Community Conversation => Transitioning => Coming out of the closet => Topic started by: stephanie_craxford on June 07, 2005, 06:40:24 AM Return to Full Version

Title: T - Day
Post by: stephanie_craxford on June 07, 2005, 06:40:24 AM
I had a bit of a surprise last Friday.  My general manager was visiting us in the office and to take part in a charity golf tournament with my branch manager and a few others.  They were in the branch managers office and they called me in to join them.  They were in a conference call with the HR dept at corporate, discussing me, and my up-coming transition in the work place as Stephanie.  They wanted to be sure that this is what I wanted.  Of course I said yes and just to reinforce the issue I told them that my application to change my name had been submitted.

We discussed several things and agreed that we would tell the employees about me on June 27th, the last day of school, and that I will be transitioning in the work place on August 8th, 2005, as Stephanie.  So the date is set, I'm really excited and at the same time very nervous about reactions.  I've been going through the employees, in my head trying to determine who will be supportive and who will not.  Keeps me sane I guess... :D
Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: 4years on June 07, 2005, 06:51:46 AM
Oh closer and closer Stephanie!

I hope everyone reacts well, keep your spirits up regardless of course!
Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: kitten on June 07, 2005, 08:31:04 AM
wonderful, Steph, i guess there are a bunch of us in the class of '05 who are going for it in June ... a logical time, works well with the fiscal year, mid-year breaks, and so on.

so best wishes, darling! ::)
Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: Dennis on June 07, 2005, 09:32:57 AM
Wow, that's a big step, congratulations and good luck Stephanie!

Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: beth_finallyme on June 08, 2005, 10:25:28 AM
That is wonderful news Stephanie!   :)   I am sure most of the employees will be supportive and the rest   :P

Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: Dorian on June 08, 2005, 10:35:18 AM
Congratulations, your transition in the workplace is going very smooth.
I wish you good luck and keep us informed ^^
Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: Denise01 on June 08, 2005, 10:27:22 PM
hi Stephanie:

Congratulations on your transition in the work place, and that management is accepting of your transition.

I am sure that the majority of your co-workers, will be accepting, and as you have mentioned in previous posts, you have been very pleased at the acceptance of some of the people you know, who you thought might be a little edgy on the subject.

Good luck with your coming out at work, and  I wish you all the best and success

Denise Love

Frankford, Ont.
Title: Re: T - Day
Post by: LynnER on June 26, 2005, 04:29:11 PM
Congrats, Good luck and best of wishes Stephanie,  I hope all goes well come august. :D
And Kitten has a point,  Heres cheers to the class of '05.