Community Conversation => Transsexual talk => Male to female transsexual talk (MTF) => Topic started by: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 04:54:08 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 04:54:08 PM
Hi, have another question,

I have run across several people who I strongly felt were transgender in the last few years.  I have no transgender friends and would love to introduce myself and see if we have anything in common.  I always hold back.  I'm afraid. I don't really know the rules, the etiquette.

I want so much to reach out and just say, I am like you.  I understand.  I am here for you.  But I am so afraid of misgendering somebody or pissing off someone because I called them out while trying to pass.  I don't want to insult or hurt anyone.  So how do you share, how do you let them know in a respectful way?

I've been waiting for the mailman to deliver the "Trans-manual" so I could look up the rules.  I must have missed the class where they taught the secret sissy handshake.  Sometimes I feel so lonely and I just wish to reach out to someone who is like me.


Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: emma-f on May 01, 2019, 05:10:46 PM
Quote from: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 04:54:08 PM
I have run across several people who I strongly felt were transgender in the last few years.  I have no transgender friends and would love to introduce myself and see if we have anything in common.  I always hold back.  I'm afraid. I don't really know the rules, the etiquette.

I want so much to reach out and just say, I am like you.  I understand.  I am here for you.  But I am so afraid of misgendering somebody or pissing off someone because I called them out while trying to pass.  I don't want to insult or hurt anyone.  So how do you share, how do you let them know in a respectful way?

Honestly, you don't approach them. If someone that I barely knew approached me and said "Hi, I'm guessing you're trans, I can tell. I am too" I cannot think of anything worse. It would be awful!

Unfortunately you dont know where in life these women are. Many trans women just want to leave their trans history behind and live. They dont want to be reminded that they are "different", that you can tell that they're "different". And even then merely being trans isn't in of itself a link for friendship. Many trans women offer great support, go to support groups, meet people online etc. But in my view dont just approach someone like you're saying

Em x
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 05:14:38 PM
I agree being called out while trying to pass has got to be a major downer which is why I have not said anything.  It just seems sad that we go on through life sometimes very alone.   I wish there was a secret handshake.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Alice V on May 01, 2019, 05:17:25 PM
I believe that misgender somebody is one of smallest problems in case of contacts on public.

The best option is looking for some local groups and meet with them. You know, we're quite secretive people. Some just don't like to be recognized as transes and/or don't wan't to discuss it in public. So my advice is don't touch people on streets, find somewhere in internet those who willingly contacting in person and start from there ;)

Or you can try it hard and get to know this person close enough to talk about such topics :)

Oh, by the way, if you don't want to misgender person, you can start with "How can I call you?" or something like that. Let people explain how they wan't you to speak with them.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: KathyLauren on May 01, 2019, 05:21:38 PM
Absolutely never ask someone if they are trans or tell then that you guess they are.  You could be wrong.  Or you could expose them to humiliation or danger.  Outing someone else is the absolutely worst thing you can do.  In our support group, it will get you expelled.

On the other hand, it is perfectly okay to disclose that you are trans to anyone you feel like doing so to.  One tactful way to do this is to wear a pin or pendant with the trans flag or the three-pointed trans graphic.  No words need to be exchanged, but 99% of trans people will recognize it as an invitation to be open with you.

I know one trans lady who wears a trans pendant all the time, specifically to let closeted trans people know that they are safe with her.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 05:21:56 PM
Sound advice, thank you.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: KimOct on May 01, 2019, 08:24:29 PM
Quote from: Bea1968 on May 01, 2019, 04:54:08 PM

I've been waiting for the mailman to deliver the "Trans-manual" so I could look up the rules.  I must have missed the class where they taught the secret sissy handshake.  Sometimes I feel so lonely and I just wish to reach out to someone who is like me.



I love your post it is both hilarious and very true.  My favorite combination.  :)

Early in my transition I was at a women's roller derby match.  Huge turnout. 5000 people in St. Paul MN.  So I am standing in the beer line with my cis-girl-friend and a stranger cuts in line and starts talking to me.  She obviously meant well.  Very friendly but it was very awkward.  There were about 100 people in adjacent lines and she walks up to me and asks if I come very often.

What ??  I tried to be friendly enough without encouraging her to stay.  My reaction I stick out THAT much?

There are trans groups in most major and midsize cities.  Find one,  even if one is not close it is worth the trip to get to one.  It is very healthy.  This site is great but real life so to speak is important too.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Lady Sarah on May 01, 2019, 11:37:21 PM
I have seen several people that I could tell were trans, while visiting nearby cities. After all the years since my transition, I found it relatively easy to not say anything to anyone about what I knew. I know I wouldn't want anyone doing it to me.

As long as that is kept in mind, it is easier to live and let live.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 02, 2019, 08:15:34 AM
I think it is very common to have the feeling to be the only trans person in the world.  if it would not be for the internet, an my support group, I would be the only one.
And if you think you are alone being trans, try being intersex and trans for a change, you are really alone if you are like I!

I wish trans and intersex people would wear name tags, only other trans and intersex people can read!
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 02, 2019, 09:56:02 AM
While I could wish for some secret sign or handshake I guess the idea about the pin is as close to optimal that realty and our society will permit.  My only reservation about the pin is the fact that I am not out and would rather not advertise the fact to people with less than accepting attitudes.

Thanks for all the feedback!

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: GingerVicki on May 02, 2019, 02:24:42 PM
And away we go to search the world for other unicorns like ourselves. It can be a lonely path.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Ricki Wright on May 17, 2019, 10:20:23 AM
I too have struggled with this dilemma of wanting to connect, but also not wanting to out someone or cause anyone a dysphoria attack. Mine are bad enough, no need to share that feeling at all.

I made mistakes after I first understood who I was, and for that I am deeply saddened. Learning to respect others space and anonymity as mentioned many times above is something I had to do without a teacher.

I have found a solution however that is working for me, and I will share it with you. Smile. If you happen to catch the eye of someone you believe to be trans, Smile a "I am happy for you smile" and think those words. It dose not have to be long and you do not need to keep eye contact like you are staring at them. With that one smile you tell the person "I accept you." They may not realize you suspect them to be trans and that does not matter. What matters is a stranger smiled at them and accepted them.

That means a lot to anybody in the world, and doubly so for trans people.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: KimOct on May 17, 2019, 07:27:20 PM
Quote from: Ricki Wright on May 17, 2019, 10:20:23 AM
I too have struggled with this dilemma of wanting to connect, but also not wanting to out someone or cause anyone a dysphoria attack. Mine are bad enough, no need to share that feeling at all.

I made mistakes after I first understood who I was, and for that I am deeply saddened. Learning to respect others space and anonymity as mentioned many times above is something I had to do without a teacher.

I have found a solution however that is working for me, and I will share it with you. Smile. If you happen to catch the eye of someone you believe to be trans, Smile a "I am happy for you smile" and think those words. It dose not have to be long and you do not need to keep eye contact like you are staring at them. With that one smile you tell the person "I accept you." They may not realize you suspect them to be trans and that does not matter. What matters is a stranger smiled at them and accepted them.

That means a lot to anybody in the world, and doubly so for trans people.


Great point Ricki, I get those a fair amount of the time almost always from women.  It is nice and you can just sort of tell that is what it is.  God forbid a guy do it.  Someone might think he is gay or something.  :D
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Devlyn on May 17, 2019, 07:32:28 PM
Wait. You all don't know the secret handshake? It's in those links that the moderators give you when you first post here. You did read those.......right??  ::) ;D :D
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 18, 2019, 01:46:30 PM

I am unsure that there is any secret handshake, code words, or signals for us trans-women but some groups of trans-women may have invented them.

A pink, white, blue button or a true trans pin may be useful.  If you go to a trans-women meeting though do not make assumptions there, as some ladies may be supportive cis-girlfriends and cis-significant others.

I too would never ask someone if she is trans.  There is no stereotype look for someone who is MTF trans.  Let them volunteer information as you would decide to open up.

I would also be respectful and kind to all, and a pretty smile does wonders.

Over time we continue to associate with people that are understanding and accepting.  I suggest being safety minded and meet in public places and when you go to meet new people, and go with an accepting friend (who does not need to necessarily be trans) if at all possible.  I would not suggest going alone, except perhaps to a public transconference or a open TG/TS support group in a public place.

Remember just because two people are both trans, their personalities and interests may be far apart.   Be yourself always.



Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Artesia on May 18, 2019, 02:37:46 PM
I saw a girl the other day I am fairly certain is transgender.  We live in conservative central.  I really would like to talk to her so we can provide mutual support and safe places in the event of something crappy happening, but I also don't want to out her (would be dangerous for both of us).  I like the idea of the pin.  Could someone point me the way to one?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 18, 2019, 03:30:10 PM
Quote from: Artesia on May 18, 2019, 02:37:46 PM
I saw a girl the other day I am fairly certain is transgender.  We live in conservative central.  I really would like to talk to her so we can provide mutual support and safe places in the event of something crappy happening, but I also don't want to out her (would be dangerous for both of us).  I like the idea of the pin.  Could someone point me the way to one?

Try eBay.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: KathyLauren on May 18, 2019, 03:41:46 PM
Pride Shack has a variety of trans pins and pendants.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Rhonda Lynn on May 18, 2019, 07:23:52 PM
I agree that the last thing you want to do is bring up the "T-word".  If it were me, it's the last thing I would want to hear from a stranger.

Perhaps just try striking up a conversation. You can always comment on something you like that they are wearing or whatever. If they respond positively then maybe you can make a friend.

I was in a book shop a few weeks ago and saw a t-girl who looked like she was just starting out. I thought about approaching her and might of but she was with a friend so I didn't. In that situation I think I would have asked about the book she had, how she liked it, etc. and try to strike up a conversation that way.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 19, 2019, 05:00:52 AM
Bought a 3pack of the pins on Amazon for under $10
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Stepheewt on May 19, 2019, 09:22:44 AM
I love this post. The secret handshake. The, I know what you feel, and You know what I feel so now we can just be besties. I am Sure if you figured me out and approached me , I would have lost my entire mind and melted. Like my greatest fear in life.  I do understand the thought though. We need our own secret language. Lol. Sometimes I think when you see someone else your sure is just like you, it would just be nice to have a friend who gets it.  ;D
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Colleen_definitely on May 19, 2019, 12:16:21 PM
Secret handshakes, gang signs, or avian mating dance esque behavior complete with flashy plumage?  Why that would fly in the face of generations of "pretend you didn't notice each other" cat like behavior which defines this community.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: TonyaW on May 19, 2019, 12:33:10 PM
Only way anything would work is if you can some how signal "hey I'm trans" without also signaling "I think you are too". 

The pin might do it, but allies might also wear such a pin. If you were going to approach someone wearing such a pin, you'd would want to do it in a "thanks for your support" manner rather than assuming they are trans themselves. You can out yourself in the process if you choose.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 19, 2019, 01:45:38 PM
I ordered a few of these pins.  I currently have a feeling that i am the only trans in this county of almost 1 million people!
Statistics speak against it, but how would I know?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 19, 2019, 07:56:35 PM
I received the pins.  Will start wearing one tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 19, 2019, 08:04:41 PM
Quote from: Bea1968 on May 19, 2019, 07:56:35 PM
I received the pins.  Will start wearing one tomorrow.

That is nice.   :)     Let us know if it opens up some doors for conversation for you.

I am hoping for you positive results!


Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Rhonda Lynn on May 19, 2019, 11:28:19 PM
Quote from: Colleen_definitely on May 19, 2019, 12:16:21 PM
Secret handshakes, gang signs, or avian mating dance esque behavior complete with flashy plumage?  Why that would fly in the face of generations of "pretend you didn't notice each other" cat like behavior which defines this community.

That's it exactly! I so often hear the word "community" referring to trans people. In the last decade I have had face to face conversations with maybe three trans-women? Other than that, it's an occasional discussion on-line here or a couple of long distance friendships through email. Am I the exception or are a lot of us kind out there on our own for the most part?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 19, 2019, 11:57:34 PM
I think we are mostly on our own.  Maybe it's out of fear.  Maybe we just don't know how to connect with others.  Some here seem to feel that they don't want to really associate with other transgender because that just reinforces that self image.  They would rather be accepted as their gender by others of that gender.  Living genuine as their self.   I think we as a demographic make it a lot more lonely than it really needs the be. Thank God for this forum. 
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 20, 2019, 12:57:35 AM
Quote from: Rhonda Lynn on May 19, 2019, 11:28:19 PM
That's it exactly! I so often hear the word "community" referring to trans people. In the last decade I have had face to face conversations with maybe three trans-women? Other than that, it's an occasional discussion on-line here or a couple of long distance friendships through email. Am I the exception or are a lot of us kind out there on our own for the most part?
I also wonder always about that community thing.  My support group meets once a month, but after the meeting e all go our own way.  I know nobody who is trans or intersex outside of that group (except a few friends her from Susan's), but I definitely have no community feeling, because I would not know where and how to find the other memembrs of this community!
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Colleen_definitely on May 20, 2019, 09:35:28 AM
Quote from: Rhonda Lynn on May 19, 2019, 11:28:19 PM
That's it exactly! I so often hear the word "community" referring to trans people. In the last decade I have had face to face conversations with maybe three trans-women? Other than that, it's an occasional discussion on-line here or a couple of long distance friendships through email. Am I the exception or are a lot of us kind out there on our own for the most part?

I think it's mostly because we are so used to hiding in public, or at least not waving a giant "ask me how it feels to be transgender!" banner around.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Stepheewt on May 20, 2019, 09:57:57 AM
Quote from: Colleen_definitely on May 20, 2019, 09:35:28 AM
I think it's mostly because we are so used to hiding in public, or at least not waving a giant "ask me how it feels to be transgender!" banner around.
That's it exactly, most avoid being seen as anything other than a cis female. So we're not gonna advertise. Crazy part is we should feel like we can just admit it, own it so to speak. Unfortunately we're made to feel so bad or ashamed of being who you are, it's terrifying to admit it to someone. One wrong step everyone knows and you feel like your walking around with a neon sign of embarrassment. Sucks to feel that way. We all try to be strong and say the world can do what they want and I need to be me. But no matter how brave you are, we all want some level of acceptance. Even just the stranger who looks at you and says "ma'am "
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Ricki Wright on May 21, 2019, 10:13:07 PM
I think I will get a button or patch that says "I survived Testosterone poisoning! Let me know if you did too!" with the trans 3 point somewhere on it. If I am not supposed to out people, I will out myself and invite my peeps to come introduce themselves if they choose.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Maddie on May 21, 2019, 10:57:41 PM
Hope its not a high five or fistbump thing, or I will start wearing a helmet.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Lady Sarah on May 21, 2019, 11:03:40 PM
If trans people made up at least 10% of the population, perhaps not being an extreme minority would make it easier on us. However, that is very highly unlikely. Three trans women killed in Dallas, TX, and no arrests... reinforces the concept of keeping ones mouth shut about it and minding our Ps and Qs.  We live in a world where being trans could get us killed. America is going backwards on trans rights, where we do not have the same rights as everyone else.

Why open one's  mouth and screw everything up when remaining silent about it is safer?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Stepheewt on May 21, 2019, 11:28:39 PM
God that is a sobering thought. So sad how people are hurt or even killed just for being "not normal". Society has its normal and because we choose to do this it's on us. Just sad that they still don't understand about it not really being a choice. It's that fear that kills so many due to suicide. The ones who come out and stand proud then fear repercussions Living life without consequences is hard to do. All I know is I feel Ike I've been acting the part my entire life. Only when Im Stephee do I feel like I'm actually just reacting and being me. It's when I'm actually at peace. "Live free or Die trying" Should just be "live free  !"
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Ricki Wright on May 22, 2019, 12:13:07 AM
Quote from: Stepheewt on May 21, 2019, 11:28:39 PM
God that is a sobering thought. So sad how people are hurt or even killed just for being "not normal". Society has its normal and because we choose to do this it's on us. Just sad that they still don't understand about it not really being a choice. It's that fear that kills so many due to suicide. The ones who come out and stand proud then fear repercussions Living life without consequences is hard to do. All I know is I feel Ike I've been acting the part my entire life. Only when Im Stephee do I feel like I'm actually just reacting and being me. It's when I'm actually at peace. "Live free or Die trying" Should just be "live free  !"

Humans by nature kill that which they fear, and fear anything they do not understand. With Replikkans in the US dying as a political party, they played the "Race" card behind Trump in a last gasp effort to bolster numbers. This card also included anything "LGBTQ+" and "Roe vs Wade" as a result. We live in dangerous times where the Senate is giving tacit approval by not saying anything against the human rights atrocities happening in the US right now. ICE agents arrested for being serial killers (including one trans women), child deaths in detention at the boarder, and religious shootings everywhere, who is even going to notice (except us) a trans person missing or assaulted here and there?

I learned quickly to not startle fellow members by clocking them. I hate that is the state of society right now. It's like trans people are 15 years behind the L's and the G's as far as being able to be public.

ok. /rant off.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 22, 2019, 08:05:17 AM
Quote from: Ricki Wright on May 22, 2019, 12:13:07 AM

I learned quickly to not startle fellow members by clocking them. I hate that is the state of society right now. It's like trans people are 15 years behind the L's and the G's as far as being able to be public.

ok. /rant off.

I live as a woman among women.  I know only cis women, and hang only out with cis women.  I am not interested in being some trans worrier, I am not interested in trans pride, I don't know what is being trans to be proud about, I was born that way, nothing to be proud about anything one had no chance to influence.
I am still active in female stuff, to help fellow women to better their life, but not as a trans woman, but just as an average woman. 
I really don't get it what some of the trans activists want to achieve?  As I said, I live like a woman, and would not know what would improve  my life by telling the world that I am trans?  Most of my friends know, but they don't care. my family knows, and they have accepted me the way I am, my doctors know, because they treat me, and nobody else needs to know anyway!  And I also don't feel being part of some obscur trans community!

What do those trans activist want to achieve?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Colleen_definitely on May 22, 2019, 08:18:42 AM
Quote from: Stepheewt on May 21, 2019, 11:28:39 PM
God that is a sobering thought. So sad how people are hurt or even killed just for being "not normal".

Perhaps I'm a bit jaded on this after seeing the aftermath of this sort of thing on a large scale during my time in the military.  But people routinely kill each other for no reason other than identity.  Sometimes it's simply a beating, other times it's genocide.

Humans are not nice creatures when viewed as a whole.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Devlyn on May 22, 2019, 11:03:31 AM
Quote from: Linde on May 22, 2019, 08:05:17 AM
I live as a woman among women.  I know only cis women, and hang only out with cis women.  I am not interested in being some trans worrier, I am not interested in trans pride, I don't know what is being trans to be proud about, I was born that way, nothing to be proud about anything one had no chance to influence.
I am still active in female stuff, to help fellow women to better their life, but not as a trans woman, but just as an average woman. 
I really don't get it what some of the trans activists want to achieve?  As I said, I live like a woman, and would not know what would improve  my life by telling the world that I am trans?  Most of my friends know, but they don't care. my family knows, and they have accepted me the way I am, my doctors know, because they treat me, and nobody else needs to know anyway!  And I also don't feel being part of some obscur trans community!

What do those trans activist want to achieve?

They've already achieved one of their goals..... allowing you to seek treatment and live the way you want.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 11:48:23 AM
We should develop an non-dating/non-merchandising trans app that just lets you send out an anonymous signal.  We would suddenly see all us on the map and not feel alone...

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Devlyn on May 22, 2019, 11:51:04 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 11:48:23 AM
We should develop an non-dating/non-merchandising trans app that just lets you send out an anonymous signal.  We would suddenly see all us on the map and not feel alone...

LOL, we need to create it, though, before someone else does and calls it the Trapp.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 12:12:09 PM
Just a thought:

To protect everyone from stalkers it would be cool if there was a map on Susan's Place and everyone could drop a "push pin" of where each of us lives.  It's totally anonymous and non-tracking but it would give us all a better sense that we are not alone.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Stepheewt on May 22, 2019, 12:21:22 PM
Quote from: Ricki Wright on May 22, 2019, 12:13:07 AM
Humans by nature kill that which they fear, and fear anything they do not understand. It's like trans people are 15 years behind the L's and the G's as far as being able to be public.

Go figure I'm easily 30 years or more behind when I should have come out as Trans, now we're 15 years behind on rights. Just difficult.

Amazing that some people still believe we would choose this, choose the danger, choose the ridicule, choose the treatments, the surgery if needed, choose the fight. Why?.. Can't choose who you are. I'm who I am I have to admit that. It's excruciating keeping up the act.

The Trans App that's funny, but I'm sure it will happen. Who knows maybe in 15 years we will have Trans only .com dating apps on tv like we're Farmers. ...(still won't use the
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 22, 2019, 01:27:06 PM
Quote from: Linde on May 22, 2019, 08:05:17 AM
I live as a woman among women.  I know only cis women, and hang only out with cis women.  I am not interested in being some trans worrier, I am not interested in trans pride, I don't know what is being trans to be proud about, I was born that way, nothing to be proud about anything one had no chance to influence.
I am still active in female stuff, to help fellow women to better their life, but not as a trans woman, but just as an average woman. 
I really don't get it what some of the trans activists want to achieve?  As I said, I live like a woman, and would not know what would improve  my life by telling the world that I am trans?  Most of my friends know, but they don't care. my family knows, and they have accepted me the way I am, my doctors know, because they treat me, and nobody else needs to know anyway!  And I also don't feel being part of some obscur trans community!

What do those trans activist want to achieve?

I hear what you say about advocate groups and activists.  My counselor suggested I volunteer with our local Pride chapter and my reaction was like, WTF?  I have no patience for high octane /in your face groups.  I would never fit in with such a group.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Bea1968 on May 22, 2019, 01:27:58 PM
Emma, that is a cool idea.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 01:37:18 PM
Thanks Bea.  The map would be just states and countries to protect our anonymity.  It would give us a sense of our numbers.

Until I came here I thought I was a freak and an outcast.  I hid my sense of guilt and shame while I fought a battle of denial.  I thought I was alone.

I found out I was totally and completely wrong!

The map would show us that we are not alone.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Stepheewt on May 22, 2019, 01:52:54 PM
LOVE the Map idea!!!
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 22, 2019, 04:23:59 PM
Quote from: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 01:37:18 PM
Thanks Bea.  The map would be just states and countries to protect our anonymity.  It would give us a sense of our numbers.

Until I came here I thought I was a freak and an outcast.  I hid my sense of guilt and shame while I fought a battle of denial.  I thought I was alone.

I found out I was totally and completely wrong!

The map would show us that we are not alone.
You are correct Emma, I thought for the longest time I was the only person with a, for a man, freaky body, and the only man, who wanted to be a female.  I did not know anything about trans, and for me, intersex!
Who knows, my neighbor down the street may be trans or intersex, and feels as alone as I did!
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Northern Star Girl on May 22, 2019, 04:35:54 PM
We are definitely not alone here and members can be found in every state, every province and just about any country in the world.

According to the latest Susan's Place Forums Stats, 
     35,618  members have made  2,020,940  forum posts in  190,324 Topics

It doesn't take a lot of reading of the various threads andr postings to get an idea of where members are located, ....obviously privacy if of prime importance among our members here. 

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Allie Jayne on May 23, 2019, 12:51:52 AM
Quote from: Emma1017 on May 22, 2019, 12:12:09 PM
Just a thought:

To protect everyone from stalkers it would be cool if there was a map on Susan's Place and everyone could drop a "push pin" of where each of us lives.  It's totally anonymous and non-tracking but it would give us all a better sense that we are not alone.

I suppose it could be done with Google Maps, where you can place "push pins" in, but many wouldn't want to risk their anonymity. I'd be nervous to put even an approximate "push pin" in as I'd be nervous about being outed before I was ready, or worse, blackmailed or stalked.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: LordKAT on May 23, 2019, 05:26:42 AM
A few I met because they related to what I had to say regarding my own ..tribulations ' with transitioning. A few I met because they rudely assumed they knew me better than I knew myself. If they aren't  talking transition, don't ask them about it or assume they are.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Lexxi on May 23, 2019, 05:33:24 AM
Quote from: Artesia on May 18, 2019, 02:37:46 PM
I saw a girl the other day I am fairly certain is transgender.  We live in conservative central.  I really would like to talk to her so we can provide mutual support and safe places in the event of something crappy happening, but I also don't want to out her (would be dangerous for both of us).  I like the idea of the pin.  Could someone point me the way to one?

I liked the idea of a pin so much that I went straight to Amazon's website and ordered one. Just search for trans pins. A whole bunch of options will pop up. I bought the one that has the three points on it. It's shaped like a triangle with a black background. I also got a pin of the trans flag too. They'll both be here today and will be pinned to every shirt before I walk out the door.

Hope this helps,

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 02:37:01 PM
Well, I got these(

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Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 02:41:59 PM
Quote from: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 02:37:01 PM
Well, I got these(

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Cute.  Nice.   

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: MaryT on May 28, 2019, 02:56:49 PM
Quote from: Devlyn on May 22, 2019, 11:51:04 AM
LOL, we need to create it, though, before someone else does and calls it the Trapp.  :laugh:

It should be easy enough on Susan's Place.  We all submit our IP addresses whenever we visit any website, unless we use some kind of stealth software (which I think is like trying not to draw attention to oneself by wearing a mask in a police station).  Our IP addresses give our approximate location.  Even if we were all happy with it, though, I'm not sure whether it would violate data privacy laws. 
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: MaryT on May 28, 2019, 02:59:14 PM
Quote from: Devlyn on May 22, 2019, 11:51:04 AM
LOL, we need to create it, though, before someone else does and calls it the Trapp.  :laugh:

I think that that would be a good name for it even if we did create it ourselves.  Suddenly I want to join a choir, though.
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 03:05:15 PM
Quote from: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 02:37:01 PM
Well, I got these(

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Did you find those on Etsy?

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: CynthiaAnn on May 28, 2019, 03:08:42 PM
Quote from: MaryT on May 28, 2019, 02:56:49 PM
It should be easy enough on Susan's Place.  We all submit our IP addresses whenever we visit any website, unless we use some kind of stealth software (which I think is like trying not to draw attention to oneself by wearing a mask in a police station).  Our IP addresses give our approximate location.  Even if we were all happy with it, though, I'm not sure whether it would violate data privacy laws.

The "Trapp" could occur if the platform were hijacked by those with less than benevolent intent  ;)
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 03:17:21 PM
Quote from: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 03:05:15 PM

Did you find those on Etsy?

$10 on Amazon.  Think I searched for trans pride and they showed up.

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Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 03:30:21 PM

Thank you.  I would wear one.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 28, 2019, 03:38:26 PM
I just got the announcement

Your order of "3 Pieces Transgender Flag..." has shipped!

Three different pins are coming!
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Lexxi on May 28, 2019, 03:45:03 PM
Every time I wear my pins outside the house I feel like I'm a member of a secret society of super heros. I'm just waiting for someone to ask me what they stand for. So far no one has yet...but I won't be ashamed when they do.

Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 07:45:20 PM
Quote from: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 03:30:21 PM

Thank you.  I would wear one.

I'll be wearing both,  they're earrings.

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Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 28, 2019, 08:21:44 PM
Quote from: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 07:45:20 PM
I'll be wearing both,  they're earrings.

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Where did you find earrings in transgender colors?
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 02:37:01 PM
Well, I got these(

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I did not realize that these were earrings, it looked to me to be a double hearted pin.


Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: Linde on May 28, 2019, 08:59:06 PM
Quote from: ChrissyRyan on May 28, 2019, 08:57:36 PM

I did not realize that these were earrings, it looked to me to be a double hearted pin.


Same with me.  I never would have thought they are earrings (studs)
Title: Re: Secret handshake?
Post by: TonyaW on May 28, 2019, 10:52:35 PM
Search for "trans pride" on Amazon and you'll see them listed as like 10 pair of $40 but you can buy just one. Pins and flags are there also

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