Community Conversation => Female to male transsexual talk (FTM) => Transsexual talk => Testosterone => Topic started by: David46 on May 09, 2019, 12:35:53 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: David46 on May 09, 2019, 12:35:53 PM
Hello everyone. I finally received my first prescription for test. cypionate from my doctor today, and have just given myself my first shot. I am 46 years old and wish I could have begun this journey sooner, but I suppose each of us has a different journey to get here.

I have looked quite a bit, but I can't seem to find much information regarding testosterone expectations at my age compared to the younger generation. So, I'm hoping to get a little more insight from everuone here.

Do things like bottom growth, facial hair, fat distribution, hair loss, etc the same at my age or should I expect the possibility of lesser results?

Thank you all. It's really good to be here with others who understand how and what it's like to be me.
Title: Re: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: Ryuichi13 on May 09, 2019, 02:37:02 PM
Quote from: David46 on May 09, 2019, 12:35:53 PM
Hello everyone. I finally received my first prescription for test. cypionate from my doctor today, and have just given myself my first shot. I am 46 years old and wish I could have begun this journey sooner, but I suppose each of us has a different journey to get here.

I have looked quite a bit, but I can't seem to find much information regarding testosterone expectations at my age compared to the younger generation. So, I'm hoping to get a little more insight from everuone here.

Do things like bottom growth, facial hair, fat distribution, hair loss, etc the same at my age or should I expect the possibility of lesser results?

Thank you all. It's really good to be here with others who understand how and what it's like to be me.

Ah, if only I had started my transition at 46 instead of 54....  ;)  I'll answer your questions in the order that you asked, okay?

When it comes to bottom growth, facial hair, fat distribution and the like, lets put it this way.  There's a reason going on HRT is often referred to as "second puberty."  That is essentially what you will be going through, a second puberty. 

Bottom growth is often the first thing that starts.  I'd advise you to wear looser underwear than panties.  I prefer boxer briefs, as do many men, but YMMV when it comes to how you feel with whatever you choose to wear. 

But, I feel I should also warn you about your rise in libido as well!  If you find that for the first few months, you may find that you have to jerk off like five or six times a day, that's normal!  If you do so, I'd advise you to use plenty of lube and experiment with what works for you.  You are basically a 13 year old boy, hormonally speaking, one that's growing a "new body part."  And that body part will more than likely demand attention!  Also, chances are you will wake up with "morning wood!"  Many of us also find that PIV sex may not hold the same appeal as it did.  Again, YMMV. 

If you choose to wear a packer, there are plenty on the market.  Many men start with a Mr Limpy.  They run around $12USD, and you can buy them online.  If you decide you want to wear one, there are plenty of threads on here that give all kinds of advice as to how to use one.  Or simply ask, there are plenty of us that will be willing to give advise.

The next thing that might change may be your voice.  That often happens pretty rapidly as well.  So if one day you wake up and find your throat sore, that might be what's happening.  I drank lots of hot tea when mine started hurting.  It helps.

Honestly, when it comes to facial hair and beard growth, it all depends on your genetics.  If you have men with massive beards but bald heads in your family, that might be what you end up with. Chances are, if you have any brothers, you might end up looking closer to them.  Or your Dad.  Or even your granddad.  Male pattern baldness usually comes from the Mom's side of the family, so if you have any uncles on your Mom's side of the family, take a good look at them.  You might end up looking closer to them, head-hair-wise.     

Fat distribution will definitely change, especially at your age.  I have muscles now that I didn't know I could grow!  But, being 57 right now, I also have a larger "beer belly" then I had before.  (I hate beer, for the record. ;D)  So, unless you work out, your fat will seem to leave your arms, legs and face and all end up there.  Your face might become more angular, losing the roundness that so many women have. 

Another thing that you should know about is if you have high blood pressure.  I knew that, as an African American man with it, once I started HRT my blood pressure would raise.  when it did, I got headaches and blurred vision.  It took some tweaking of my blood pressure meds, but now everything's once again back to normal.

If you have any more or specific questions about transitioning, feel free to ask.  Many of us here have gone through what you're going through, and we don't mind answering questions.  After all, second puberty can be kinda scary, especially if you don't know what to expect.

Congrats on your first dose of T, bro!

Title: Re: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: Perry on May 09, 2019, 06:33:23 PM
Welcome David, wonderful to have you here with us. Lots of terrific individuals, both guys and girls, with lots of insight, on this site always willing to answer questions and provide support.

1 year ago this week I started T at the grand old age of 61. I was started on a very low dose and have had it adjusted a couple of times based on blood test results and goals determined with my NP. I am certain that my T related changes are slower due to my age, I do have 15 years on you though so as they say around here, Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV).

As Ryuichi stated the bottom growth starts pretty early. Also, the libido does go crazy.

I've had a small amount of mustache hairs for many years prior to T. I have gotten many more and after a few months facial hair started showing up on my cheeks and chin. I joke that it takes me 5 days to get a 5 o'clock shadow.

It is easier to build muscle, now if only I'd actually put some effort into that activity! My voice seems deeper to me but those around me don't notice a change. The app Voice Pitch Analyzer now consistently assesses me in the male range.

I did not have much acne during my first puberty and was certainly not looking forward to being a grandpa with teenage acne. Fortunately I have not had issues. I do cleanse my face a couple times a week to try to combat any oiliness.

Everything I've read about hair loss is that genetics play the biggest role. I do see some migration of my hairline at the temples to a more typically male pattern. It does not bother me in the least.

Congrats on taking your first step and Enjoy the ride!

Title: Re: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: David46 on May 09, 2019, 07:03:41 PM
Thank you so much for your reply, Ryuichi. When you try to research and read as much as possible, it can be frustrating not finding anything regarding age effects and ftm. It is a reliefin many ways knowing that I am not possibly "hindered" by age.

I know all outcomes for everything really just varies for each individual.

It is good to get some reassurance that bottom growth and voice can begin quickly. I know for me personally that visually being able to see any physical changes occurring will help me in knowing that it is possible for me to achieve the outward appearance that I've always needed. So, hopefully I willbe one of the lucky ones who has more obvious growth within the first few weeks. I know hair will be coming to, but think that the first signs of that will be a few months to see beginning.

Thank you so much again for your response!
Title: Re: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: Ryuichi13 on May 09, 2019, 08:01:38 PM
Nope, age doesn't really matter when it comes to second puberty's changes.  Something that I'm grateful for.  :)

Like Perry mentioned, the app Voice Pitch Analyzer is a useful one to figure out what range your voice is in.  When I first downloaded it, it had me at the lower range of female, but now I'm firmly in the male range.  I used to mentally play "What Voice Will I Have Today?" when I woke up every morning! 

I also took pics of my bottom growth, more to catalog the changes for myself than anything.  I threw them on my laptop, not to be seen by anyone other than myself.  It was fascinating to literally see myself grow every week!  Of course, the average for bottom growth is usually from one to three inches, with two being the average, but it beat what I had before! 

My facial hair is pretty sparse, even after all this time on T.  My mustache is barely there and my beard is pretty scraggly, but the men in my family for the most part are pretty beard-free, so I'm happy that I have as much as I do. 

Keep us posted with your progress, its always cool to hear others' experiences with HRT.  8)  Some people use Susan's place as a online diary, something to consider if you decide to keep track of your changes.

Title: Re: Testosterone at 46 and expected results
Post by: David46 on May 10, 2019, 06:19:05 AM
I will certainly keep you informed of how things go, and I'm sure I'll have more questions as well.

The fact that both of you mentioned labido effects makes me both excited and nervous about what's to come, lol. Seems that it must happen relatively early on.