Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Post operative life => Topic started by: Camilove on March 06, 2019, 01:04:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Camilove on March 06, 2019, 01:04:25 PM
Hello all!

My partner is a trans woman, had her SRS in June of 2008 through Dr. P. Brassard. Since then, she has been plagued with chronic UTI's and prostate infections. This has, obviously, negatively impacted her quality of life. We have been trying to find any other cases with post operative trans women experiencing something similar, along with hopefully what may have helped them. To be clear, the usual advice of  "drink more water, make sure to follow good hygiene, drink cranberry juice" isn't very helpful at this point. We are looking for possible causes for the chronic UTI's and perhaps recommended Urology doctors. If you have any suggestions, please reply. This post has been cross posted across many platforms.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: OliverR. on March 06, 2019, 01:52:22 PM
I'm ftm, but I have had plenty of them in the past, some so bad that there can be a lot blood. Does she have urinary retention at all? I've had this and i often wonder if i have urethral stenosis..... have they checked her for that? sorry if this didn't help much. I feel really bad for her, they can be so painful.
Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Katie on March 06, 2019, 01:52:52 PM
Advice 1 go to the doctor and get antibiotics.

I occasionally get a uti. I ended up buying a supply of antibiotics off the internet that is exactly the same that I got prescribed the first time I got a uti.

Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: OliverR. on March 06, 2019, 02:07:11 PM
Found an essay about urinary function in mtf:

strictures and fistulas seem to happen occasionally according to that.
Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Dena on March 06, 2019, 06:29:50 PM
Welcome to Susan's Place. I know of two possible problems. Sometimes there is a naturally occurring restriction of the urethra. The restriction prevents the bladder from fully emptying and this results in an infection. This can be confirmed by having a camera examination. This can be done in the office or a hospital depending on the doctors preference.

The other cause is the prostate not being removed. This requires at least a full week of antibiotics instead of the 3 or 4 days used to treat a biological female. Sometimes the treatment might run longer than a week to make sure every trace of infection is removed.

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Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Marcie237 on March 06, 2019, 10:35:58 PM
I assume each UTI has been accompanied by a lab test and a list of susceptibilities to guide the antibiotics used.  Also if it hasn't been done, request your urologist to do a flex-cysto to check the urethra and bladder for problems - it's easy, quick and painless.

"cranberry" contains d-mannose, obtainable in powder form on ebay. google for methods/amounts to take for preventive or when you think it may be starting. Generally preventive is about 1.5g 2xday, very early onset is 5 days of 1.5g every 2-3 hrs while awake. When it's full blown you need antibiotics.

Assure no self contamination, either by hygiene or by vulva /pelvic shape eg area around urethra.
Consider lactobacillus health in vagina vs sex, lubricants, dilation, douche, etc.

I just started experiencing this slowly increasing from 15 years ago but now every 2-3 weeks. I am due for a labia resection on Mon in hopes that will help prevent it from coming back.

Since I am between full blown UTIs I am doing the d-mannose thing and it seems to hold leukocytes (Siemens strips) to a minimum and symptoms to zero, but only on day 2 of the intense (of 5) and was sloppy today.
Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Dena on March 07, 2019, 02:32:44 PM
I had additional thoughts that weren't discussed in detail in your post.

When wiping, go from front to back and don't reuse the toilet paper.

I assume that you enjoy sex so after sex, she should void her bladder to wash out anything that might have worked it's way in during the act.

You should also be tested to ensure you're not the source of contamination.
Title: Re: Chronic/Reoccuring UTI
Post by: Marcie237 on March 07, 2019, 03:43:32 PM
yes. Also consider hand held portable bidet - ebay $10. I use one: #2 wipe, bidet, wipe. #1 bidet, wipe. Use TP, not re-usable stuff.

Sorry just read word prostate in there. Don't know how you diag "prostate infections" but you might try "maximum strength plant sterols" - i only have 44 posts so can't name seller I use but it's inexpensive - big vitamin shop - ebay or their online shop - cardioaid phytosterols 400mg - not on TV - start 4 caps a day, and see. My last PSA test was zero (undetectable). I currently take 1/day of them but may well drop them.  If you're on estradiol or herbal it may not be necessary. The only reason I did PSAs for a few years was because I got NHL a few years back, but that's low grade and of no importance (bi-annual blood labs are always good).