and a couple of other art museums that focus more on impressionist's work. My job will be to say yes dear and to push the wheel chair. With the number of kilometers she is planning, I will be exhausted and needing a break in a hospital.

Pre op is scheduled for April 4th and surgery on the 8th. With four weeks between now and take off, there is only one more big hurdle to jump. We have five days is Paris and I have no idea of what to wear! I had foot surgery a couple of months ago and do not have my doctor's permission to get too wild in the shoe department and I haven't a clue what wardrobe is in for early spring on the Av. des Champs-Élysées. Any inputs???

Enough for now,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on February 26, 2019, 04:10:45 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on February 26, 2019, 03:11:41 PM
Greetings All,

Yesterday morning, Monday, I sat comfortably on our couch sipping a hot cup of coffee while chatting with Dr. Bellinga of FacialTeam. Now I must insist that I am oriented only toward Debi and have no interest in men (other than to move furniture or fix the car) but oh my, he is a pretty man! And he even blew me a kiss at the end of the skype session.....oh my, no man has ever set my heart a flutter...before this.... Can any of you picture how hard Debi was laughing after that?)

He is a charmer, isn't he? Wait until you're in the same room with him! (Hint: he gives good hugs, too.) But sorry doctor, I'm already spoken for...

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on March 18, 2019, 09:08:57 PM
Greetings All,

It has been almost three weeks since my last post and time has been passing by all too slowly. We returned home from our last road trip just over three weeks ago and we have been catching up on all of the myriad of things that were left ignored for the five weeks we were gone....and Deb's finger is being too slow in healing.

We are now down to one week to go before leaving for Europe. Most of the "To Do" list has been accomplished; shopping begun, shopping continued, shopping nearly completed, medical tests completed and sent in, reservations made, plans for touring get the idea. The only nagging thing left to happen is to receive confirmation that the funds that I wired to the clinic have been received. The money was sent last week but it appears to be wandering around the ether taking its own sweet time getting to Spain. With the departure date drawing near, it is too late to get more money sent even if I had it to now the waiting game while pushing the banks from either end to trace things.....but of course I am not worried AT ALL!!!

Today, to hold off the nervous worries we went out and bought a couple of neat outfits to wear on the streets of Paris. Yes, I know, pictures or it didn't happen......well you will just have to wait for us to be on those streets to show off strutting pictures.

More to be shared later,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 18, 2019, 09:17:08 PM
@Anne Blake
Dear Tia Anne:
This is an exciting time for you...
.....I am looking forward to following your FFS journey as you feel that you can share.

Regarding your new outfits...  any excuse is a good excuse to go shopping for new outfits and clothes. ;) ;) ;)

I am wishing you safe travels and a good experience with your FFS.
Hugs and best wishes,

Quote from: Anne Blake on March 18, 2019, 09:08:57 PM
Greetings All,

It has been almost three weeks since my last post and time has been passing by all too slowly. We returned home from our last road trip just over three weeks ago and we have been catching up on all of the myriad of things that were left ignored for the five weeks we were gone....and Deb's finger is being too slow in healing.

We are now down to one week to go before leaving for Europe. Most of the "To Do" list has been accomplished; shopping begun, shopping continued, shopping nearly completed, medical tests completed and sent in, reservations made, plans for touring get the idea. The only nagging thing left to happen is to receive confirmation that the funds that I wired to the clinic have been received. The money was sent last week but it appears to be wandering around the ether taking its own sweet time getting to Spain. With the departure date drawing near, it is too late to get more money sent even if I had it to now the waiting game while pushing the banks from either end to trace things.....but of course I am not worried AT ALL!!!

Today, to hold off the nervous worries we went out and bought a couple of neat outfits to wear on the streets of Paris. Yes, I know, pictures or it didn't happen......well you will just have to wait for us to be on those streets to show off strutting pictures.

More to be shared later,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on March 18, 2019, 09:27:30 PM
Go Tia and Debi! You're going to have such fun! Cassie and I are deep into plans-making for our similar trip in June. Can't wait to get on that plane again!

Don't stress about the money. I'm sure HC Hospital will let you clean bedpans to pay it back.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on March 18, 2019, 09:50:49 PM
Thank you Stephanie and Danielle, I really am getting quite excited. I have forced myself to stay away from preconceived notions of how it will all turn out, post healing looks that is. But it is getting harder and harder as the time grows near!

My love to all,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on March 18, 2019, 11:42:42 PM
Oh, my! Tia Anne and Debi in Paris.  In the springtime!  That is going to be just amazing for the two of you.  I'll be vicariously riding along, in the hope that I can talk someone into going within me someday to play tourist in Europe once more.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on March 19, 2019, 12:00:03 AM
I am wishing you two a wonderful European trip.
Love and hugs,
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on March 19, 2019, 12:28:28 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on March 18, 2019, 09:50:49 PM
I have forced myself to stay away from preconceived notions of how it will all turn out, post healing looks that is. But it is getting harder and harder as the time grows near!

Yes, Tia, please be careful with your expectations. I would guess that it is much better to be happily surprised with results that are better than you were expecting, than to be disappointed that it wasn't as life-changing as you'd hoped. Don't ask why I say that. And do try to not compare your results to others, especially the young beauties.

Look at me, trying to give advice. Your wisdom will guide you where my lack of same failed me.

No matter what, I know you'll be even more beautiful than you are now. And a European vacation, ending on the Mediterranean in the spring? Awesome!!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: LizK on March 19, 2019, 04:41:30 AM
Sounds like it is going to be another wonderful "road trip" I hope it goes really well.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Faith on March 19, 2019, 06:33:18 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on March 18, 2019, 09:50:49 PM
Thank you Stephanie and Danielle, I really am getting quite excited. I have forced myself to stay away from preconceived notions of how it will all turn out, post healing looks that is. But it is getting harder and harder as the time grows near!

My love to all,
Tia Anne

Considering how you look now, you'll be stunning. Enjoy your trip. I would say 'relax and enjoy' .. I know better than that.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on March 19, 2019, 08:11:47 PM
Dear Tia - you know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you both on your European journey. I will miss being able to join you in Marbella as I continue on my own rehabilitation.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on March 20, 2019, 11:34:22 AM
Thank you all for your encouragement, it does help keep my emotions from getting away from me.

Brook, we will miss your presence in Marbella as well. I am sure that you would very much prefer to be hanging out on the Costa del Sol than recovering where you are. Deb and I will just have to paste a picture of you into a shot of us laying on the beach. Would you prefer your face on a young French or Spanish girl, either in a skimpy two piece of course?

Good news, the clinic just sent a receipt of payment this morning!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! (Stephanie, I owe you royalties on that one, coffee is on me next time we visit). It has actually brought tears to my eyes, you can forget that part about keeping my emotions in control.

Now it is finally packing time. Our flight takes off next Tuesday afternoon, seven days should be enough to get things packed.....several times.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on March 20, 2019, 06:16:44 PM
Tia - definitely a 2 piece, probably on a nice tan Spanish form.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on March 25, 2019, 07:48:01 AM
Monday, March 25th and it is travel week. We get on the plane tomorrow and Wednesday we will be on the streets of Paris. SQUEEEEEE!!! (Paying Stephanie royalties is worth it as it so describes my emotions). The bags are packed. Three times, but I am now comfortable with what I am taking. We decided to go with only carry-on for each of us for a four week trip. Way different then having an over packed SUV. Tia has more then I do but she did get the bag zipped up. Today is tying up all the loose ends with being gone from home for four weeks. I have a trip to the doc to see how the finger is healing, we have an appointment to get nails done this afternoon and one more trip to the bank for more cash and we are ready. Excited and nervous! Oh dear! I just remembered that I haven't packed the books on language translation. And I am also going to figure out how to change my profile picture. Guess I'm not ready to travel yet.

Signing out for now,

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: KathyLauren on March 25, 2019, 11:02:26 AM
I know this trip has a serious purpose, but, hey, you are going to see Paris in the springtime.  So enjoy it!  And I hope that Tia's surgery goes well and produces happy results.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on March 25, 2019, 11:22:35 AM
Oh, you are going to have such fun!

I've been in Paris a number of times.  One of my favorite places!

One nice benefit of travel in much of Europe is that even if you forgot something, there are plenty of places to pick up that odd item.  In Paris the Monoprix stores (like Target) are a reasonable place to get the odd grocery item, bit of clothing or makeup.  And don't worry, their clerks are short with everyone!  For aspirin, ibuprofen, and other over the counter meds, look for the green Pharmacie signs.  Those are the only places that sell meds.

Dining is, well, everywhere!  Boulangeries (bakery) for breakfast, and I have had some fantastic prix fixe bistro dinners (several courses, at a fixed price) for cheap at little neighborhood places.

I usually get a Metro pass, or a book of 10 single-ride tickets, "carnet a' dix", to get around.  Options at ...
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on March 25, 2019, 06:28:06 PM
Bon Voyage!!

If you have Google Translate on your phone, you can use it for translations, including printed text captured through your phones camera. Should work fine for Spanish and French.

Also, in case you're concerned about which wine to buy there is a very nice app that will tell you the quality of the wine from a picture of the label. A friend who recently moved to Mallorca uses it routinely. It is equally adept in Europe and North America.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: LizK on March 25, 2019, 08:26:53 PM
Good luck and have lucky girls... ;D
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on March 25, 2019, 10:45:53 PM
  I'll add my best wishes for an enjoyable trip. You kids do have fun.

Hugs & Love,
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on March 27, 2019, 10:26:44 PM
I miss you two already.  ;D

Have a great trip.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on March 28, 2019, 03:20:55 AM
Day 1 and 2

The flying was fine. From Denver to Munich we had what would be called a sleeper car if we had been on a train. Thank you Tia for booking the upgrade. Even with the ability to sleep on the plane, I am having trouble dealing with the time change. All my body wants to do is climb into a bed and sleep. We are in Paris and the bod is not going to get what it wants. I want to tourist. Some pics to prove and a poem, just because.

Night Flight
She lifts smoothly
Stretching into the blue above
Landscape flattening below
Until the cloud layers obscure.

Wings outstretched
Carrying us toward dreams of whimsy and magic.

Night light descends through the easterly sky
And destination comes slowly closer.
As darkness engulfs sleep
And starlight becomes the guardian.

And still she flys skipping off the moonbeams.
(  (
( (

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on March 29, 2019, 12:51:07 PM
Day 3
We slept in. Had breakfast at the cafe on the corner. Omelet of ham and potatoes along with a green salad with tomatoes and fresh squeezed orange juice. Tia added a croissant and coffee to her side of the meal. It was tasty! After breakfast we walked (was pushed) over to the Louvre and Tuileries Garden. (designed for Catherine de Medici in 1564.
(  ( (

Tia pushed me from one end of the area to the other. Which  is a mile one way from our hotel. We then went to the Orangerie Museum where we saw Monet's Waterlily Pond panels. I was overwhelmed with emotion to the point of tears. This experience is definitely part of a lifetime dream for me.
( (
Also got to view Picasso, which didn't ring my chimes but Renoir. Oh my!

Thank you, Tia for making it happen! The rest of the day found some frustration when I couldn't get my photos to download to my computer and some pain for Tia, as much of what she was pushing me on was hard-pack dirt and gravel and the wheelchair didn't want to roll easily. She pushed me for about three miles worth and paid the price.

We ended our day with dinner at one cafe and dessert at another. I finished off with creme brulee and Tia had a chocolate lava cake (french style) with creme and espresso. Both were delicious. Good start to our Paris adventure.

Signing out for now,
Deb for Tia too
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Jessica_Rose on March 29, 2019, 01:04:14 PM
Congrats Tia and Debi!

I am late to the party, but I just found this thread. Apparently it was started the day of my GCS, and that has kept me on the inactive list for quite a while. It has only been a few days since I began to feel somewhat normal again. I hope the two of you have an awesome time in Spain and enjoy your time together.

Love always -- Jessica Rose
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on March 30, 2019, 06:41:56 PM
  You two by the looks of it are having a lovely time there in Paris. Thanks for the stories and the pictures of those two lovely women. Keep enjoying life.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on March 31, 2019, 12:14:52 PM
Hello to all you lovely ladies who have been following our day to days. Today I have very little to post. I awoke with a bad episode of fibromyalgia. We got dressed but not beautified and had a quick breakfast at our corner café then back to the room, a pill to cut the pain that was running around in my mind and sleeping the day away. The only thing positive is that we ran into no yellow shirts. Saturdays are the day they strike but we weren't out to know where.

I wrote this sometime ago but is very appropriate for days like today.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Nerve endings firing at imaginary problems. Skin feeling stretched and raw.
I look perfectly normal... All my insides constantly screaming at me.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It runs around inside finding points and spots to trigger
It debilitates... but because of it I know I am alive.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It shrieks at me from unexpected places and yes it hurts
I will not allow it to define me... but some days I do.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It insinuates itself within in a form of fatigue that cannot be overcome no matter how far I flee. But flee from it I must.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Ankles throb, arms and fingers hurt, the brain feels too large for the bones that enclose.
The assault is debilitating... but the pain is not real. I will not allow it to define ME!

The pain feels real... but it is not.
The fog sets in and causes me to stumble through my words and thoughts.
It worries those who love me. They see the pain... the pain that is not real.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Cane and chair have become a part of me and a form of freedom in allowing me to go.
In accepting them I suppose I have allowed it to define me, despite the fact it is not real.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It shrieks at me from unexpected places and yes it hurts!
I will not allow it to define me... but some days I do.

The pain feels real... but it is not!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on March 31, 2019, 12:25:47 PM
Quote from: Debi on March 31, 2019, 12:14:52 PM
Hello to all you lovely ladies who have been following our day to days. Today I have very little to post. I awoke with a bad episode of fibromyalgia. We got dressed but not beautified and had a quick breakfast at our corner café then back to the room, a pill to cut the pain that was running around in my mind and sleeping the day away. The only thing positive is that we ran into no yellow shirts. Saturdays are the day they strike but we weren't out to know where.

I wrote this sometime ago but is very appropriate for days like today.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Nerve endings firing at imaginary problems. Skin feeling stretched and raw.
I look perfectly normal... All my insides constantly screaming at me.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It runs around inside finding points and spots to trigger
It debilitates... but because of it I know I am alive.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It shrieks at me from unexpected places and yes it hurts
I will not allow it to define me... but some days I do.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It insinuates itself within in a form of fatigue that cannot be overcome no matter how far I flee. But flee from it I must.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Ankles throb, arms and fingers hurt, the brain feels too large for the bones that enclose.
The assault is debilitating... but the pain is not real. I will not allow it to define ME!

The pain feels real... but it is not.
The fog sets in and causes me to stumble through my words and thoughts.
It worries those who love me. They see the pain... the pain that is not real.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
Cane and chair have become a part of me and a form of freedom in allowing me to go.
In accepting them I suppose I have allowed it to define me, despite the fact it is not real.

The pain feels real... but it is not.
It shrieks at me from unexpected places and yes it hurts!
I will not allow it to define me... but some days I do.

The pain feels real... but it is not!


<< Big Hug >>
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 02, 2019, 05:10:00 AM
Today was a much better day. We started early with breakfast at a cafe' just off the outer court of the Louvre. It wasn't the one I was planning on but the food was good. My first choice had been closed down and was being turned into something else. C'est la vie!

( ( Tia in silhouette checking the time at Musee D'Orsay

Most of the day was spent at the Musee D' Orsay where we were immersed in the Impressionists. Lots more Monet. I am so impressed with the amount of work he produced. He painted so many different subjects of just daily life and all of it amazingly complex. We finished our artistic tour with the exhibit of Van Gogh and Gauguin.

( ( For those of you Dr Who fans out there this is the place in the episode where the Doctor and her team take Van Gogh to, to prove to him that he had significance and would not be forgotten.

I am in art overload and feeling very fulfilled.

( Did my own form of photographic Impressionism. The River Seine next to the Louvre.

Finished our time at the Orsay Museum with a lunch of fish sticks and french fries. They called it fish and chips. It was tasty enough and the room they served lunch in was down right opulent in it's design. Back to the room for a late afternoon nap and then out to what is becoming our favorite cafe' for dessert this evening. Tia finished off with a crepe with ice cream and chocolate sauce and a cup of espresso and I had three scoops of sorbet in raspberry, peach and chocolate. Yum!

We finished the day doing a little laundry in the sink, which is now hanging all over the room and bathroom and both of us are thinking about calling it a night. Just a good day touristing.

Bonne nuit,
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 02, 2019, 05:22:07 AM
Hi to All.

Spent most of the day at the Louvre being frustrated. The wheelchair has it's perks but it also has a downside. Most of the transport of people from floor to floor at the Louvre is done by stairways and escalators. Elevators seem to be few and in obscure corners of each of the floors meaning that we could not go from bottom to top or vise versa. We had to get off at each floor and find that floors elevator before reaching the next floor. Sometimes the elevators were on the other end of the galleries plus there were a number of areas that were closed today which meant we had to go the longest way to find our next move. I felt like I was in a computer game having to figure out what the next move was and what treasure or tool I needed to obtain before moving on. All the while doing this while hundreds of people are also playing the game around you. They are all wanting to take pictures with there phones of everything they see so they are paying no attention to others around them. We literally had two areas we wanted to view that took hours to get to. We did finally learn that we needed to ask every docent we saw how to get to where we wanted to go. Using the game analogy, WE DID FINALLY WIN! The Venus De Milo and paintings by Rubin were both collected. Seeing the statuary of the Greeks and Romans was quite impressive. It is amazing how lifelike a figure carved out of stone can be. Some of the women had an expression that gave them a softness that belied the fact that they were marble.

( (

( Last view of the Louvre as we travel up the handicap lift.

After our foray to the museum Tia was in need of a nap. She is the one who has done all the pushing of the chair and she still has a foot that is healing from surgery last December. Anyway we are done with the chair. Tomorrow the plan is to take a tour bus and spend our last day here seeing the sights that are too far to walk to.

I did do a little walk around our neighborhood while she napped. Plus a little tourist shopping. The fact that I have my cane in my right hand and a finger that is still healing on the other means I really can't buy much because I can't carry much. It does help the pocketbook.

Tia was still not feeling well at supper time so I went down to our corner cafe and ordered myself a dinner, wine and dessert of crème brulee and Tia a pizza because the wait staff decided pizza was the best item on their menu for take out. They also recognized it was for the "tall" lady who had been having meals with me at the cafe. We have had no conversation (other than ordering food) with this group but still Tia has made an impression. I love my "tall" lady. Tomorrow is our last day in Paris. Then it is on to Marbella, Spain via Zurich, Switzerland. Hopefully I'll be able to get onto the internet before we leave here tomorrow.

Signing off with Au revoir,
Debi and Tia
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 02, 2019, 11:55:36 AM
Thank you for sharing so much of your trip, Debi.  The Louvre is a challenge to get around, even without the extra hardware.  A 12th century fortress turned into a 16th/17th century palace somehow doesn't meet 21st century standards for accessibility.

I'm happy to read that you took on the challenge, and won the game!  Say "Hi" to the Tall Lady for me!

Michelle P.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 02, 2019, 01:23:41 PM
Quote from: Debi on April 02, 2019, 05:22:07 AM


Hate to break the magic of it all but this tall lady got sir'd at dinner this evening. Maybe it is just to prove my need for going to Marbella tomorrow. Personally I just think that he was being a jerk towards a tall American lady holding hands with her wife.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: KathyLauren on April 02, 2019, 01:37:49 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 02, 2019, 01:23:41 PM
Hate to break the magic of it all but this tall lady got sir'd at dinner this evening. Maybe it is just to prove my need for going to Marbella tomorrow. Personally I just think that he was being a jerk towards a tall American lady holding hands with her wife.

Tia Anne
Oh, poop!  No tip for that waiter!  Or better yet, a one cent tip, so he knows you didn't just forget.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 02, 2019, 07:22:27 PM
It's France. Tipping is spotty and generally not much (unless one is willing to snooker Les Americains.)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on April 03, 2019, 12:59:04 AM
Tia and Debi - thanks for your updates. It's been a while since I've been to Paris (I avoid Air France so don't pass through CDG). Debi, I can identify a bit with your pain, though I'm sure not entirely. My physical therapist says I'm experiencing something called referred pain, which means I feel pain at a place other than it's source. I hope you've had enough good time in Paris to leave fond memories. Safe travels onto the next big event.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 03, 2019, 10:48:16 AM
In many ways reading this comes full circle.  Your detailed posts on GCS with Dr. Ley (It's Tia Anne's turn now! (,227704.0.html)) helped greatly with my decisions. 

I really, really wish I could have met up with you in Paris or Marbella.  Or maybe we can compromise and meet up in Paris Idaho... not as many cafes but near some great motorcycle roads.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 03, 2019, 03:33:27 PM
Wow such beautiful pictures ladies. I'm just now catching up to your FFS trip. Well, I still have more reading to do yet. I'm not sure when the big day is? It seems like just the other day we were following Stephanie and Kendra around Paris and Spain.

Big hugs!!!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 03, 2019, 03:41:13 PM
It was a rainy morning as we left our hotel in Paris this morning at 4 AM local time. The rain was a fit statement that while we had enjoyed Paris immensely, actually filling some of Deb's lifetime dreams, it was time to take our next step on this journey. After a quick stopover in Zurich, we arrived in Marbella in the early afternoon. The hotel is beautiful and the Mediterranean less than a minutes walk from our room.....but all this is no more than a distraction of why we traveled here. Tomorrow morning, Thursday, I go in for a series of testing and then consultation time with FacialTeam in the early afternoon. Yes, I am very excited and I have to admit a bit nervous....or perhaps a bit more than a bit, but no fears or hesitations. Then it is a few days of playing around the town and the big show takes place Monday morning.

Thank you all for your comments and encouragement, receiving your feedback really does help.

@Kendra , I have often thought of how our circle continues to turn, your experiences here in Marbella shared through your posts as well as face to face at our home have been a great help in getting to where we are here in Spain. Deb was so encouraged by your thorough and detailed explanations and it helped Deb accept this next step on our journey. It would have been fun to have you here but after reading Stephanie's tales, I would never have been able to keep up!  :D  Paris Idaho, better Coeur d'Alene or Moscow. We do plan to pass through BC, Vancouver Island and Seattle area in late August and do really really hope to spend some time with you while in your area (though Sweet Rose will stay home on this trip).

Thank you all and Deb, the great story teller will update you with pictures and poetic dialog soon (she is sleeping now).

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 03, 2019, 03:56:18 PM
Monday morning! Just a few more days away. Wishing you a speedy recovery. We will all be there with you in spirit Tia and Debi. I'm looking forward to hearing how your recovery goes.

Paris and Spain are lovely places to visit. This is such a memorable event in you journey. I wouldn't be able to keep with Kendra either. I still have two months to go before my FFS. It won't be as exotic as your experience, unless you believe down town West Los Angeles is exotic. It's just the same old place to me.

Big hugs!!!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Rachel on April 04, 2019, 02:36:14 PM
Good luck with your FFS and trip. From what I have read you are in good hands.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 05, 2019, 11:16:06 AM
It is now Friday evening in Marbella Spain. The rainy weather has been following us from France but we have also had some sun and blue sky. On a walk this morning Deb was able to see both Gibraltar and probably the Moroccan coast, not a bad view.

My day of medical testing and consultations went well yesterday. The procedure list has been simplified a bit making all of us happy. I just finished signing the contracts and now there is nothing to do but wait for Monday morning and the show to start. By the way, waiting for things like this is not my strong suite. Deb is working on another travelogue post, soon to follow.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 05, 2019, 12:28:43 PM
Here's the post that Tia promised from me a bit ago, but it looks like she has kept you well abreast of what has happened since we left Paris. Our flights were uneventful even with the fact that Swiss Air made us check the bags that everyone else let us carry on and our concern was a very short lay over in Zurich. Fifty minutes but everything went fine and the Swiss were as efficient and affective as ever. Even with our plane parking out and having to be bussed to the concourse for our transfer we still made it in plenty of time and our luggage made it too. My 4:00 a.m. departure caught up with me and this is how I spent my time between Zurich and Malaga Spain.

( (
I have more pics of this beautiful area which I will post once my photo app stops acting up.
As Tia said Marbella is beautiful and this part of the trip is lay-back time for me. For Tia too but after Monday she is to be working on healing. My plan is to do a bunch of writing and my hope is that Tia will make up for all the sleep she has not been getting for the last month. The food here is good but both of us are so into our Southwestern fare of Mexican or Tex-Mex flavor that we are missing home. Maybe our last week, which will be spent in Old Town Marbella (we decided to hold off on Barcelona till a later date) will have more flavors to choose from.

I have a request for those of you who are also following on Facebook or through my email tales to not mention the surgery anywhere but on Susan's. Many of our family and friends from home don't know why we are here. They think it's just another of the Crazy Ladies wild adventures. Well it is ... with a twist. (

I don't expect there will be as much for me to report until our last week as I will let Tia keep you up on how she is feeling both physically and emotionally. So until then this is Deb signing off.

Yes, I will post as soon as I have news that she is through the surgery. (
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 05, 2019, 01:25:06 PM
Got it!  You two enjoy your relaxing Marbella beach vacation, and I hope Tia gets plenty of comfy rest after her big makeover and spa day on Monday. 

Nothing quite like that really, really deep tissue massage that they specialize in!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 05, 2019, 03:03:54 PM
I just realized that you all missed out on our first day visiting the Louvre. I don't know which day it was. After the day at the Museum Orangerie and before my FM day I think. Anyway it was the day we went with the plan of seeing the Mona Lisa. The Old Masters are not my favorite of artists but the reason to go to the Louvre is all about seeing the Mona. This was where our frustration with the wheelchair and the Louvre began but it is also where we recognized that there were perks to me being in the chair besides saving me from swollen, painful ankles and back pain. Free entry to all museums for both me and my chair pusher and moving to the front of all the long lines waiting to get through security. It also meant we had the opportunity to get in front of all the folks who are behind the barrier keeping them back six feet from the Mona Lisa. We couldn't touch her but we were way closer then most of the mob. I was impressed once I had the opportunity to just sit and look. Da Vinci caught something unique about his model and she is prettier then I thought. I definitely saw what the experts call her mysterious smile. It's not so much from her lips but more an over all quality of "look". I have always thought that Da Vinci's genius was more in his inventions and intellectual direction, a man way before his time, but the Mona Lisa is also something very special.

( (
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 05, 2019, 04:04:09 PM
Last Day in Paris
We spent this day taking a tour bus around to the sights that were too far away for us to comfortably walk to. The day was filled with some crazy weather with rain all morning, warming up and sunny around noon, with wind, overcast and cold coming in late afternoon. As we sat eating a late lunch (actually for us an early dinner) the rain started again. This was also the cafe' where Tia was "Sir-ed". Time to leave Paris.

We did enjoy the Notre Dame Cathedral. It was during the beautiful part of the day and for about an hour we saw Paris in the Spring.
( (


Two hours later our time at the Eiffel Tour was no where near as enjoyable, as the wind was blowing cold and humid and we walked under the tour, took some pictures and headed quickly back to catch the bus. Of course it was the one place that the bus was slow getting back to us so we were both chilled by the time we climbed back on. I did learn some good bits of history trivia at some of the other stops but we didn't get off at any more stops. It is obviously time to move on.

Au revoir, Paris!              (
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on April 05, 2019, 04:47:00 PM
Hi Tia and Debi,

  I am happy that you two are enjoying your vacation so far. Yes, I have been lurking and reading occasionally. I am sure the rest of it will be good also. I am hoping for the best results for Tia and your rest there in Marbella. My thoughts and love are with you both.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 05, 2019, 05:37:51 PM
Mums the word on FB Debi. I did get a friend request on FB from Tia but I don't recall hearing anything about her surgery.

Check that! I sent Tia a friend request on FB ;)

Gosh, the pictures as so beautiful. What a trip to remember. Good to hear you both are well and having a blast.

Big hugs!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: HappyMoni on April 05, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
Deb and Anne,
   We are thinking of you two and certainly wishing you the best. I hope the surgery gets you the result you would like. Soon your recovery will be in the past. It's a speed bump, not fun but doable. Big warm hugs!
Moni and Ann
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Rayna on April 06, 2019, 04:22:30 PM
Hi Tia and Debi,

Just found this thread.  Good luck, and good recovery!  All the best to both of you.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 08, 2019, 02:49:22 AM
Hello All, this is my waiting day. I am in a beautiful place, sitting wrapped in a warm, cuddly blanket on our balcony a stones throw from the Mediterranean Sea and all I can think about is where Tia is today. They have told me the surgery will take about seven hours so not to wait at the hospital but stay comfortable at the resort. The two places are about six blocks apart in distance. I am at the resort but I'm not comfortable. I know Tia is in the very best of hands for what she is having done .. But!! You get the idea. Anyway, this is just to let those of you on Susan's know it is happening, now. I'll post again when she is out of surgery.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 08, 2019, 08:12:35 AM
Almost there!  What an incredible journey to get to this point, and I am not talking about travel.  The changes you and Tia will experience are profound and so positive. 

A short year from now you will see today as the day when so much Tia Anne has wanted to unlock was finally set free, to truly live.

And yes there will be recovery time and effort, immediately and over the days and weeks tapering into the months.  Things that are challenging and difficult that I look back on with irreplaceable fondness eleven months later.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 08, 2019, 08:47:28 AM
God speed Debi and Anne. We are all hear at the resort in spirit waiting with you Deb! Stay warm in your blanket.

Warm blankie hugs!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 08, 2019, 09:53:38 AM
Thinking of you two!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: KathyLauren on April 08, 2019, 10:37:08 AM
All the best to you both!  I wish Tia a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Saha on April 08, 2019, 11:07:51 AM
Hugs and prayers that all will go very well!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 08, 2019, 03:08:52 PM
Its now 9:30 p.m. and I will get this sent so I can get some sleep. Tia got out of surgery around 7 pm. I was waiting in her room from 6 pm on. Two magazines from cover to cover, swiping her jacket because it was cold in the room and even a bit of a nap while I waited. They moved a high comfy, wingback chair in for me. I hope it remains as it is much more comfortable then the other chair in the room. Tia looks like a mess and the only way I was sure it was her was I could see the her I know through just the slit in the very swollen eyes, which are kind'a hidden in the very swollen head which is wrapped in bandages and covered with the cooling masks. It's hard to believe that she will be anywhere presentable by Wednesday. The doctors are happy with the surgery and when I left, I left her in the capable hands of a very pretty male nurse (so many of the Spanish men are pretty) who informed me that he will be with her all night as she is his only patient. At least I think that is what he said. My Spanish is not good. Thank you to so many that sent me uplifting messages during the day. I appreciate you all.

Today's poem is called        THE WAIT

Waiting is hard... No matter what you're waiting for.

I feel like the dog ... Waiting at the Master's door.

Will the door open soon? They told me five but it's only noon.

Why can't I be a cat? For them a waits not where it's at.

To curl up in a sunny spot ... But I am too antsy and cannot.

Today my wait is for good news ... I hope the result is what we choose!

For her the wait will be very short ... She gets to sleep from port to port.

But for me this wait is hard ... Have we chosen the right card?

I would like to get up and pace ... More cat-in-cage like is that race.

For now a pace will not do ... A dog to be with out a chew.

Or find something to do with hands ... Actually my mind is what needs the bands.

Looking out over the sea ... Watching the water come then flee.

Telling myself to remember to breathe ... The waves hit the shore with a slap and a heave.

And I breathe ...

But no peace will be found ... Until this waiting time is bound

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 08, 2019, 06:48:19 PM
Debi, thank you for the update, and the poem!  Yes, many of us are almost unrecognizable as we come out of surgery, all wrapped and packaged.  The cooling pads are great at reducing the bruising and swelling, much more comfortable than ice packs.

Tia Anne is in there, and in good hands.  She may have a first few days that might be fuzzy in memory, the joys of general anesthesia and pain control meds. You can both relax now, though.  Time to rest and heal on the Mediterranean shore!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on April 08, 2019, 07:50:45 PM
Thanks for the update.  I love the poem.  Take care of yourself also and make sure you get enough rest.  Give Tia my love when you get to talk.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on April 08, 2019, 10:03:07 PM
Thanks for the news Debi. I'm very glad to hear that the surgery went well. recovering from major surgery is a slow process, now that I have some experience with that, although nothing like FFS.

I hope you are doing well too, and that your FM is keeping itself in the background.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Faith on April 09, 2019, 05:58:54 AM
my post is missing, I hate when that happens. :(

short and sweet ... happy to hear that the prognosis is good and that Tia is identifiable behind all that swaddling. Don't let her be a baby about it .. well, ok, maybe a little :)
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 09, 2019, 09:19:47 AM
Today she was more recognizable with most of the bandages off. Still strips above the eyes. Has a real shiner under the right eye that ought to color nicely once it goes to greens and yellows. She was in good spirits today and we did a walk around the hospital and grounds before getting back into her cooling masks and trying to take an afternoon nap. She thinks she got about three hours of sleep last night. Anyway she sent me back to the hotel when she decided she couldn't sleep with me in the room. And we both knew she needed the sleep. I'll check in with her later even if only by email. Tomorrow it looks like she will be released to come back to the resort with a nurse stopping in here to check on her.

Thank you all for the well wishes. We are taking pictures but I will let her decide once back here what will be posted.

Siesta time for me too. Post more later.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 09, 2019, 02:47:00 PM
A lovely poem Debi. Thanks for the update. Tia should be much better in day 3.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: HappyMoni on April 09, 2019, 06:27:09 PM
Yea! So happy it went well. Now rest and  behave yourselves.
Moni and Ann
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on April 09, 2019, 10:30:54 PM
 Hi Debi and Tia,

  Michelle told me and copied some of your post after Tia returned to the room. Thank you for keeping everyone updated. I hope you both have gotten the rest you needed. I hope the rest of the stay is uneventful and all heals properly. The bruising does eventually go away and so will the swelling though that will take somewhat longer.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: christinej78 on April 10, 2019, 02:54:59 AM
Hi Deb, Tia,                         10 April 2019

I'm a bit late to the party; never the less, I want to wish you both God Speed, God Bless, speedy recovery and all of your expectations met and exceeded. Have a safe and enjoyable stay in Spain and triumphant return to the USA.

Looking forward to seeing the both of you during your next visit to Texas. I now have my Crown Vic running like a champ, drive it just about everyday so the next time you beautiful ladies are here we can go out for dinner in my car.

Please give yourself and Tia a hug for me.

Best Always, Love
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Jessica_Rose on April 11, 2019, 07:12:21 AM
Susan and I are glad the surgery went well, and we hope the healing goes smoothly. We both wish you two all the best!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 11, 2019, 11:32:32 AM
Hi Tia and Debi,

I feel terrible that I haven't been keeping up with your story. Sun-N-Fun and taxes have taken every minute of my awake time. I've been over your travels and so many of your pictures are so familiar from my similar trip back in December. I'll be seeing many of them again in June. It's a shame we couldn't all coordinate so we could see them together.

It sounds like Tia is recovering well, and I can't wait to see the results. She was beautiful before, so she should be glorious once the healing and swelling is done.

Enjoy your stay on the Mediterranean. We won't be able to afford a stay at the Guadalpin Banus next time, but just being in Marbella with my Bestie will be good enough.

Be well!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 11, 2019, 12:02:47 PM

( Kittie and I during the "Wait"

My wait is over and now the healing wait has begun. This will be longer and harder on both Tia and me. They released her from hospital yesterday late afternoon and I can assure you that this last twenty-six hours have seemed way longer then just one day. We will get through this. That has been todays mantra.

On another front, I stepped out and went in to town today for drawing paper and colored pencils. Took a taxi and wondered around an unknown place that has a language I don't know and accomplished everything I wanted to do. Plus did a little touristing and took some pictures. Rather proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone alone.


Actually the one I am very proud of is Tia. She decided to post two pictures. The first was taken two days before her surgery. The second was two days after as we were waiting for the taxi after being released from hospital. She is just a beautiful woman, what else is there to say.

(    (

Thank you all for your continued support.

Debi and Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 11, 2019, 02:21:52 PM
Quote from: Debi on April 11, 2019, 12:02:47 PM

( Kittie and I during the "Wait"

My wait is over and now the healing wait has begun. This will be longer and harder on both Tia and me. They released her from hospital yesterday late afternoon and I can assure you that this last twenty-six hours have seemed way longer then just one day. We will get through this. That has been todays mantra.

On another front, I stepped out and went in to town today for drawing paper and colored pencils. Took a taxi and wondered around an unknown place that has a language I don't know and accomplished everything I wanted to do. Plus did a little touristing and took some pictures. Rather proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone alone.


Actually the one I am very proud of is Tia. She decided to post two pictures. The first was taken two days before her surgery. The second was two days after as we were waiting for the taxi after being released from hospital. She is just a beautiful woman, what else is there to say.

(    (

Thank you all for your continued support.

Debi and Tia Anne

Ah! On the steps of HC Hospital!

The difference is striking already. Tia will be so beautiful! I am amazed how little bruising there is, considering how the procedure is done.

The first week is a lot of no fun, but it passes fairly quickly. At least she doesn't have the incision in the back of her head, which, along with continually spraying the hair grafts, was what kept me from getting much sleep. I had to use one of those airplane donut pillows, so I didn't lay on the incision.

Good for you for striking out on your own in Marbella, Debi. It can be daunting, but enough people speak English that you can usually get by. After Kendra left, boredom and loneliness forced me out of my room for walks down the boardwalk to the east and downtown. I had to go after dark to avoid sunshine, so that was a little spooky in itself.

It's so cool reading about your adventures. It brings back good memories and anticipation of making more. Thank you for writing!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 11, 2019, 04:42:03 PM
Tia! You look great. You'll probably be getting into Deb's hair very soon. My friend Ava sat with me on the couch all day her third day post-op.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: HappyMoni on April 11, 2019, 05:22:53 PM
Love the pictures! Tia you don't look as bad as my imagination led me. Actually, you look really good, a little like a nun. You know I had to tease you some how. Deb, glad you are getting out teaching the masses American!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 11, 2019, 11:53:40 PM
Wahoo!!!  You're on the other side now and each day will get better.  And better.
Wish I was there to give both of you a nice warm hug on the Mediterranean.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on April 12, 2019, 08:09:49 PM

  Love the touristy photos.  Tia, I can't wait to see you in person.  Both of you can now relax and just have Tia heal and rest.

Take care, love

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 13, 2019, 07:21:11 AM
Greetings All,

Deb has been doing most all of our postings on this thread. With her being smarter, nicer, better with words and art and of course much more beautiful (Laurie, feel free to add any descriptors you wish), it makes total sense that she does do the posting. That said, she is the expert on dialog and travel pictures but she has to sit and worry as I, from time to time, struggle in healing. Those are my words to tell.

Last evening while I was hiding in our room feeling ugly and totally unfit for society, she was down on the beach partying with three Russian guys. That must tell you something about the kind of strain she has been under, if she were clear thinking she would have been partying with some of the beautiful Spanish men around here. On a side note; transitioning has gotten me to look at men from time to time and I can tell you if any of them are pleasing to look at and some of the men down here are very nice to look at (my doctors are beautiful, huggers and one even kisses my cheek from time to time, oh my), but my orientation hasn't shifted an inch.......girls own my lust (yes, there are some lovely Spanish women here as well) and Deb is the only one that can ring my chimes.

A week ago last Thursday we had a pre op consultation with FacialTeam here in Marbella Spain and last Monday was surgery. Monday and Tuesday nights were at the hospital (a ten minute walk from our hotel). Recovery began at the hospital and will continue at the hotel until next Wednesday when we plan to move to Old Town Marbella (far more affordable) for another week of healing before heading home around the 25th of the month. For those curious folks, I had brow and orbital ridge reduction, eyelid reduction, a nose job, lip lift and chin work; both shortening it as well as shifting it a bit. Today is my fifth day post op. There is some pain, better described as strong discomfort from head aches and the swelling. And there is bruising! A couple of weeks ago we were in the l'Orangerie museum in Paris being awed by Monet's work. He would paint a brown tree trunk, but looking as closely as I could, there was no brown on the panel, his use of every other color in creation with wild and free brush strokes to create brown was amazing.....but it was nothing to the hues and shades of color creating the purplish bruising displayed on my visage. This is to be expected as I am only at day five of post op, and we are seeing reduction in the color already. A combination of the swelling of my face and particularly my nose and a compression strap arrangement to aid in the healing has sleeping difficult so far and is making Deb's job of caring for me all the more difficult with me being rather bitchy much of the time (remember the comments of the Russian boys on the beach?) In the five nights since surgery I haven't slept for more than a couple of hours at a time. It is kind of a drag and I can really bitch well but it is part of the price of what I chose to do so feel free to tell me to suck it up..... (and I will come back at you for making me cry!).

Next Tuesday they plan to remove the coronal incision sutures and eye lid sutures as well as the nose bandage. The lip lift sutures and the ones inside of my mouth are dissolving sutures and will take their own sweet time to set themselves free. I am really looking forward to Tuesday's unveiling. The hints of what I can see are very promising and have me excited. Just looking at the early on before and after photos that Deb posted a few days ago show a considerable change to my nose/forehead area and those are with bandages and two days post op.

FacialTeam has been wonderful through out all of this. During this week of recovery, they are providing daily nurse visits to take care of issues and check on healing. My patient coordinator, Isabel, is wonderful and she gave me a phone with her number on speed dial. This morning I had an acupuncture session with another more aggressive one scheduled for this afternoon. The intention of these, combined with laser therapy and previous lymphatic massages (amazingly soft and gentle) has been to improve drainage and aid in bruise reduction. They have also supplied me with a pharmaceutical cream that is to stimulate nutrient flow for greater bruise resuction. They have even been providing rides to and from the hospital and airport as needed to help reduce the strain of it all. Whether all of this smoke and mirrors is effective or not is yet to be see (and felt) but so far it appears to be working and I just flat out enjoy the pampering!

Enough for now, this is turning into a wall of words and most folks have probably fallen asleep a few paragraphs ago. Deb is down on the beach for lunch and drooling. We will post more later.

Love you all,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Faith on April 13, 2019, 07:26:45 AM
.. huh, what? Sorry we're you still talking? *yawn*. j/k

We are captivated by your words as always. Looking forward to the day that you feel comfortable posting the next photo of yourself. Be kind to yourself !!!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Jessica_Rose on April 13, 2019, 10:09:57 AM
Tia, glad you are starting to feel better. We do put ourselves through a lot of pain to become ourselves, but most of the pain is temporary. I hope you and Debi enjoy the rest of your time in Europe, and we wish you a smooth trip back home.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 13, 2019, 10:54:59 AM
It sounds like you are progressing along as planned Tia. I won't tell you to suck it up hun. I don't want to make you cry. The first night post-op, Ava nearly crushed my hand in pain. I will be doing the same in two months. I think Ava is stronger than I am so I'm sure I won't be able to crush her hand.

It's all down hill from here girl. Give Deb a few big hugs and take a few for your self too.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 15, 2019, 12:20:43 AM
Tia Anne!!!  So glad to see you post - keep healing.  And enjoy the local scenery, of all sorts.  ;)
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 15, 2019, 03:42:27 AM
OK girls, thank you for all of your support but right now I need your help, HELP!!!!

Today is Deb's birthday, not a bad place to celebrate it on the Costa del Sol. But I am not up to speed yet so could use some help in telling her just how great she is. Come on now, ramp it up to the wild side for my sweet girl! And please don't tell her that I mentioned anything.

Thanks and hugs,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: christinej78 on April 15, 2019, 09:29:54 PM
Hi Debi and Tia,                           15 April 2019


We want to wish You a Very Happy and Blessed Birthday and 100 more. That should get you to 129.

Thank you for taking care of Tia, we wish we could be there to help you but duty calls.

Looking forward to seeing you both after you get back to the USA.

All Our Love Always,

Dena and Christine
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 15, 2019, 09:59:49 PM
Happy Birthday Deb!   :icon_birthday:
Title: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 15, 2019, 10:01:55 PM
Lovely Deb,

In the conversation we had waiting on the wall after our boat ride, in the hugs we shared after your wedding or when we dropped you off at the hotel, in our casual conversations at my house or sitting in Cassie's living room while I strummed chords on the guitar - in every instance I could feel something radiating from you. An aura of the Earth, of the maternal, of understanding. Of love. Anyone who has the privilege of spending time with you will know it. What you embody is rare to encounter. There is no mystery why Tia is so dedicated to you.

Happy birthday dearest Deb. And many many more.

Your Sister - or better, your Daughter -

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 16, 2019, 07:09:07 AM
OK all, this has been the big reveal day for me. Eight days post op, the coronal sutures and the eyelid sutures came out. The nose bandages came off and I have been set free from FacialTeam. We will remain in Marbella Old Town for the next week and have another post op consult before leaving town but that is just affirmation that things are still proceeding as expected.

Bruising is still present although less than I anticipated at this point and the swelling is still high. When I look at the image below and compare it to the pre op image I feel that there is still a long way to go to catch up to where I started from. But the promise is in this new swollen and bruised visage that I am so looking forward to seeing when she gets here. The x-rays show the bone structure changes but those are still intellectual, I am waiting to see the new me. But for now, the picture below has me happy!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: LizK on April 16, 2019, 07:13:17 AM
Glad to see you recovery continues to progress well. I hope your recovery continues as well as it has been going. I am sure given a couple of week you will be looking fabulous rather than multi coloured.  ;)

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 16, 2019, 07:21:56 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 16, 2019, 07:09:07 AMBut for now, the picture below has me happy!


As it should! Wow, the differences are very obvious to me. You are going to be even more beautiful than you were before! I'm so happy for you!!

Big hugs!!

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 16, 2019, 09:00:03 AM
WOW.  Having been through this I see right past the inevitable bruises and swelling. 
Many subtle and major changes, especially your brow ridge.  Great balance.  Beautiful results girl!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Debi on April 16, 2019, 10:21:27 AM
DAY 22 or DAY 8 Postop

Consultation went well for Tia this morning and my birthday yesterday was amazing. Thank you to all of you for so many wonderful greetings. Thank you Stephanie for your message that brought me to tears. Of joy of course. Between it being the first day that Tia felt like being up (I'm not sure how well she really felt, but she faked it very well all day with a smile on her face); and a spa treatment; and spending the afternoon on the beach; and all of your wonderful wishes for a special day I am overwhelmed. Tomorrow we check out of our resort and move to a hotel apartment in Old Town Marbella for a week, I'm hoping we aren't too let down about the new place. This resort has been very pampering.

Here are some pics to prove yesterday happened. ( have a pic of Tia topless. I just haven't figured out how to post it in a way that doesn't get us kicked off of Susan's. I wasn't sure she wasn't going to get us kicked off the beach, although there were other women who were topless.
( Wading in the Mediterranean on my 66th.

( Birthday dinner was pizza, sangria and limoncello merengue for dessert.

And this is my favorite pic that sums up my most favorite birthday ever. (

I know that someone has a Feet In Front Of thread going on but we couldn't find a fireplace. We just had to take the Mediterranean Sea instead.

Love to All of You,
Deb and Tia, still traveling, still crazy and still in love
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 16, 2019, 10:30:16 AM
Debi, are you moving to the San Cristobal? If so, please let me know how you like it and any other details. We're working out where we're going to stay in June, and the SC is a five minute walk from Ocean Clinic, where I'll be going.

Lovely pictures! I think "toasty toes" can apply to Mediterranean sun as well as fireplaces!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 16, 2019, 10:42:32 AM
Quote from: steph2.0 on April 16, 2019, 10:30:16 AM
Debi, are you moving to the San Cristobal? If so, please let me know how you like it and any other details. We're working out where we're going to stay in June, and the SC is a five minute walk from Ocean Clinic, where I'll be going.

Stephanie, we will be staying at the Puerta de Aduares, which should be about four hundred meters from the Ocean Clinic on the north side of Old Town. The San Cristobal was not available, this is Holy week in Spain and everything is pretty busy. We will check out the San Cristobal while we are in Old Town and we have an appointment at Ocean Clinic tomorrow afternoon. We will let you know how it all checks out.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 16, 2019, 10:55:22 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 16, 2019, 10:42:32 AM
Stephanie, we will be staying at the Puerta de Aduares, which should be about four hundred meters from the Ocean Clinic on the north side of Old Town. The San Cristobal was not available, this is Holy week in Spain and everything is pretty busy. We will check out the San Cristobal while we are in Old Town and we have an appointment at Ocean Clinic tomorrow afternoon. We will let you know how it all checks out.

Tia Anne

Ah, thank you Tia! I hadn't heard of that one yet. Ocean Clinic recommended San Cristobal, El Fuerte, Lima, and The Townhouse. Please let me know how you like Puerta de Aduares.

We're considering getting an AirBNB with a kitchen and cooking our own meals to save money, but they may be unavailable by now. Since FacialTeam provides transportation for Cassie, and Ocean Clinic doesn't for me, it might make more sense for us to stay in Old Town.

Enjoy yourselves, stay in the shade, and take it slow. Love ya both!


Oh, and I should start including this: 5M9D!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 16, 2019, 06:25:52 PM
They are still toastie toes anyway Deb. Dang it! Sorry I'm a day late. Happy Birthday Debi  :icon_birthday:

Tia you look great. It's to be expected. It's your Badge of Honor. Enjoy the warmth of the sun and sticking those toastie toes in the sand for another week.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on April 17, 2019, 10:27:19 PM

  Love the pictures and that was on Tia's bucket list to go topless on the beach. :)


  You look beautiful, bruises and all. 

Looks like the trip is a big success.  Take care and rest up!


Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on April 18, 2019, 02:15:14 AM
 Hi you two love birds and my favorite couple in lovers land, Colorado. I am very late and missed the party Debi, but I still want to wish you and belated Happy Birthday! Now you are as old as I am again. You Debi, oh alright both of you are special people to me. If you haven't notice, I have visited you two more times and for longer times than I have any of the other ladies I have met. (Of course the extremely affordable rent may have had something to do with it.) I love you both.
  Tia, I do not know why you can't see the changes in how you look. As Stephanie and Kendra said, I can see some obvious changes through the swelling and the bruising. Changes for the better as expected. You look quite a bit different and when the bruises and swelling fade you will see her there waiting for you too. Rest and heal well.
  Both of you enjoy the rest of your stay and return safe and sound to us when you are ready.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: HappyMoni on April 18, 2019, 09:14:11 AM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 16, 2019, 07:09:07 AM


Okay can one of you tech savy people show me how to whistle through the computer. Wow, Anne, you are looking great, oh yeah, Tia. Sorry, old habits! Glad you two are having fun. Wait, you went topless? If I had only known, we could have spiced up our picture on my deck in the snow. Love you two wonderful women.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 18, 2019, 11:04:44 AM
Greetings All and thank you for all of your kind comments. Yes, I do see some very promising potential changes but at this stage, small children are still running in fear after they look upon my face. Yesterday one little girl, about eight years old, literally refused to get on the elevator with Deb and me even though she was accompanied by her father. She was so outspoken about it she made dad take her to the stairs rather than ride with this org (orgess??). Now I promise you that it wasn't Deb she was fearful of!

We have moved to Old Town Marbella and this is so different than the area that we stayed in closer to FacialTeam's offices. The streets are narrow and wind all about. And they are filled with all sorts of small Tapas restaurants, cafes, shops and what much fun to wander though the hilliness takes it's toll on Deb and I am in no condition to be pushing a wheelchair in these environs. With all the stores about, it is certain that we will need to buy another suitcase for our trip home.

A surprise for us on this trip was that where ever we have been, Paris, Guadalpin Banus or here in Old Town, the women dress quite casual, jeans, tights, shorts simple tops and so few wear heels that they are noticeably obvious. Even when a woman is wearing a cute dress or skirt and top, she is still wearing cross trainers or sandals. Down town Paris, we were told to expect fancy upon fancy (told by a native French woman). While there, Deb and I were wearing simple skirt and top outfits and flats and were higher on the fancy scale that eighty percent of the women around us.

I promise that we will post pictures when we can but the pension that we are staying in has rather slow internet and handling pictures has so far proven frustrating at best....but they will be coming.

I told you that they would be coming,



Tia Anne (for Moni, Anne) & Debi
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 18, 2019, 03:00:56 PM
Well Tia, we're not running in fear. We're embracing you with open arms. You are a lovely women. That little girl was just being a...... well, a little girl. Sorry, does this sound corny.

Love the pictures. It's kinda funny that Marbella is the FFS capital of the world but the internet is slow. I guess that's the old town in Old Town Marbella.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: HappyMoni on April 18, 2019, 05:16:50 PM
I can't figure out who is cuter Anne or Tia. Hmmmmm! Don't you worry about that little girl, I scare little kids all the time. lol So, are you ladies now hooked on traveling or are you gonna get home and become hermits for the next year. All the beautiful things you have seen (no, no, I don't mean me  >:-)), still it must be tiring. Don't worry Anne, each day you will look better. The bruises will leave, the swelling of the nose will come down. I was told the nose isn't done healing until a year after. It is obvious already they did a good job. Thanks for the pictures, and by the way, Debi is looking pretty cute too, as always.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on April 18, 2019, 08:29:28 PM
 Both of you ladies are looking great. I love that top Tia. I also wanted to say that you look younger now in my humble opinion.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 19, 2019, 01:09:20 PM
Greetings All from lovely Marbella Spain,

Life has it's up sides and down sides, today has been one of the good ones. It has been a bit cool here in Marbella with light showers off and on throughout the day. I spent most of it, after a late and yummy breakfast, resting while Deb wandered the city with a bit of photo fun and shopping and just exploring. One of the good things that she found was a restaurant just five minutes walking from our pension that serves one of my gastronomical dreams, a bucket list item served only properly in Mediterranean Spain. I have heard of and wanted to experience paella in its native setting for many years and my sweetheart provided that opportunity this evening....don't believe me, try these pictures. One is of Deb enjoying, the other is me with an espresso after a full meal. By the way, this is day ten post op and the picture is worth every one of a thousand words!



Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 19, 2019, 01:16:26 PM
Wow!  Lovely meal, and couple!

Tia Anne, Laurie says you are "Looking better; Looking younger!"   I have to agree.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 19, 2019, 01:49:31 PM
Thank you girlfriend! The two of you are such wonderful and supportive friends.

Tia Anne & Debi
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 19, 2019, 02:20:26 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 19, 2019, 01:09:20 PM
Greetings All from lovely Marbella Spain,

Life has it's up sides and down sides, today has been one of the good ones. It has been a bit cool here in Marbella with light showers off and on throughout the day. I spent most of it, after a late and yummy breakfast, resting while Deb wandered the city with a bit of photo fun and shopping and just exploring. One of the good things that she found was a restaurant just five minutes walking from our pension that serves one of my gastronomical dreams, a bucket list item served only properly in Mediterranean Spain. I have heard of and wanted to experience paella in its native setting for many years and my sweetheart provided that opportunity this evening....don't believe me, try these pictures. One is of Deb enjoying, the other is me with an espresso after a full meal. By the way, this is day ten post op and the picture is worth every one of a thousand words!



Tia Anne

The bruising is really clearing up fast. You look GREAT! [emoji3590]
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 19, 2019, 04:46:10 PM
Yes I can see the difference already Anne. you are looking better every day. What's up Debi? It looks like you are uncertain about that first bite of shrimp? Or is that a lobster? Anyway, you look so cute. I have no idea how your supposed to eat those. The ones I've had were already.... Well, there was no head on it :o


P.S. I know you asked in your PM Tia. I just forgot to mention that I will start a new thread when it gets close the to my date.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Faith on April 19, 2019, 04:54:08 PM
Tia, you're looking absolutely stunning .. oh, and that Debi person as well  ;D
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: KathyLauren on April 19, 2019, 05:22:54 PM
Tia, you look great!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: JudiBlueEyes on April 19, 2019, 05:35:03 PM
You look great Tia!  I hope you both can continue exploring and enjoying the area. 
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Dorit on April 20, 2019, 02:28:42 AM
Tia Anne, you are beautiful!    I think we are close to the same age, I too had FFS last September.  It took about six months to see the changes in my nose.   No one believes my age, and I would say that to you too. :)
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Kendra on April 20, 2019, 10:04:39 AM
Tia Anne and Deb, congratulations.  You have gone through a sharp and wonderful dividing line with a before and an after.  Enjoy living in your future, it is now. 
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: LizK on April 20, 2019, 05:53:49 PM
Great look great and given more time for the bruising to fade and things to settle you will look even better.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 22, 2019, 01:48:22 PM
I didn't think that FFS would ever happen and now it is 14 days post op.....and I am feeling pretty good about it.


This picture was taken at a café just across the street from the Hotel San Cristobal and I know a couple of girls that will be staying there fairly soon who will gain a serious love/hate relationship with their pastry selection.


By the way, I recall a photo of Kendra @Kendra taken at a particular fountain. Now I will never be able to match that wonder woman's outright "Hotness" but I can do an older woman's more discrete pose. Kendra, would love to get a shot of the two of us at that fountain sometime. I would even be willing to do a bit more flash to not bring you down to much.


Today is Monday, tomorrow I have one more post op appointment, per my request before flying home on Wednesday/Thursday. Deb and I have been traveling a bit lately and so far this year we have been home less than six weeks. We are really looking forward to some home the Grateful Dead said, "sit back and patch my bones and get back trucking again!".

We have a ton of pictures that we will post more of when we get to a more stable internet.

For now, love you all,
Tia Anne & Debi
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 22, 2019, 02:15:21 PM
Wow!  Tia Anne, you are looking marvelous, and I am happy to read of your adventure in Marbella, an unusual, most fruitful and well deserved vacation!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 22, 2019, 02:33:13 PM
Why thank you darling Michelle, and I must say that you are looking pretty good yourself. I just love how you keep slipping deeper into "Michelle" and how that comfort allows you to grasp hold of life so fully! I guess fitting words would be, embodying confidence.

Looking forward to spending some time with you in the fall.

Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 22, 2019, 02:35:18 PM
Wow Tia! What a classy looking women. I love your whole outfit. I just bought a similar looking hat and I just love my black ballet flats. Enjoy the rest of your stay girls.

Big hugs!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 22, 2019, 03:03:06 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 22, 2019, 01:48:22 PM
By the way, I recall a photo of Kendra @Kendra taken at a particular fountain. Now I will never be able to match that wonder woman's outright "Hotness" but I can do an older woman's more discrete pose. Kendra, would love to get a shot of the two of us at that fountain sometime. I would even be willing to do a bit more flash to not bring you down to much.


Hey, what am I, chopped livah?

I don't have the right equipment yet to match you two, but I'm working on it. Five months, three days, but who's counting? (MEEEE!!!)


Oh, okay, for those who haven't seen it, this is the picture Tia is referring to. What a bunch of hams...

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: KathyLauren on April 22, 2019, 06:26:56 PM
Tia, you are looking "right some fine", as they say in these parts.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 23, 2019, 01:56:10 PM
Quote from: KathyLauren on April 22, 2019, 06:26:56 PM
Tia, you are looking "right some fine", as they say in these parts.

I know right! Is she a movie star?
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Saha on April 23, 2019, 02:43:17 PM
Congratulations Tia!

Yes, Kendra is smokin', I am such a lucky man!
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Jessica_Rose on April 23, 2019, 07:35:32 PM
Debi and Tia, I have been trying to keep up with this thread but you two beautiful young ladies are hard to keep up with! Susan and I are glad you are enjoying your trip so much, and we look forward to visiting with you once you get home and life calms down a bit. We hope the rest of your travels go smoothly, and we wish you all the best!

Love always -- Susan and Jessica Rose
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Julie -2010 on April 24, 2019, 10:32:17 PM

  I love the pictures of you, you look fantastic.  I see you can't get rid of the smile.  So happy for you.  See you soon.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 25, 2019, 09:45:22 PM
Thank you all for such kind words and continuing to follow our adventure story.

No pictures today, but soon. We made it home this early evening. Started yesterday, Wednesday, early, 5 am Marbella time 9 pm Tuesday evening Colorado time. Since then we have been in Marbella and Malaga Spain, Istanbul Turkey, Frankfurt Germany, Denver and now Loveland Colorado. That adds up to a lot of miles in 48 hours and about 6 hours of airplane sleep, not something that I do with any restful component.

So we are home and I am going to bed, Good night All,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Laurie on April 26, 2019, 12:54:27 AM
Welcome home ladies! Is the welcome mat out yet?

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 26, 2019, 10:15:25 AM
Quote from: Laurie on April 26, 2019, 12:54:27 AM
Welcome home ladies! Is the welcome mat out yet?


We don't know which end is up yet but the welcome mat is always out for you!. We didn't expect to see you again until we do a West coast swing in mid August. Please forgive my foul language but we are starting to plan a trip that will take us from BC (Vancouver Island) down to San Diego with several stops along the way. We hope to spend a little time outside of Portland and a bit more time in the city by the bay. You up for visitors?

Love you sister,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Michelle_P on April 26, 2019, 12:54:51 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 26, 2019, 10:15:25 AM
We don't know which end is up yet but the welcome mat is always out for you!. We didn't expect to see you again until we do a West coast swing in mid August. Please forgive my foul language but we are starting to plan a trip that will take us from BC (Vancouver Island) down to San Diego with several stops along the way. We hope to spend a little time outside of Portland and a bit more time in the city by the bay. You up for visitors?

Love you sister,
Tia Anne

We certainly have room here at Michelle's Nest.  While the second bedroom/office  just has the twin bed, I just got a new queen-size sofa bed in the living room.  There's also a full guest bath.

Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Anne Blake on April 26, 2019, 04:53:36 PM
Michelle, we are so looking forward to some time with you. The couple of weeks the two of you spent with us were precious and hoping for more of the same. On top of that, there are a bunch of old haunts that I want to see again, this time as me and maybe a visit with one old friend that I think may be able to handle meeting the new me.

We have been putting together an itinerary to try to fit in all the things and people we want to fit into on this next road trip. I will pm you soon with some tentative times to see how they fit into your schedule.

Take care sister,
Tia Anne
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: steph2.0 on April 26, 2019, 05:01:50 PM
Quote from: Anne Blake on April 26, 2019, 04:53:36 PM
Michelle, we are so looking forward to some time with you. The couple of weeks the two of you spent with us were precious and hoping for more of the same. On top of that, there are a bunch of old haunts that I want to see again, this time as me and maybe a visit with one old friend that I think may be able to handle meeting the new me.

We have been putting together an itinerary to try to fit in all the things and people we want to fit into on this next road trip. I will pm you soon with some tentative times to see how they fit into your schedule.

Take care sister,
Tia Anne

It's a shame your visit won't be in early September. We'll be visiting Aunty Michelle then, too.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: anne_indy on April 27, 2019, 02:38:27 AM
Oh my! 48 hours to get home. So did you go through the new Istanbul airport? I always loved the business lounge at Ataturk. So Turkish, Lufthansa, United? I'm guessing there was lots of airport time in the mix.

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Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Jessica_Rose on April 27, 2019, 11:26:44 AM
I'm late, as usual, but welcome home. Susan and I are glad you made it back safely. I will probably be staying in Loveland 12 - 14 July for the State softball tournament, hopefully we can get together then, if not sooner.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Donica on April 28, 2019, 11:58:21 AM
Welcome home ladies! What was that I heard? Something about not making the West Coast trip early September? I was hoping to meet you both in person. Maybe some other time.
Title: Re: Through the looking glass, FFS for Tia Anne
Post by: Rayna on April 29, 2019, 03:16:26 PM
Wow, I've been away traveling for 3 weeks, and so much has happened.  Tia, you look great! I don't know how much you really needed the surgery, but the result is already wonderful. Welcome home to you and to Deb.