Site News and Information => Announcements => Topic started by: Susan on April 24, 2006, 07:10:47 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Un-civil postings
Post by: Susan on April 24, 2006, 07:10:47 PM
Recently there has been an uncivil tone creeping into messages on the forums. That is to stop right now. Posting here is a privilege that "I" permit you not a inalienable right. My staff and I will not hesitate to remove posts and/or people which go against the spirit that "I" intend Susan's Place to have. The rules of the site provide you the right to challenge an issue however, they clearly prohibit all postings which challenge and/or attack an individual person. If you feel that a posting or private message attacks you personally then you should use the report this post to moderator and in the comment field explain your reasonings.

This site exists to support people in their daily lives, it does not exist solely to provide you a stage for your personal ideology, philosophy, theology, or mythology. While those may be valid topics for discussion try not to over do it. A good rule to follow is the golden rule. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Words have power and when used carelessly can cause people to feel hurt. So think about your postings before hitting that submit button. If you later wish to reconsider what you wrote you should be able to edit your post. If you feel you have inadvertantly caused someone to feel hurt then be a good person and apologize. We have enough people who attack us, we don't need to do it to each other.

Once again this web site is my place and that means while here you should keep a civil tongue.