General Discussions => Education => Philosophy => Topic started by: shanetastic on January 27, 2008, 08:12:02 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Is karma created or passive?
Post by: shanetastic on January 27, 2008, 08:12:02 PM
Random questions I know, but do you think karma is created by others for people who have it coming, or is it a passive type of force that just sort of happens.  Or. . . I guess, is there no such thing as karma?

The reason I'm asking is because like, say someone steals your credit card number in a store or something and you notice and they catch the employee who did it.  Do you think that karma was created by your suspicion and the employees dumb idea to take your number?  Or did they just have it coming?

I know this is way random.
Title: Re: Is karma created or passive?
Post by: Sarah on January 27, 2008, 10:12:24 PM
This question depends on the definition of Karma you use.
If you use the Buddhist, then if the employee tries to steal it and they see him or her doing it then catching them is a natrual consequence.
Not nessicarily predestination though, ir they didn't see it then the person might not get caught, but they will pay the emotional price for doing so in the form of paranoia and fear.
That is the natural consequence.
It is predictable too, so the more they steal, the more paranoid they become, until they eventually can become completely neurotic.

They pay the price in mental health what they took in physical form.

Title: Re: Is karma created or passive?
Post by: lisagurl on January 28, 2008, 10:06:41 AM
If you build up a reputation and habit of good it is just the probability people will react that way to you.