Community Conversation => Transitioning => Hormone replacement therapy => Topic started by: amandam on May 17, 2019, 03:22:21 PM Return to Full Version

Title: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: amandam on May 17, 2019, 03:22:21 PM
Just filled the prescription. It's for benign prostate enlargement. I know some transgirls use it as a part of their hrt regimen. I guess I'm kinda scared. What if it makes me want to wear women's clothes? Haha, just kidding. But I wonder if I'll have an emotional reaction to it. Any thoughts?
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: Another Nikki on May 18, 2019, 11:00:29 PM
I was on it to stop hair loss for about 6 months before hrt.  my doc left
it up to me if i wanted to continue with the hair loss dosage along with spiro.  after 6 months on spiro i felt i had some low level brain fog so i stopped finasteride and it seemed to resolve.
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: amandam on May 19, 2019, 11:37:19 AM
I have mixed feelings on it. I want to sleep. That's number one. For potential feminization? It may not do anything to me physically. But I've decided that I'm okay with it if it does. Part of me wants it to happen.
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: ChrissyRyan on June 01, 2024, 02:56:09 PM
It does wonders for keeping my hair thick, no bald spots, and no receding hairline.
Conditioning helps it look nice and feel soft.  Stylist visits helps with the ends, length, and my nice style.

Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: coral on June 01, 2024, 04:03:09 PM
I've been on finasteride for 5 years to reduce testosterone, because doctors would not approve spiro due to other medical issues.  I feel this is the major contributing factor causing my very slow feminization changes.  So don't believe finasteride alone will result in feminizing.  However, it surely helped with keeping my hair.  I'm very nearly 77 and wear a long ponytail.

Have a great day!
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: LoriDee on June 01, 2024, 04:19:00 PM
My Endo took me off Spiro and Finasteride. She explained to me how it works and told me it was counter-productive. I did notice a little bit of hair thickening, but I get a better result with Biotin. I wish I could remember how she explained it. The purpose of Finasteride is to block T from converting to DHT which is what causes male-pattern baldness.

Anyway, she took me off of those and now I get an injection of Eligard every 90 days, and I take a half-tablet of Casodex daily. The Eligard blocks T production, but the body will convert estradiol to T. The Casodex blocks T receptors so any T conversion will have no effect. In essence, the two have the effect of "chemical castration". Does it work? I have no idea. No symptoms that I can point to, so how does one know, except via lab tests.
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: coral on June 02, 2024, 11:00:08 AM
   It's always exciting when your doctor changes your medications with the anticipation of more promising effects.  Wishing you the most excellent results in your continuing journey.

Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: ChrissyRyan on June 02, 2024, 04:43:08 PM
Quote from: LoriDee on June 01, 2024, 04:19:00 PMMy Endo took me off Spiro and Finasteride. She explained to me how it works and told me it was counter-productive. I did notice a little bit of hair thickening, but I get a better result with Biotin. I wish I could remember how she explained it. The purpose of Finasteride is to block T from converting to DHT which is what causes male-pattern baldness.

Anyway, she took me off of those and now I get an injection of Eligard every 90 days, and I take a half-tablet of Casodex daily. The Eligard blocks T production, but the body will convert estradiol to T. The Casodex blocks T receptors so any T conversion will have no effect. In essence, the two have the effect of "chemical castration". Does it work? I have no idea. No symptoms that I can point to, so how does one know, except via lab tests.

I hope your professionally managed medicine regimen provides you with the best results and maximum safety.

Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: Jessica_K on June 03, 2024, 01:33:47 PM
I used to take Spiro, but could not live with the side effect.  But as a T blocker it worked well for me with near zero T, I take low E and progesterone, feel great with great results.

So I am now on Cyproterone acetate (CPA). Does it work as good, no idea. I will take for 3 months and do a test. I do not see my endo for 6months so I would like a heads up.

Personally everything is still doing well, but, I just feel that my T has risen a bit.

I used to take finasteride, it was useless as a T blocker and my lack of T using a blocker helps a bit with hair regrowth.

Jessica xxx
Title: Re: We'll, I'm on finasteride
Post by: Robbyv213 on June 14, 2024, 05:47:09 PM
I have a primary care visit in a month or so. One of the things I want to talk with them is about hair loss for men and what my options are.

I will also prob talk about E.D. just so I can have a script of Viagra in my pocket for when and If I start to not be able to function downstairs for my wife when I start hormones.

I don't feel I will ask my doctor about gender affirming care until my second appointment after I get any hair loss and Ed meds from them. Not sure if that would have what they prescribe or not. I already have my initial virtue meeting set up for my gender affirming care team anyways, so I dont know if it really matters if I inform my primary at my first visit with them.

Anyways for the topic of hair, I was trying my hand on bovine ovary herbal supplement which I was on one capsule (250mg) a day for a week, and then the second week did two caps (500mg) a day. During which time my wife said that she thought my hair was darker and thicker. I was only on the supplement for two weeks and stopped. I did not see any other affects from it.

I do need to do my research on finasteride and it's side affects.