Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => Testosterone => Topic started by: CatHawk1453 on March 04, 2019, 07:23:52 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Getting more bottom growth
Post by: CatHawk1453 on March 04, 2019, 07:23:52 PM
Is there a way to get more bottom growth? I've been on T for about 3 years now and while I've technically had bottom growth its practically nothing when you compare it to a lot of transmen. I'd say its like a large cis-females clitoris than it is a transman's. I know everyone always says to be patient with change but everywhere I look it seems like this happens sooner and not later. I'm afraid that my bottom growth is done and that I'll be stuck with a smaller member than I want. I want a bigger one especially because I always wanted to get metiodioplasty and idk if my bottom growth is big enough for it. I am on the heavier side so maybe its hidden more than I can tell but from what I've felt/seen it doesn't seem that big :\
Title: Re: Getting more bottom growth
Post by: Dani on March 04, 2019, 07:54:06 PM
Bottom growth? I am sure you mean penile or clitoral growth.

After 3 years, assuming hormone blood levels that are in the typical male range, you should be seeing about an inch of length. Being overweight will definitely bury almost all of this growth with subcutaneous fat.  Being overweight will produce Estrogen by itself. Just take a look at overweight men. Many have buried penises.

Have you had a hysterectomy or your ovaries removed? Have you had your Estrogen levels measured?

There are a few issues here that need to be addressed.

In my opinion, losing weight and a metiodioplasty will give you all that you are going to get with this route, assuming that your hormone levels have been proper for the past 3 years. I have seen pictures of thin transmen with about an inch and a half or almost 2 inches of a very good looking penis after a metiodioplasty. They also report very good feeling and significant sexual function.

There are surgical procedures that can produce a larger penis, but function and feeling are not as good as a metiodioplasty.
Title: Re: Getting more bottom growth
Post by: Ryuichi13 on March 06, 2019, 02:44:09 PM
Quote from: CatHawk1453 on March 04, 2019, 07:23:52 PM
Is there a way to get more bottom growth? I've been on T for about 3 years now and while I've technically had bottom growth its practically nothing when you compare it to a lot of transmen. I'd say its like a large cis-females clitoris than it is a transman's. I know everyone always says to be patient with change but everywhere I look it seems like this happens sooner and not later. I'm afraid that my bottom growth is done and that I'll be stuck with a smaller member than I want. I want a bigger one especially because I always wanted to get metiodioplasty and idk if my bottom growth is big enough for it. I am on the heavier side so maybe its hidden more than I can tell but from what I've felt/seen it doesn't seem that big :\

Unfortunately, getting more bottom growth without weight loss, as you seem to be asking, is only available with a meta.  Whatever you have is probably what you would have without surgery.  After three years, chances are what growth you have is all you'll get.

I read somewhere that "for every extra 30 pounds a cis man has, he loses an inch of penis length."  Its probably similar to what us transmen have if we're heavy.

And face it, many cis men want a larger penis than they often end up with.  ;) 

Title: Re: Getting more bottom growth
Post by: graspthesanity on March 17, 2019, 06:44:56 AM
Quote from: Ryuichi13 on March 06, 2019, 02:44:09 PM

And face it, many cis men want a larger penis than they often end up with.  ;) 


Thank you, I needed to hear that as well!