General Discussions => Education => Philosophy => Topic started by: Natasha on January 16, 2008, 12:46:43 AM Return to Full Version

Title: if everything has a purpose...?
Post by: Natasha on January 16, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
and that purpose is to reach some goal (e.g. a seed's purpose is to reach the goal of sprouting a tree, and the tree's purpose is to make air/feed animals)

so every purpose achieves a goal and that goal has a purpose itself to achieve another goal... won't the chain (of purpose->goal->purpose etc.) evetually end and there will be no purpose?  or will it stretch onto infinity... if it does what's the purpose of the chain?
Title: Re: if everything has a purpose...?
Post by: lisagurl on January 16, 2008, 10:35:42 AM
Chaos has no purpose in a human sense. Humans are the ones looking for purpose.
Title: Re: if everything has a purpose...?
Post by: tekla on January 16, 2008, 11:26:39 AM
Its possible to see patterns when they are not there, and miss them when they are.