Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => FTM Top Surgery => Topic started by: pastormel on March 27, 2019, 10:52:52 PM Return to Full Version

Title: 14 days since surgery
Post by: pastormel on March 27, 2019, 10:52:52 PM
So, the BIG hurrah at two weeks since surgery is that me and the mirror are able to work together again. Its only beed 30 years since I enjoyed looking at what is in that reflection. I'm sure some dysphoria will return as I get back into working out and the ol box doesnt do what I want quickly, but ive had fourteen dysphoria free days. Incredible!

And OHMYGAWD this hurts! The incision goes all the way behind juuuuuust where i can reach under my shoulder. Am certain Ive popped a stick or two doing too much. That burns like fire.

I also ran out of sick days, so i had to be back at work since yesterday. Ugh. I have to drive a distance to get to my weekday job, so no more hydrocodone. Four Tylenol and four ibuprophen every four hours keep me stable enough thru the day, then strong stuff at night. 

Never. Stops. Hurting.  But then, why should it, really? I was a full C cup and then some. Removing parts is supposed to hurt.

Thank God I have family to support. Seriously, surround yourself with folks to help with meals, changing bandages, dry off after showers, etc. I think there should be a place online to connect folks for this. It's too damned hard alone.

Hoping y'all are well.

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Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: Northern Star Girl on March 28, 2019, 08:50:25 AM
Dear Mel:
I am so sorry to hear of your pain, but rest assured that you are not alone with you experiences with post surgery pain and discomfort.....   as the old saying goes "No Pain, No Gain"

Oh my, running out of sick time and having to return to work while you are still hurting.   I trust and hope that your managers and/or bosses will allow you to do tasks that will be more comfortable for you as you heal.

As you mentioned, I also did not get major post-surgery pain relief results from the Over-the-Counter pain relief drugs when I had my own personal surgery procedures done.  I might as well flushed the pills down the toilet, they did very little to do any significant pain relief.... 
I also do not like to take the stronger narcotic pain relief drugs like Hydrocodone.  Certainly, if absolutely needed they can be helpful but I have a thing against those kinds of drugs.

Eventually of course the pain and discomfort diminishes as one heals.  I trust that you can find the strength to bite-the bullet and get through this initial healing pain.

I am very, very glad to read that you have family help and support during your healing phase...  accepting close friends and family can be such a blessing during these times.

I will be eagerly looking for your future updates.
Hugs and best wishes,
Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: Perry on March 28, 2019, 04:12:55 PM
Congrats on your progress so far. Sorry to hear you are still experiencing pain. Glad to hear that you have supportive family to assist you though.

I'm awaiting scheduling for my own surgery and am eager to hear about the experiences of others. Keep us updated as you move forward through your recovery.

Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: Ryuichi13 on March 29, 2019, 12:48:11 AM

Hopefully the pain will lessen quickly, but try to take it easy while you heal, okay?  Its better to go easy now than to pay for it in complications later.

Your family sounds wonderful!  Lucky you!  Let them help you as much as possible. 

Take care and heal well!

Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: skipulus on April 02, 2019, 10:37:44 AM
I hope the pain goes down soon.
Let us know how the recovery goes!
What type of top surgery did you have?
Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: LizK on April 03, 2019, 01:03:47 AM
Congratulations...Sorry to hear about your ingoing pain issues but glad to hear the Dysphoria is better at least for a couple of days...getting that kind of break is a nice bonus. Take care

Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: pastormel on April 03, 2019, 07:11:36 AM
Hi all,

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I had a few really good manageable pain days, then POW, yesterday was horrendous. I believe it was a combination of sleeping deeper and off all medication thru the night. Today, back to the usual discomfort but none of the sharp deep pain from yesterday.

Bruising has started showing much more now. I'm technicolor! And the wounds from surgery seem to be less sensitive. Today is exactly 4 weeks from surgery.

I'm counting the days til my lift restrictions are gone and i can go back to crossfit.

Does anyone know when I can stop putting swaths of vaseline on the nipple grafts? I assume I do that for at least another 8 weeks...til goosebumps dont cause pinching pain from that area. Goosebumps and their inevitable impact on nipple grafts are awful.

Good times!

Someone asked what my surgery was...bilateral mastectomy with liposuction of adjacent areas and nipple grafts.


Sent from my LM-V350 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: chance on April 03, 2019, 02:31:49 PM
Congrats pastormel!! 

I used ointment on my nipples until there were no scabs and no sensations like you described, the pulling/painful sensations with goosebumps.  My experience with was similar to yours.  One problem I had was driving.  Finally figured out if I always used 2 hands and turned the wheel with both hands to where I didn't have to raise my arms driving wasn't so painful. 

When you do go back to lifting go VERY easy.  I had good days and then bad days off and on.  I had my surgery this past September and I'm still getting random zings as the nerves grow back or recover or whatever.  But they aren't as painful. 

And like you said, each day good or bad when I get dressed or take a shower or change I am so happy to be finally me that I don't give a second thought to the pain.  It is so worth it. 

Hang in there buddy.
Title: Re: 14 days since surgery
Post by: chance on April 03, 2019, 02:33:06 PM
Oh and the bruising was a trip!!  It looked so horrible.  I saw colors I've never seen before *LOL*