General Discussions => General discussions => Polls => Topic started by: Haley Conner on April 02, 2019, 10:50:04 AM Return to Full Version

Title: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Haley Conner on April 02, 2019, 10:50:04 AM
Respond with the number followed by like / dislike / or "meh". ( or other explanation )

1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. )
2) Pants
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls )
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes )
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. )
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes )
7) Shoes
8) Fashion
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc )
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally )
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers )
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization )
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Haley Conner on April 02, 2019, 10:53:43 AM
1) Meh.
2) Dislike
3) Meh.
4) Meh.
5) Like.
6) Like.
7) Like
8) Like
9) Meh.
10) Once in awhile.
11) Like
12) Like
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: sarahc on April 02, 2019, 02:07:02 PM
MtF 46

Some of the answers to these questions seem weird (like, is it possible to dislike a bulldozer? I mean it's just a machine...). Anyway, here goes...a dislike means an actual yuck, not the same as "no particular interest" which is meh.

1) Meh
2) Meh (I mean, women do wear pants, and some of them can be cute...)
3) Meh
4) Dislike
5) Meh
6) Dislike
7) Like
8) Like (to a point...I'm not into haute couture, but I like shopping for clothes).
9) Meh
10) Like
11) Meh (I like good action movies, just like I like good movies, but I definitely don't seek out every Marvel/DC movie.)
12) Meh (I like card games and interesting board games if they're in-person and social...not so much into computer games.)
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: GingerVicki on April 02, 2019, 02:55:14 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) - would be fun I think.
2) Pants - every day I wear jeans.
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) - not so much
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) - none
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) - none
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) - none
7) Shoes - i have a pair of boots, running shoes, and flip flops
8) Fashion - a little
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) - yes
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally )  romantic comedies.
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) - very few
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) - yes
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Ryuichi13 on April 02, 2019, 03:41:20 PM

1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) They're okay.
2) Pants I like mine to fit so I suppose I pay attention.
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) I hated dolls until I discovered Asian Pall-Jointed Dolls (BJDs)  They're the only dolls I have.
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) No.
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) I took Tae Kwan Do in college and a few other martial arts classes, but that's basically it.  I find boxing barbaric.
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) I used to collect bugs, salmanders and toads as a kid.  I also had a boa constrictor named Daisy from the time she was a 3 week old hatchling until she was a 9'+/3 meter long adult, as well as iguanas, anoles, and toads.
7) Shoes If they look good and fit me comfortably, I'm good.
8) Fashion Only enough to be able to dress myself relatively modernly.  I don't like looking like a throwback.  ;D
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) I prefer baths over showers.  I love doing long baths with all the works, including a glass of wine and nice music playing, who wouldn't?
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) Okay, I admit I liked those movies.  But I don't normally watch that kind of stuff.  RomComs are okay too.
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) Love the MCU and Klll Bill!  I'm currently watching the Fast and the Furious movies.  I've been in a action movie kind of mood lately.
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) Nope, I suck at those.  I'm more an RPGer.  Pokemon and Dungeons and Dragons are more my thing.

Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: LizK on April 02, 2019, 05:02:22 PM

2) Like
3) meh
4) like...all things in balance
5) yuk
6) like
7) like
8) like
9) don't have one wish I did
10) they are okay in small doses
11) they are okay in small doses
12) meh

I like what I like, they maybe considered traditionally masculine or feminine but that really plays no part in wether I will like it or not. Maybe when I was younger that did.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: mia bass on April 02, 2019, 06:08:35 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) - Not obsessed, but like (from a functional perspective).
2) Pants - Meh
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) - Meh
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) - Meh to dislike
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) - Dislike
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) - Generally like
7) Shoes - Somewhat like
8) Fashion - Like
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) - Like
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) - Like
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) - Like
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) - Like

Seems to fit with my (current/tentative) gender identity of MF bigender/genderfluid, IMHO.
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Victoria L. on April 03, 2019, 12:46:15 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) - MEH. (I'm bored to death by car talk)
2) Pants - Like (but only skinnier kinds)
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) - I like to collect older MLPs, does that count?
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) - Depends.
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) - Dislike.
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) - DISLIKE.
7) Shoes - Like
8) Fashion - Somewhat Like (the runway fashion stuff does not spark joy, but everyday women's fashion does)
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) - I don't take baths, but I love showers.
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) - Meh. (only because I don't like the whole "woman despises man, suddenly they have sex" trope that is so common throughout them)
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) - Meh.
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) - Meh. (I've tried to get into Civlization, it's okay, but not really for me. Give me some The Sims instead!)
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: KathyLauren on April 03, 2019, 01:03:27 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. )  Meh.  Don't mind working with them if I have to.
2) Pants  Meh.  I wear them if the weather requires them and they're cute.
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls )  Meh.
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes )  Define excessive.  I like pink in moderation.
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. )  Dislike.
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes )  Meh.  If they don't bother me, I won't bother them.
7) Shoes  Like.
8 ) Fashion  Industry? Dislike.  Nice clothes?  Like.
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc )  Meh.  More of a shower person.
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally )  Like.
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers )  Meh.
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization )  Meh.  I like chess, but not more militaristic games.
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: CynthiaAnn on April 03, 2019, 01:27:33 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ), Meh, I own F - 350 however
2) Pants - Meh
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) like, mostly stuffed pets
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ), meh some pink is OK.
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ), Strong dislike / not interested in violence...
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ), Meh
7) Shoes - Like
8) Fashion - Like
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) - Like, love lavender infused products !
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) - Like
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) - Meh
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) Meh, I like some board games like chess and checkers, no video games.
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: MaryT on April 03, 2019, 01:39:34 PM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. )  Meh!
2) Pants  Meh!
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) Like porcelain dolls, especially harlequins.
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) Meh!
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) Meh! 1960s British pro wrestling with the likes of Mick
                      Mcmanus and Jackie Pallo were entertaining, though.
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes )  I like snakes, I don't mind mice (except in the house) and I   
                      dislike cobwebs and spiders that run or jump.
7) Shoes         I like some shoes but I'm barefoot a lot.
8) Fashion       I like fashions but nothing suits my shape.
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc )  Like but I hate cleaning the bath.
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) Like.
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) I love Kill Bill.  Meh to the US Avengers.  Loved the UK TV series
                      The Avengers.
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) Like chess.
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: MeTony on April 03, 2019, 03:34:56 PM

Respond with the number followed by like / dislike / or "meh". ( or other explanation )

1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. )
Sure. The bigger the better.

2) Pants

3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls )
Never liked dolls. Used to hang my sister's dolls in a noose. (Don't ask too much. I was a kid. Haha)

4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes )
Nope. Not at all.

5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. )
Nope. I used to fight a lot as a kid. Had enough of it.

6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes )

7) Shoes
Hiking boots or sneakers.

8) Fashion
Not interested at all. If it fits it sits.

9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc )
Nope. I get restless in the bathtub.

10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally )
Yawn. Boring. I was action. And explotions.

11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers )
Oh yes!

12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization )
I like them.


Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Haley Conner on April 03, 2019, 03:41:53 PM
Damn, I wanted to hear more about the dolls, haha.  I once shot a GI Joe doll several times with a BB gun.  ( nothing personal toward soldiers!  :D )
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Ryuichi13 on April 03, 2019, 10:29:39 PM
Quote from: Haley Conner on April 03, 2019, 03:41:53 PM
Damn, I wanted to hear more about the dolls, haha.  I once shot a GI Joe doll several times with a BB gun.  ( nothing personal toward soldiers!  :D )

My 'rents tried to give me a Barbie doll when I was 11.  I took her outside, gave her a mowhawk and melted her arms and legs with a magnifying glass.  :D

Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: VivianB on April 03, 2019, 10:48:32 PM
1) Trucks - I don't care about any kind of vehicle
2) Pants - sometimes, however I prefer skirts
3) Dolls - not really
4) Excessive Pink - I kinda like pink, only in moderation
5) Fighting - I'm ok with fighting (in movies, video games only)
6) Creppy Crawlies - NO!! (especially Bugs and Snakes)
7) Shoes - only like for walking in
8) Fashion - never thought about it
9) Bath - only to get clean
10) Romantic Movies - not really (except for the anime romance film Your Name)
11) Action Movies - I'm picky with action films.
12) Strategy Games - I do like Kessen, FF Tactics

Some of these could change once start transition
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: christinej78 on April 03, 2019, 11:02:22 PM
Quote from: Haley Conner on April 02, 2019, 10:50:04 AM

1) Trucks Like... If they are Pink dualies.
2) Pants Like .... Esp if Pink
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) Care less
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) Like
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) Dislike
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) Depends
7) Shoes Esp if Pink
8) Fashion Like Pink tops, panties, bottoms, shoes, PJs
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) Showers only .... esp with a pink shower curtain
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) Don't go to the movies
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) Like Heat, Ronin
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) Don't play games
14) Love Transition MTF

I'm a bore. Loved being a cop, Pilot, arborist.

Best Always, Love
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Kylo on April 06, 2019, 10:37:55 PM
1) Trucks. Well I've been through a desert in one. Not that interested in them but who wouldn't want to drive a monster truck just once.
2) Pants. Obv.
3) Dolls. Not interested in them per se, but I do make them for people.
4) Pink. Not a colour I particularly like. It annoys me. Maybe because I think it's a colour that's been contrived to be "for women". Originally it wasn't. That it's suddenly this colour for women is just bizarre. Also I'm not a fan of it. It does not feel like a relaxing colour to me, unlike blue.
5) Fighting. I wouldn't say I was obsessed about it but I do know some martial arts; and although I am too old now, had I the body for it I wouldn't have minded being involved in competitive sports of that type.
6) Bugs. I have a biology degree. Suppose I must find stuff like that interesting.
7) Shoes. I have a lot of of shoes, but all for functional purposes, hiking, diving, running, sports, casual, formal, etc.
8 ) Fashion. Not really. I'm not interested in following other people's lead there, just wear whatever I feel like. About the most fashionable I could be is wearing a suit, and the good thing about suits is they generally do not go out of style.
9) Bath. I love baths. Too bad I don't have a tub in this flat. They should be mandatory in rented accommodation if you ask me, like they are in Japan.
10) Romantic movies. Nah. I have movies with romance in them, which is fine, but the sappy, overly sentimental ones that are just about romance alone and little else don't really hold much interest. If it's a drama with a couple in it, sure. But movies just about people hooking up? No. I like me some tragic love stories. That's closer to stuff I can identify with.
11) Action movies. I have a lot of them but if it's just about large GCI explosions I'm bored. I have to connect with the characters or the situation in some way. John Wick bored me to death, but Die Hard 1 is great.
12) Tactical strategy games. Yeah, I guess. Not wild about them but I can play chess and I used to play Age of Empires, Total War, etc. games.

Not very stereotypical I guess.
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Van on April 20, 2019, 08:15:55 PM

1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) - like
2) Pants - like
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) - dislike
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) - dislike
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. ) - never tried it, but going to say like since I've always wanted to take some sort of fighting class
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) - it depends
7) Shoes - like
8) Fashion - meh
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc ) - meh
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) - dislike
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) - like
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) - like
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Jessica_K on April 21, 2019, 01:19:18 AM

1) Trucks  no
2) Pants skinny jeans
3) Dolls no but love teddybears
4) Excessive pink like pink but  it excessively
5) Fighting no
6) Creepy crawlies ok with them will not kill any ( flies, wasps, bees, spiders)
7) Shoes new to shoes and looking for my style
8) Fashion oh yes
9) Bath time do not like baths but can spend ages in a shower
10) Romantic movies oh yes.
11) Action movies I love gangster movies (scarface, goodfellas, city of god)
12) Tactical / Strategy games no interest what so ever
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Linde on April 21, 2019, 10:05:44 AM
1) Trucks ( also excavators, bulldozers etc. ) Had to sell my John Deere and BobCat because downsizing, still miss those wonderful toys
2) Pants Yes, they have their place in my life, but they co-share my body with skirts.
3) Dolls ( Barbie, Baby dolls ) never had any interest in, never will
4) Excessive pink ( Pink walls, pink bed coverings, pink drapes, pink clothes ) pin k clothing items, yes, if they fit to other clothing stuff
5) Fighting ( boxing, wrestling, tae kwon do etc. )  never was interested in and that did not change either
6) Creepy crawlies ( bugs, rodents, snakes ) never bothered me, still don't
7) Shoes I was the guy with 30 pairs of shoes, I am the girl working hard to get 30 pairs of shoes
8) Fashion always interested in, and that has not changed
9) Bath time ( bubbles, scented candles etc )  no change, waste of time
10) Romantic movies ( Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally ) no change, still like them
11) Action movies ( Kill Bill, the Avengers ) still like them
12) Tactical / Strategy games ( Chess, Civilization ) waste of time, always been, always will be
Title: Re: How well do you fit the gender stereotypes?
Post by: Tessa James on April 21, 2019, 12:23:11 PM
Trucks;  now just for utility but in a previous persona, an attempt to feel like a guy
Pants; Wouldn't wear em for months during my early transition but now I like mine tight
Dolls; Didn't need them as a kid when there were nine baby siblings.  I love real babies! 
E Pink; Meh, shades of purple and magenta maybe
Fighting, Intensely dislike but confess to brief excitement when others are so engaged
Creepin Crawlers; Ick don't wana touch em fur sure
Shoes; Love my colorful new shoes that finally fit who i am
Fashion; Wonderful to have found my own even as it meant a much delayed emergence
Bath time; Still too busy and mostly shower but a soak in the hot tub is wonderful
Romantic movies; Sometimes, but I prefer to read and a good story will often have some element of romance
Action movies; Typically too much uber male toxicity but I have felt better about female kick asses
Games; Fostering personal competition can sharpen strategic skills but to what ends? 

And then, what gender stereotypes are we responding to?  Might different cultures and communities have a different list?