General Discussions => Entertainment => Movies => Topic started by: buttercup on March 13, 2008, 06:35:53 PM Return to Full Version

Title: Sweeney Todd
Post by: buttercup on March 13, 2008, 06:35:53 PM
I saw Sweeney Todd several weeks ago and was meaning to do a review of it so I'm getting round to it now.

The musical score is magnificent and the atmosphere is that of late 19th century England, up Tim Burton's street really.

There is a bit of mystery surrounding the beggar woman, and the plot isn't that bad, very tragic story and basically about revenge and how it can send you absolutely bonkers!  There is an extremely large amount of blood and gore, to the point I had to look away several times! 

Johnny Depp is excellent as Sweeney Todd, his haunting and broody look suits the character well, and his voice isn't that bad either.

Helen Bonham Carter is excellent as Mrs Lovett, her portrayal of the ambitious but disloyal landlady is perfect.  She is perfect for the role as she has that mischievous and melancholy appearance especially for these downtrodden, English turn of the last century types.  :)

Sasha Baron Cohen and Alan Rickman are great in their parts and Timothy Spall is in his element playing the creepy, double-crossing Beadle.

Just a word of warning, there is a copious amount of blood and throat cutting, so if you're squeamish, might not be for you.  Or do what I did, and shut your eyes when the razor came out.  ;)