Community Conversation => Crossdresser talk => Topic started by: Maddie on March 13, 2019, 01:50:25 PM Return to Full Version

Title: its how you wear it
Post by: Maddie on March 13, 2019, 01:50:25 PM
Technically, my wardrobe is almost entirely from the women's sections of stores. My mens clothing consists of a couple work shirts, a pair of boots, and a kilt.  I like the last item, but have a couple of skirts that I prefer, when I'm leaning that way.
I've been called out by total strangers for not wearing the kilt in a manly way.
This is funny and clearly true!
I interpret this as that my posture/presentation is approaching feminine, but not enough to pass and thus avoid this particular unsolicited opinion.
It's really not what you wear, its how you wear it, true??

Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: Maddie on March 13, 2019, 01:56:08 PM
How you wear jeans and what you put around them is a good example of this!
Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: Rayna on March 13, 2019, 04:57:38 PM
Quote from: Maddie on March 13, 2019, 01:56:08 PM
How you wear jeans and what you put around them is a good example of this!
Hi Maddie,

Could you elaborate on "what you put around them"?  I'm not sure what you mean.

I do agree that posture and attitude go a long way.  I've been wearing women's-style jeans for a long time and nobody's called me out on it (which I interpret that they don't even notice them).  Guess I'm a long way from "male fail" lol.
Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: Maddie on March 14, 2019, 04:08:55 AM
I meant that depending on what other clothes, tops, belts, shoes, etc are worn with jeans, this can make an outfit leads towards male, female, or andogynous
Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: jk4361 on April 28, 2019, 04:14:48 PM
 I'd say the wearer breathes life into any clothing they have on.
So posture would certainly have a large impact in this regard,
Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: Lyric on April 29, 2019, 10:11:25 AM
I'm basically androgynous and seldom make a full effort to look feminine, especially when just going to the store or something. Still, I sometimes get cat calls from rude passing motorists who see me as a "hot chick", I guess. The other day I was walking along the freeway service road wearing my Levi's mid-rise skinnies, a long sleeve thermal crew neck top, and walking shoes. I wore no jewelry, makeup or such, though my hair is about 18 inches now and often takes a bit of curl. One cat call and a honk that day.
Title: Re: its how you wear it
Post by: Lisa89125 on April 29, 2019, 07:02:38 PM
I can't get Rod Stewart of my mind now.  ;D

"You wear it well" (
