General Discussions => Chat => Frequently asked questions => IRC => Topic started by: Sarra on April 28, 2006, 02:24:05 AM Return to Full Version

Title: FAQ for the IRC channel
Post by: Sarra on April 28, 2006, 02:24:05 AM
This forum looks so busy, I hope this post doesn't get bumped to page 12. :p There are many people who access the chat channels via the java applet, but this isn't the only way to access the server or chatrooms. :)

If you perfer to have a different experience and the Java chat applet drives you bonkers, you can download an IRC client for your computer. If you have a PC and run Windows, I'd suggest mIRC ( If you run Linux, depending on the distrobution you are running, there should be a client installed by default, otherwise xChat is popular. (Please respond to this post with suggestions for Mac, Linux, and *nix OSes if you have any, and I'll edit them in.)

Okay, you have a client, now to connect. The server is '', port is 6667. For a chatroom, #chat is the main chatroom on the server. There are other channels, including #help, #cdtalk, #tstalk, etc. available for chatting, though people often chat in #chat and the others go (mostly) unused.

A few simple commands (work in mIRC, should work in other clients like xchat) that are good to know.

To change the nickname you are using in the channel, type /nick nickname. For example, when I join, I type /nick Sarra

To do action text, simply type /me before the text, at the beginning of the line. If you want to hand Emerald a cookie, for example, you would type the text in like this:

/ me hands Emerald a cookie. :)
(Note: Please remove the space between the / and me, the forum software automatically reformats the text.)

What would be displayed would look like this:

* Sarra hands Emerald a cookie. :)

If you want to join another channel, type /join #channel and you will promptly join the channel.

Say you're on multiple channels, and you want to leave one, simply type /part #channel and the channel will close.

"Why is 'AFK' after so many people's nicknames?' TGBot, guardian of the chat, will automatically monitor users connected to the server and add |AFK after your nickname if you don't type anything for a certain amount of time (usually 20 minutes, but channel ops can change the interval if it needs changing.)

'How can I get a !name trigger?' Channel regulars and channel staff usually will have a !name trigger. Typing !Sarra in in #chat will result in TGBot responding with a short blurb about me, including how to contact me off of the server. If you also want a !name trigger, please send a private message to myself or another channel operator, we'll be glad to make a trigger for you. :)

'Can I suggest a script for TGBot?' Yes, you can. However, Susan runs TGBot herself, it's up to her if she will put a new script in TGBot's code. Chances are, there won't be any changes since TGBot is already pretty loaded down with scripting as it is. ;)

If there are any other questions, clarifications, or anything like that I can make to this FAQ, please let me know. :)