Community Conversation => Transitioning => Topic started by: Aphrodite_Hafiza on May 23, 2024, 06:20:04 AM Return to Full Version

Title: Transition to female
Post by: Aphrodite_Hafiza on May 23, 2024, 06:20:04 AM
hi everyone i was born male but one day i came across si swimsuit youtube channel and i saw a video of hannah jetter (davis) intimates and something inside me triggered feelings to be like her by first developing breasts, after that i researched how to develop breasts and found an article saying using fennel tea you can safely grow breasts by massaging aslo. After a while i got bored of this and found on ebay herbal safe products that grow breasts fully and hips, bum to hour glass figure, i bought this and im still using it now and getting great results, you can say im like a model but more curvier, breasts need to grow more fuller but everything else is identical to a women and one thing i forgot my eyes look so sexy a small befor i had larger eyes because of taking these natural herbal pills my eyes are beautiful and small similar to a women.
Title: Re: Transition to female
Post by: LoriDee on May 23, 2024, 10:46:51 AM
Hi Hafiza,

I am glad you are having a good result in your transition. For most people, herbal supplements do not work. The reason is that they usually do not contain hormones, or what they do contain is such a low dose it does not do much at all. Many of these contain phytoestrogens, which come from plants and are a very weak estrogen.

If you are serious about pursuing transition, I would strongly recommend that you do so through medically prescribed hormones. They are safer in that the dosage and purity are quality controlled, which many unregulated supplements are not. A medical professional can check your hormones regularly and adjust your dosage accordingly. Since you have no way to monitor your hormone levels yourself, you cannot make the correct adjustments. We don't want you to do yourself any harm.

I know that the political climate there is not the greatest. But I would still encourage you to seek out a gender therapist, get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and have a GP prescribe your hormones for you. I cannot stress enough how important this is.