Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Topic started by: November_Fox on March 26, 2019, 10:10:43 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Overly Discouraged
Post by: November_Fox on March 26, 2019, 10:10:43 AM
I´ve been trying to schedule my next surgery, but I´m finding it difficult to do.

The last four years I have had countless >-bleeped-< experiences, among which therapists refusing to treat me, the bankruptcy of a gender clinic I was with (and which effectively canceled one of my surgeries), and after that the banktruptcy of the hospital where I could have (...) had the surgery.

<Profanity removed by moderator, Susan's Terms of Service (,2.0.html)>

Due to all this I have been feeling extremely unmotivated.
Every time I think "I have to push through this, have to get this done", I feel like they are just going to refuse me anyway.

I am not seeing a therapist at the moment but I might get back in touch with my old one.

I´m looking for support and maybe someone who experienced similar fatigue.
Title: Re: Overly Discouraged
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 26, 2019, 12:06:20 PM
I wish I could  wave my magic wand and make everything OK for you but......

I am thinking that your suggestion regarding getting back in touch with your "old" therapist is probably your best move right now.

You don't have to do much reading on the various forums posts here to verify that lining up and trying to schedule surgery consultations and the actual surgeries can be a very time consuming exercise and can definitely be frustrating and will test your patience to the limit.

Certainly your therapist and also your doctors... GP and/or Endo can many times expedite the referral process for you.

Wishing you well.... hang in there, I trust that you will get this all resolved soon.
Title: Re: Overly Discouraged
Post by: Kendra on March 26, 2019, 02:19:39 PM
November_Fox I'm sorry to hear about your bad experiences with some therapists and clinics.  Keep trying and think about the long term results you're going to enjoy.  This will all be well worth it although the details can be frustrating at the time.  We care, many of us have had all sorts of setbacks but kept aiming for our goals.  I'm confident you will. 
Title: Re: Overly Discouraged
Post by: Ryuichi13 on March 27, 2019, 12:53:44 AM
I think getting back with your therapist is a good idea, even if its just for a sympathetic ear to listen to you vent.

Keep at it, I'm sure that you will find someone and someplace to have your surgery done.  Have yo considered going out of your home state if your insurance will cover it?  If you are paying out of pocket, then I'd just keep saving.

Good luck, you can do this!  And don't forget, we're here for you to vent to as well.  *brohug*
